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Teacher Chokes Student

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This happened at the school my children would attend if they weren't homeschooled. Even though we don't live in a bad part of town, the school is located in one. Just driving by in the morning you can see the variety of gang colors. Besides the fact it's always a D or F school, we will never, ever send our children there.


The teacher said the kid hit him in the head with a ruler and he probably did. Doesn't give him the right to choke the child though. He probably thought he was teaching him a lesson but that's not an example that needs to be shown. All he showed him was how to meet violence with violence. Maybe he was sent over the edge after spending a year with these tough kids.



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I know - I really know in my heart - that this isn't funny.


But I laughed out loud when I read this thread's title, because this just nails it right on the head why I'm not a public school teacher. I figure it would take me about two days before I hit someone with a ruler...or choked them.


When my kids were little I wouldn't even allow them to go to classes held at the homeschool center until they were able to sit and listen and behave respectfully. I can't believe other parents don't do the same.

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THis just triggers really bad memories of why we had to call the police on my son for assault. I'm practically in tears. It's not right for kids to be so totally disrespectful, but it's so very wrong for a person like this teacher to use his power this way. He doesn't even sound angry, (so cold, I guess) and the way the boy is trying to push his hands off is making me cry.

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I know - I really know in my heart - that this isn't funny.


But I laughed out loud when I read this thread's title, because this just nails it right on the head why I'm not a public school teacher. I figure it would take me about two days before I hit someone with a ruler...or choked them.


...one of my best friends is a high school teacher, and I've said for a long time now that I could NOT teach high school...because I'd end up in jail. :tongue_smilie:


And I know it's not funny, either, but I *did* chuckle when I saw this title, because at first I thought it might be someone prefacing one of their posts about difficult kids, lol. ("Homeschool Mom Chokes Belligerent Boy!!")


Now, that said...I don't know the circumstances of this story, or if the kid really hit the teacher with a ruler, but I wouldn't be comfortable with a teacher keeping his job after assaulting a child. Even a man-child who had thrown a ruler.


I mean, yes, if it's true self-defense, then physical action could be excusable. But...just from what they showed, it looked/sounded like frustration. Which, while maybe understandable, can't be allowed.


But who knows the 'real' story. Only part of it was taped.

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Well, having had a chair thrown at me one time, and held at knife point in a classroom another time, being hit by a ruler seems very little provocation. And in neither of the above situations did I assault the student. (Both incidents were at different high schools).


In the chair incident I sent the student to the principal's office - and was firmly reprimanded by the administration for doing so.:glare: They simply did not want to deal with it.


In the knife incident, I told the student to "sit while I called for help". He obliged as I called the office and then resumed the attack when I hung up. I'm fairly sure he was high on something. The administration was not amused when I refused to keep teaching that class that day.


So while I can say the teacher's reaction was way out of line, I can also see how frustration can build up because quite often the administration will not back up the teacher in matters of discipline.

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...this just nails it right on the head why I'm not a public school teacher. I figure it would take me about two days before I hit someone with a ruler...or choked them.


Absolutely!!! :iagree: And that is also why I hope I am raising my kids not to be little smarta$$ punks like that smirking kid in the video!:glare:

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He doesn't even sound angry, (so cold, I guess) and the way the boy is trying to push his hands off is making me cry.


Honestly, to me, it looks like the teacher has had enough and is "showing" the kid that he is DONE with the crap. I seriously DOUBT he really hurt the kid. You don't hear sounds of panic or true struggling going on. And there is no real evidence to say the man bruised him. That area doesn't bruise easily and if the teacher had choked him THAT hard, there would have been paramedics called to the scene and some damage done to the neck/throat. I think it is a crock and the parents/kid are now trying to cash in. Not to mention, the teacher is absolutely calm and controlled. He seems to be getting talking to the kid in a calm and even toned voice as he holds him down. (I don't really agree with the method, mind you, but I think the kid was likely being a punk too!)


In highschool, kids get kinda nutty - and really start to think they are above authority. I know *I* did when I was 16. I was suspended from highschool for 3 days because I walked out of a class and told my teacher to "burn in hell." I was 16 and just didn't really care what teachers said or did anymore. What I would say to my son, if this were him is "OKAY...WHAT DID YOOOUUUU DO?"

Edited by Tree House Academy
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That really concerns me. The bizarre sheep mentality I've seen so much of, especially regarding insane situations at public schools is, for me, of much higher concern than the assault/strange situations.


Have none of these kids been taught to stand up for what's right, or at the very least, to tuck tail and find an authority figure???

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Meh. Doesn't look like a big deal to me. More like an alpha roll. The kid was obviously unhurt and enjoying the attention. I heard the teacher ask "Are you through?" Didn't seem like he was in a rage, just pushed too far.


I can sympathize. I subbed in high school.

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The kid sits in the back of the room and says that the ruler hit the teacher by accident? Yeah... right. I'm not condoning teachers holding down students but it sounds like this kid needed a wake up call. And with everyone rallying around him treating him like the victim, I don't suppose he's learned anything.

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My impression? The kids knew what they are doing. They probably had provoked the teacher before and knew he'd snap. I'm sure it was more than just the one kid.


When I was in school, kids would ban together to annoy teachers. They just didn't do anything violent. It was stupid stuff like moving the grade book to another part of the room, or coughing around the room to interupt teaching.


I feel bad for the teacher even if he did react in a remarkably stupid way. He needs to get out of that profession. The kids responsible will highfive one another for 'taking one down' and I'd be watching the school to see who is next. The kids know they have power.

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My impression? The kids knew what they are doing. They probably had provoked the teacher before and knew he'd snap. I'm sure it was more than just the one kid.


When I was in school, kids would ban together to annoy teachers. They just didn't do anything violent. It was stupid stuff like moving the grade book to another part of the room, or coughing around the room to interupt teaching.


I feel bad for the teacher even if he did react in a remarkably stupid way. He needs to get out of that profession. The kids responsible will highfive one another for 'taking one down' and I'd be watching the school to see who is next. The kids know they have power.



While I would normally be all over the "bad teacher" I, too, noticed that the kid seemed pleased with himself. If this school is as bad as the OP stated, I'm guessing that the school needs to crack down with more strict discipline so it doesn't get to this point for the teachers. Some kids just need to be taken down a notch or two.


I remember in high school, my art class brought a sub to tears one day and she ran out of the room. We never saw her again.


(Want to say that I was not part of it.)

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I was the sub they called when the other sub ran crying out of the room (one lady left her shoes and never did come back for them).:D But the lack of backup from the administrations was what made the situations go from frustrating to down-right dangerous.


Ironically, my favorite place to sub was the Juvenile detention center. There you had back-up!: panic buttons in every room, and for the more dangerous offenders you had a personal guard in the room with you as well as closed caption t.v.. Now, those classes had very well behaved teens. The only time I got a bit concerned was when they wanted me to sub in shop class. I got nervous thinking about the power tools. But it turned out we were painting that day.:thumbup1:

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This is why I homeschool, not because of the "bad" teacher, but because I know my kids enough to know they would be the ones to drive a teacher to do this. My dd was 5 and 27lbs soaking wet when her Kindy teacher dragged her by the wrists down a hallway to the music room because she needed to get away from my dd and have her break. Knowing how far they push me daily I can see how someone who does not have the same emotional connection I have to my kids would be pushed over the edge and do something like this. I don't condone it, I just know how it can happen.

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I just can't get past the kid's grin when he was being interviewed by the news. If that were my kid, I'd be smacking that smirk into next week. Maybe next year. He'd learn what's funny and what isn't REAL. QUICK.



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