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Everything posted by Cecropia

  1. I thought of some more. An Affair To Remember and Sleepless In Seattle Ghostbusters (original) and Men In Black The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile The Wizard Of Oz and Pan's Labyrinth Alien (original) and The Thing 2001: A Space Odyssey and Moon Edward Scissorhands and The Elephant Man
  2. http://www.firemountaingems.com/search/pendants_drops_and_focals?keywords=blue%2bswarovski http://www.firemountaingems.com/itemdetails/h206034gl
  3. I found the ladies on the LLL forum to be helpful and non-judgemental when I had breastfeeding issues. http://forums.llli.org/
  4. When a company changes a product without warning and then labels it "original" or "classic." Like Skittles for example always included lime and then suddenly it was green apple, and lime never came back... and now they call the new variety with green apple "original". I'm getting mad just typing this out. Stray cats or dogs in my yard. Cats more than dogs. Mint in general unless I am eating it myself. It is worst to smell it on someone else's breath. Brown headed cowbirds. Just hearing them makes me angry. Contagious people going out to public places when it is not absolutely necessary. Let's tie in public school attendance laws here.
  5. Binging on homemade chocolate chip cookies and thinking I should feel guilty... nahhh I can enjoy this today.

  6. Don't miss the third one diving under the bench...
  7. Glow sticks? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5b/2b/e4/5b2be4efa5fa78526cfb344c0bbbc8c9.jpg You can order them by color. https://www.windycitynovelties.com/glow-products/shop-by-color.html ETA: cute glow stick wedding tags. https://www.etsy.com/search?q=glow%20stick%20tags
  8. Even if the bride isn't a klutz, there are all those guests to worry about! I attended a wedding where one of the children tripped and spilled a full plate of spaghetti & sauce all over the front of the bride's gown... Light, cheap, packable decorations... How about large tissue paper pom poms (fluffed on site)?
  9. I only picked films pre-1970: Romeo and Juliet (1968) The Invisible Man (1933) Nosferatu (1929) Lili (1953) The Lion in Winter (1968) Hello Dolly (1969) The Magnificent Seven (1960) The Great Escape (1963) Harvey (1950) Spartacus (1960) just about any Charlie Chaplin film where he plays The Tramp and many of the those mentioned by others in this thread. Also love The Twilight Zone series.
  10. Can I resurrect this old thread? New music makes me happy :001_smile: Here are a couple to get started: Undercover Ska - Agent 13 Joan Baez - John Riley
  11. It feels a lot better this morning. Just a bit of soreness/dryness and the scratchy sensation is all gone. I think I'm all good!
  12. I actually feel like it is improving somewhat tonight. Dh looked and said it is a little irritated, can't see anything. I will wake up early and if it's still bothersome, will take the kids and head to urgent care when they open at 8.
  13. Ds3 poked me in the eye this morning, accidentally. It hurt a lot for a couple of hours, felt like a sharp scratch/foreign body. I admit I was bad and rubbed it. Since then I'm going through phases of feeling fine (1/2 the time?), feeling the sharp scratchy pain (and tearing up from it), feeling a mild throbbing ache, feeling some itchiness, feeling like I have a dry raw eye. No noticeable blurriness or sensitivity to light. The eye looks slightly red but pretty normal in the mirror and I'm going to ask dh to take a close look after he finally comes home from work. If this doesn't improve much overnight, would you head to urgent care? It's inconvenient but I can go if I have to. I have a history of some health anxiety, so please no anecdotes about Great Aunt Edna who went blind because she waited 3 days to have an eye injury seen....
  14. Rent The Runway often has long sizes as an option. https://www.renttherunway.com/pdp/shop/mother_of_the_bride/products?filters%5Blength%5D%5B%5D=floor_length&sort=recommended
  15. http://lab.express-scripts.com/lab/insights/government-programs/a-nation-in-pain-the-medicaid-opioid-crisis Direct link to report (pdf) http://lab.express-scripts.com/lab/insights/government-programs/~/media/44e8de2c68b84ad9b122a1715ee1375a.ashx
  16. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-21/opioids-given-to-almost-1-in-4-medicaid-patients-study-finds Almost 30% received a months' worth?!? Every day a person takes them, their risk of addiction rises... Check out the graph on this page: https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/03/with-a-10-day-supply-of-opioids-1-in-5-become-long-term-users/ Note that at just 10-15 days in, you've already rolled the dice to be part of the 15% who get hooked for 3 years+. The curve flattens out after that. I can't believe that the opioid abuse crisis has been well-known since 2007, especially among doctors, and we have this level of prescriptions being dished out today. How can that be responsible or acceptable? Who knows how many patients are receiving full disclosure of the risks of these drugs before being sent out the door with their month-long(!) prescription. [Dh and I both have extended family issues with addiction, so we have seen what it does to families and take a special interest in this topic (our histories are not involving opioides, but still... we would be very hesitant to ever try them for fear of being more susceptible than a person from an addiction-free background)]
  17. In my family as we grew to teen/young adult, we loved to get our favorite (common) prepackaged foods on our birthdays. For me that was a huge jar of Vlasic pickles and a family size bag of Twizzlers, or a big package of Nutter Butters. My sister would get big bags of Doritos and a box of girl scout cookies, my other sister would get a bunch of Snow Caps, etc. What can I say, we were easy to please. Along those lines... A large bag of their favorite candy (like a halloween size bag) or a family size package of their favorite cookies bag of decent coffee or a box of k cups if they have a machine box(es) of tea if they're into that microwave popcorn cocoa mix packets Wrap around a ribbon and add a bow and any of these will look nice. Another idea is AA or AAA batteries.
