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Susan C.

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Everything posted by Susan C.

  1. Bill, Best to you and your family. Be kind to yourself as you go through the holidays without your father. Plasma Girl
  2. I've tried a few of my recipes with Glutino GF flour, so far, so good. If the ingredients are expensive, maybe make a half batch. Watch the cookies carefully in the oven, the flour does bake differently and comes out with a different, but not bad, texture.
  3. Its the age ;) We love them because they are ours, but the moods.... I hope you are doing well. Get your dh to take you out. Regularly.
  4. That you bought? Or sold? Last Christmas, my mom got Green Day CDs instead of her History Channel DVD I had shipped to her. :D Amazon sent her a return label, and expressed her order to her.
  5. Changing my past vote of nay to yay.... Ds did odd jobs during high school and college, but not a "real" job. And it was impossible to get through the online computer job application process after graduation. He kept getting thrown out. It is not good to be in your 20s with no work experience that translates.... This, along with the economy, has forced him to take jobs he could have gotten in high school. The potential new job interviewer won't call the person you occasionally did yard work for, etc. Dd has already had a few internships, and her college employs her during the summer for projects. So it will be better for her. You do not want your very first job to be the big one after college, where you want to impress, rather than show how "green" you are.
  6. :bigear: because I've been gifted beef spare ribs and have no idea what to do with them!
  7. We lived in the area many years ago, there was a large and wonderful homeschool group there. At least everything landed in the same state, right?
  8. Could it be sugar free chewing gum? Sorbitol was the offender and caused my ds problems when he was younger, and he still doesn't chew gum with that ingredient.
  9. That is a trigger here. One threw up, and the migraine started as a terrible stomach ache. Another gets auras, which give about a minute warning before the headache. I literally run and get coffee (have instant on hand) and ibuprofen. Coffee (for caffeine) and ibuprofen at first signs of it always help it not be so severe. Since the headache is still going, I would not let ibuprofen run out in your guy. Sorry he is hurting.
  10. We all still play CDs. Even my 20 something kids. But they do have older computers. Dd likes her CDs to play in the car. You can give an Amazon gift card so they can either order CDs or downloads. I think Amazon give frees downloads when you buy a CD as well.
  11. I talked to my mom last night on the phone, she made three jello salads I know with "gunk", a casserole dish with cream of mushroom soup, and white sauce/lots of mayo hollandaise... no wonder I had a stomach ache my entire childhood (dairy intolerant, food additive intolerant and soy products are not digestable)... I don't know what I'd do if I lived locally... And the poor pumpkin pie, we should have a moment of silence... It takes a lot to ruin a pumpkin pie! Do you want my curdled whipped cream to put on it? ;)
  12. I am going to have to spatchcock as well :D Actually the tears were if we had to find different things to make. We make the same things every year and really look forward to eating them, a few of the recipes were very dairy/wheat heavy. When I finally figured substitutes to use, it came together very well.
  13. Here you go! I used a stick blender so I didn't have to move the hot liquid. http://cookeatpaleo.com/easy-paleo-gravy/
  14. My first gluten free mostly dairy free thanksgiving. Other than the turkey being a little overdone and discovering you can't freeze heavy cream and make whipped cream, all is wonderful. I successfully converted recipes, and thickened gravy with....... cauliflower, then a stick blender. I can really tell the difference avoiding gluten.
  15. How do you flip a hot turkey? I wanted to do it, looked at dh asking how to flip it, we couldn't figure how without jabbing a fork in and whatnot, so we just put it in breast side up. I do cover most of the cooking time with some water in the bottom to steam it.
  16. So far in this new cooking endeavor, I have made roux with olive oil and arrowroot starch. But it was for a dairy free creamy mix to put in a casserole, it had almond milk/coconut milk/egg in it, so it cooked a little like a custard. I don't think that would translate to gravy.
  17. Hi and Happy Thanksgiving, I have homemade chicken broth and am going to practice making GF gravy today so we don't have yuck gravy tomorrow. What do I make the roux (sp?) with? It needs to be dairy free as well, so no butter. I have olive oil (light and virgin), refined (no flavor) coconut oil, palm shortening, ghee (that is ok in small amounts), Nutiva "butter" spread, arrowroot flour, GF flour (Glutino), tapioca starch. I also have corn starch, but am not fond of the flavor. Also, I don't have to make a roux, I can just thicken the broth, there is some fat in it already. IF I get it right today, and IF I have time, I will repeat making it with the drippings tomorrow. Thanks!
  18. I bought a GF apple pie and GF pumpkin pie at Whole Foods, and a regular pumpkin pie at the grocery store (for non GF members). I confess, I have never made a pie with a rolled pie crust. I have made paleo with nut crust and creamy non dairy filling (so far).
  19. My two weapons of choice are Xlear nose spray (zylitol) and colloidal silver nose spray. Better hang on to something, it really can sting. Especially with colloidal silver (Source Naturals, Whole Foods has it), the sting is crazy, but I have used it when I feel one coming and have stopped most before I got them. Xlear is good for maintenance, or blasting numerous times while you have the infection. Hope you feel better soon.
  20. I made two turkeys last year and froze quite a bit. I wasn't happy with the flavor. I did use it up in casseroles, but won't be doing it again.
  21. ADDING: I am remembering how I make my homemade cornbread stuffing (I only make it once a year). I make my homemade cornbread (GF flour this year) and add onion powder, more salt, sage. And bake it WAY OVER the time it says to. Until the top is brown, but not burnt. In others words, to dry it out as much as possible. Then I proceed with my recipe which is basically broth, celery, onions, more sage (fresh cut up). I am using a small amount of ghee this year, and olive oil, replacing the butter (we are dairy free as well). I bake it uncovered until its crispy on top, which is again, longer than the recipe states. It still is a bit mushy, but we like it that way. Good luck to all of you!
  22. If your new city is far away, maybe take a farewell tour, taking photos (include yourselves in them) and making albums to remember your favorite things. I hope your move goes well, and its ok to be sad. Moving is hard.
  23. :bigear: This is my first Thanksgiving GF. I usually make homemade cornbread for my stuffing, so I think GF flour can sub. I have to decide if I am cheating with the corn since I severely limit it. I have my pinterest stuffed with options but haven't made any to test. My original recipe doesn't have bread "cubes" it is mushy, you just bake until its crispy on top. Also, it might help to dry out the GF bread before making the stuffing.
  24. HA! Her twin lives over here!! Cookies (and the dough) are my trick as well.
  25. I made dd's birthday cake this week with Glutino GF All Purpose flour. It turned out great! Another friend recommended Bella flour.
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