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Everything posted by footballmom

  1. Hugs, hugs, hugs. Next, set up as many lawyer consults as you can - he can’t retain anyone you’ve consulted with. Think back on if anyone feels like they got taken to the cleaners by an ex’s attorney - and hire that person. Third, know all of your accounts, gain access to them, document balances and transaction histories for the last several months and run credit reports. You may want to find out if you can request his cell phone call history too…
  2. Quit the job tomorrow - the people who have benefited from your can do hard working work ethic have only taken advantage of you. They bait and switched you and will continue to take you for granted. They have zero motivation and have decelerated your goal of growth and learning. Will the new hire now be your boss? Because not many people are mature enough to manage strong performers that were their top competition for a job. Don’t bake up an excuse that would give them any reason to believe this has anything to do with something outside of how they treated you. “My business value has exceeded the opportunities I have been aligned to and my last day is September 9.”
  3. I would be very tempted to send an email to company owner that DD’s supervisor was expecting her to be available outside of contracted work hours and was not compensated for this time. Since this violates California’s labor laws and her rights as a contractor, DD thought the company owner should be aware of the illegal treatment and that it has forced her resignation. I don’t always choose the path of direct confrontation, but this would accomplish so much.
  4. If this was just high school, I’d question if our sons were at the same school. We’ve nicknamed his school “the school of no”. It starts with the principal and trickles down and it’s mind blowing. Older child went to two different high schools with caring and empowering principals. The differences are night and day. My son sees his school is terrible, but all his friends are there, so… In your shoes, if your son is on board with homeschooling and the school won’t budge, you have luxury of choice. As a consumer, you go with whichever option will best serve your son.
  5. Chocolate chip chooky, my experience was almost identical. ER doctor was very nonchalant and u/s showed it had untwisted / there was blood flow so no surgery. I don’t remember if there was anything that brought it on. I believe there was also an ovarian cyst involved so maybe that played into it?
  6. I had it happen once and hasn’t happened again. It was awfully painful.
  7. Aw, what a beautiful picture ❤️❤️ Congrats!
  8. Sending you hugs. You may be in a little bit of shock right now, so it’s smart that you are thinking proactively but not rushing to make decisions. With cars so marked up right now, I would negotiate very aggressively to get yourself the highest valuation of your car. I would look at any reasonable website like CarMax and Carvana in addition to KBB to get a better idea of what your car is worth so you can get as much as possible. I would also start a list of items you will need replaced like your glasses so as you think of them, you just add it to the list. I’m sorry something that belonged to your dad may be totaled and you have this stress now. I hope you continue to not have residual injury from the accident.
  9. Congratulations! It sounds like the set up will be ideal for you and your kids this year. It’s great you have a therapist in your support system too. When we transitioned from me homeschooling ft into ft work for a company, there were stages of grief. Any grief isn’t linear, and if this pops up for you you’ve got a therapist in the squad. I hope the school year gets off to a fantastic start for you!
  10. Of the options, I like dragons the most. My youngest’s preschool had an Owl class and I thought that was cute but not cutesy.
  11. @mlktwinsI’m so sorry your son is sick. I hope his symptoms stay mild and no one else gets it!
  12. That’s helpful, thanks. We are 6 days out.
  13. Went to bed last night feeling achy, woke up this morning with chills, body aches, fever, watery eyes. Took rapid covid test which was negative. Should I go to the doctor for flu / PCR to check? We are days away from a long awaited break. I also don’t want to bring contagious cooties to my family or a rental. Any hope flu could run its course pretty quickly and not take others down? Trying to rebook would mean missing out until next summer and I have no idea of anything is refundable this close, but ethics > self
  14. Thrive causemetics - their liquid lash extension mascara and their highlighting cream eyeshadow sticks are the only reason I have a make up routine, I’m done pulling myself together in 5 minutes.
  15. Has she tried getting on Care.com to find someone to step in the gaps? She would just need someone for short periods of time to get through these one offs. May add pressure to her budget in the short term, but better than job loss. And I would have a transparent conversation with my manager “this has been a challenging season with juggling kids who can’t go to child care / broken bones (insert whatever challenge). I have reliable child care in x amount of days or weeks and things will be more predictable then”
  16. Do the kids nap? Do they have quiet time? Are they in school during the school year?
  17. Is she the sole caregiver to her kids during her work hours? It sounds like she has had child care challenges, but it’s not unreasonable for her employer to need her priority to be work during her core work hours. If she is the caregiver and working concurrently, she needs to solve that asap. You can sympathize and validate “that IS hard”, but there’s none of this you can take on with solving / being in the solution.
  18. I would feel badly for my clients, and a sense of duty / commitment, too. But, control what you can control, look for greener pastures. Your clients have choices, too, right? They can seek better representation.
  19. Adult child leaves in 30 days for college. Had a dental cleaning and found out wisdom teeth need to come out and has a cavity on one of the wisdom teeth already. We leave in two weeks for vacation. Not sure what appointment options dentist has but what is typical recovery for wisdom teeth? It’s been a million years since mine came out. Ugh, poor kid.
  20. Update: I talked to insurance company and they are looking into it - it could be a clerical error like it’sheresomewhere said, or something else. I should hear back in 3 business days. It’s so weird. At least I got the ball rolling on figuring it out.
  21. I noticed a few days ago we had 4 new insurance claims filed for DH. He’s in physical therapy right now, and while I didn’t recognize the provider, I thought maybe it was layered into his PT. Today I noticed the claims have been processed, and insurance isn’t covering any of it, for a total of $1800. I started clicking into claim detail and it’s for IV drugs and medical weight counseling - neither of which DH has had. And the provider is across the county, I’m going to call insurance in the morning, but I’m curious if there can be total insurance fraud like this where someone could have gotten DH’s insurance info?
  22. When is the last time you had an X-ray or MRI? DH recently “tweaked” his back, it took him months to become more “normal”, and finally saw the back doctor - he had a herniated disk and ended up with surgery. His symptoms sound very similar to yours. The MRI is what showed the herniation
  23. Joining the chorus of “we use ours all the time”. I wish I could say we use it for healthy things like salmon, which I’ve heard is amazing in it, and veggies. But, the truth is it gives my older kids freedom to “make” themselves something hot to eat: taquitos, pizza rolls, toasted ravioli from TJ’s. I do make chicken wings from scratch in it and my family likes them better than take out. Saves a lot of $!
  24. What about creating what you want in Word, uploading it to Kinko’s and having them print and spiral bind it for you?
  25. I have a friend that is looking to move to Raleigh and she said the housing market is crazy. They’ve been outbid by $100k over asking and we live in a HCOL where we are - but in Raleigh she said they would need to spend more to get what they have here. Just something to be aware of, if Raleigh is your first choice.
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