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Everything posted by Cecropia

  1. Socks. Teeny baby socks disappear in two seconds.
  2. Story Cubes for creative storytelling. Our stories usually end up pretty funny!
  3. At only 8 weeks pp, you may have an abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti) left over from pregnancy that has not healed yet. I have a chronic one that enhances my stomach with any weight I gain and still gives me an early-pregnancy look at my target weight -- even if I feel that I appear as a marshmallow, I know it is not all my fault for "not having the will power" etc. and that helps. What helps me to lose weight with a young baby is convenience. I mean, I barely have time to eat, so if cut up raw cauliflower or a bag of baby carrots is right there and anything else will take more time/work, I'll give in and munch on the veggies (often, before I know it, I've eaten them all!). I try to stock the pantry/fridge strategically so that the food with more calories takes more effort.
  4. Anyone else celebrating Bilbo and Frodo's birthdays today? We just finished Second Breakfast; one hour 'til Elevenses. :)

    1. ScoutTN


      Yes! We had second breakfast too! It is hot here and we discussed how The Shire has proper fall weather.

    2. melbotoast


      I like this idea! Time for Elevenses...

  5. As a MOM: What would you say are the top 3 negative emotions that you experience the most? frustrated, angry, harried In LIFE: (motherhood, marriage, housing, homeschooling, etc.) What would you say are the top 3 most stress-causing events or circumstances? Can be ongoing or one-off big events. chronic lack of sleep, children being careless in dangerous situations or potential-for-danger situations, mental health issues in the family
  6. Stuffed peppers Jambalaya Chicken Kiev (I know, no rice in this recipe. But rice soaks up garlic butter that seeps from the chicken and it is awesome.)
  7. I'll have to take an ativan if I ever have to go through the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel (or equivalent) again. I'm ok in tunnels under earth but not under water. I'm OCD about checking that kids are in the car/out of the car as they are expected to be. I'm naturally absent-minded and feel like a hot car death is a bigger risk for me than others. Trying a new food, I fear having a sudden acute allergic reaction. Same with medications. I had a choking phobia when I was a child, and I still have to chew meat very thoroughly. Large pills are hard for me to swallow.
  8. Eh, you're only 1 once. I generally expect parties for young children to be messy; the mess is half the fun. Truth be told, it would be fun to defy social convention... Being a mature mother of 4, I'd greatly enjoy smashing up a large cake and sticking enormous frosted fistfuls into my mouth. ETA: talking about babies eating/playing with cake, not being physically smashed into cake, which I also have never heard of before now
  9. I got so much nothing done today, it's ridiculous. Nothing FTW!!!

    1. GailV


      This is me most days.

  10. Soooo I took some time to look at the website and I'm a little bit in love with these in red. Am I nuts? Oh, and since you're already clicking links, be sure to enjoy this (or similar summer version).
  11. Hey, it's Disney. Why not go all out?
  12. I think they would look absolutely adorable and endearing on a free-spirited elderly grandma.
  13. Thanks! I completely forgot that there are some NOW Gr-8-dophilus in the fridge and luckily the date is still good, so I will start taking those. Hopefully it will help a little until I can order a more industrial-strength probiotic and the other things. Do you think Natural Calm (magnesium) would help?
  14. Ugh... In the past week, I managed to really screw up my gut. We attended two potlucks with lots of foods I'm not used to eating, fast food and spicy food and far more carbs/sugar than I usually have. My throat told me I was in trouble as soon as I got that big bite of cayenne-coated salad that didn't look like it should have cayenne in it. Even the pizza was spicy. One of the cars wouldn't start so we had the stress of being stuck with the car that doesn't fit all of us at once, there were two pretty major health scares (turned out to be treatable, but lots of stress until we managed to be seen), all of that expensive, and one of the kids was sick and vomiting... So I have been a huge ball of nerves and running around like crazy... not to mention school! Now I am getting **epic** heartburn and indigestion after eating anything, even the blandest, smallest meals. Sometimes it's going the other way... I am soooo miserable! Hoping staying on a light version of my normal diet will heal my gut, soon!!! :sad: Any BTDT stories?
  15. Here are some various resources that I find useful, or at least interesting to read, without unnecessary fearmongering. Nukemap https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ and its accompanying blog. Focused on science and historical analysis: http://blog.nuclearsecrecy.com/ Key Response Planning Factors/Nuclear Terrorism: https://fas.org/irp/agency/dhs/fema/ncr.pdf Nuclear War Survival Skills: http://www.madisoncountyema.com/nwss.pdf I'm a little more concerned about the standoff in Bhutan between China and India right now. Lots of powder kegs around the world poised to explode.
  16. Does cousin visit your house regularly? Is there a large stuffed animal sitting around that the hat would look really cute on? Dress it up the next few times she'll see it and she'll think it's being used as decor. When you get tired of doing that, maybe offer it back with the "didn't fit, but think you could use it?" excuse.
  17. Me too! (But just me, I don't make other people eat it) Yesterday's hot dogs over a couple hearts of romaine, hamburger salad, pizza salad, omelet salad, you name it. Whenever someone points out how disgusting my dinner is, I just smile and say this is how I maintain my girlish figure. I really enjoy them though! I had a roommate who would make a box of mac n cheese or hamburger helper for dinner and throw out whatever she didn't eat. It bothered me so much that I offered to pack them up and have the leftovers later. Count me in as someone who would have probably considered that a deal-breaker in choosing a husband... I love to cook but the idea of having to cook a fresh new dish every. single. day. to avoid anything left over seems like it would suck all the joy out of it. Part of that must be all the dishes it would generate, and I can't stand washing any more dishes than necessary.
  18. This morning I discovered that if a container of greek yogurt was accidentally frozen from being kept at the back of the fridge and is now all separated and grainy, the texture can be (mostly) fixed by beating it on high speed for a few minutes. Full-fat Fage plain yogurt in particular.

  19. Count me in as another person with trouble at many fast food restaurants. The one I miss the most is Long John Silvers; I can. not. eat. there. anymore. BK and Subway are reliably safe, but then there is that constipation issue! Sit-down restaurants are a little less risky. My first choice when traveling is to stop at a grocery store deli and get some non-fried prepared food there, sometimes rotisserie chicken.
  20. Also Jockey. Would you consider merino wool? I really like Smartwool.
  21. "A Danny Kaye movie" like The Court Jester. --- I just found this 5 minutes ago and it looks like a lot of fun. :laugh:
  22. Birdwatching Mounting/spreading butterflies Wood burning art Bonsai Ham radio Blacksmithing Yoyo tricks Stained glass Cake or cookie decorating Knot tying Calligraphy Whittling Painting miniatures (like Airfix)
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