  18. If we did not limit screens, our children would absolutely have trouble self-regulating. So on non-school days, they can play Prodigy (the math game online) for an hour as long as they're dressed, breakfast eaten, teeth brushed and their bed is made. We have a TV but no cable, and reception is really bad here so there is basically no current TV being watched at any time, except the occasional static-y NFL game in the fall. The TV's main purpose is to be a monitor for the computer and the X Box/WII. On Friday nights, school day or not, we watch a full feature movie as a family. On school breaks we watch a one-hour "rerun" in the evenings of the rest of the week as long as everyone's on good terms... and that doesn't mean a laundry list of chores, just the basic self-care stuff like mentioned above and showers if they need them, meals eaten, no one's fighting, things like that. Right now we're working through old seasons of Mythbusters we haven't seen. When their rooms devolve into chaos, I sometimes require the floor picked up so that I don't kill myself walking in there and if that's not done by nightfall... no show. Video game time is earned. It's tied in with scout requirements -- if they do daily work on that, they record it and we check it off. They can earn up to 3 hours per week to be played in a Saturday afternoon marathon. Occasionally when we're having a really good day, I just let them watch whatever Ted-ED/Crash Course videos they want all afternoon. When we travel long distances or we are sitting in Dr's offices we bring along phones/DS and let them have (mostly) unlimited time until it's over. When we go to visit relatives, the TV is on every waking hour and computer time is unlimited (not my house, not my choice). It has a huge impact on my kids' behavior and after we leave it can take a couple of weeks to get back to normal. Life is so much better with the screen limits. They do not own phones and won't in the near future.
  19. Spent a bunch of my birthday money on a state-of-the-art squirrel proof bird feeder, my last gasp effort at thwarting them. All appearances are that the squirrels can't get to the seed despite their best efforts... I've watched them try. But every morning I am waking up to a completely (COMPLETELY) empty feeder when it was full the night before. I just can't win :mad:
  20. Are you sure it is a bird and not an insect?
  21. I was not homeschooled. I only have two sisters, 11 and 13 years older. I don't have many early memories of us getting along and doing things together. I do remember sharing a room with my next oldest sibling and getting locked out, or being yelled at or told I was being a nuisance, sometimes even getting hurt... I remember often being in the car driving them places. Then they had graduated high school and were out of the house, and there was little/no relationship for several years. I've always felt I was raised like an only child. I was lonely at home, playing by myself. Luckily there were often neighborhood kids to befriend. My sisters are good people and we would see each other at family functions regularly, and we still keep in touch via text/email. My family is pretty solid and stable compared to many. But I don't know that I will ever feel close to them, the way they feel with each other, they way they do things together. There's a chasm that can't seem to be crossed despite our best efforts. I don't know if they feel the way I do. Now we have the added impediment of living far away, but it hasn't much changed from when it was only a 15 min drive. But I know that if any of us get in trouble or need support, our sisters will be there and have our back 100%. This was a real concern for me when we had a child 7 years after our second boy. I wanted to have a fourth so that he could have a sibling close in age. It warms my heart when he crawls around the floor with the baby even though I know I'm setting myself up for trouble (they'll be thick as thieves! We can already tell) -- but my 3 yo and his older siblings don't play together very much, and he is seen as a nuisance pretty often, and I am glad he has a sibling close in age. I should also mention that my two oldest play together constantly and have always been great companions. They have not had the benefit of neighborhood friends the way I did; they are not popular kids. But they have always had each other.
  22. Magic Pen/Invisible Ink books Those mini Dover sticker activity books, or the big sticker books where you put stickers in designated spaces Etch a sketch Playmobil makes some little sets in portable carry cases, lots of small pieces though. If she is good on roller skates, maybe heel wheels for her shoes?
  23. Peep and Ducky!!!! Aaaaargh! Diggity diggity diggity dig diggity dig lucky lucky lucky trucky *four letter word* *four letter word* Poke-a-dot: What's your Favorite Color? "meandmeandmeandmeandmeandmeandmeandmeandme..." Grandma sure knows how to pick em :mad:
  24. It's been 10 years since our last trip there. Every year we ask our sons if they want to go before they outgrow it, but they keep telling us they'd rather head back to Cedar Point in OH, or one of the Great America's, or The Wilderness at the Wisconsin Dells. I would sort of like to go again... maybe when my littler ones are in grade school.
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