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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. I'm so sorry about all of it. The pain, the worry, the stress...what an awful situation. I hope he gets some relief soon and can wean off the meds safely.
  2. Hope you both stay healthy! And if you get infected, I hope you have mild symptoms. @cintinative hope DH is okay.
  3. Can I third it if I've never been there but have always wanted to go? 🙂
  4. Oh, there's lots of good stuff! It's such a wonderful feeling to see them independent and thriving. ❤️ And the adult relationship can be a lot of fun too. I find it very rewarding most of the time.
  5. Another agreement. So challenging and frustrating at times.
  6. Glad it's over and you can rest at home and recover. Thinking of you.
  7. mine runs low - sometimes too low. I can't take certain meds because of it.
  8. Thanks for the quick update. I'm glad she should be leaving dd alone from now on but so sorry about the damage she's done and what you've had to go through because of her.
  9. @Sororsending positive thoughts. ❤️
  10. Oh no. That's awful. I'm so sorry.
  11. I can go from feeling very/uncomfortably hungry to not feeling that way but I never have that signal that I've had enough. Just eating is a trigger for me to eat more. I never get the signal to my brain that I've had enough. So,while someone else can put their plate aside and say they are done with food still on their plate or open a box of...whatever (crackers, cereal, etc.)...and have a few and stop, I eat and just want more more more. I don't know if that makes sense or not. What is safest for me is everything being portion controlled - like individual packages of things. But even something like an apple - I'm sad when it's gone!
  12. how modern? Our newest vehicle is 2012.
  13. No words, just so many tears. What is happening to our world?
  14. I'll be thinking of you too. Wishing you all the best.
  15. ugh - nothing to say but I'm sorry. 😞
  16. Thank you for the update. So frustrating about the treatment being stalled like that and I'm sorry about how you're feeling about the scar. Sending hugs and positive thoughts. Hope the radiation is started soon and it goes well for you.
  17. It's been that since I was an infant though. I've never had a feeling of being satisfied or full when eating for my entire life.
  18. DH is like that. For me, eating anything at all is a trigger. I've always been that - no sensor for being full at all. It's really hard. I don't know if it's related to the hypothalamus issue.
  19. I'm almost 55. Thought I was in menopause for a long time until I found out last year that my hypothalamus isn't working (which is why my gyn called me a mystery - my hormones were so wacky due to the hypothalamus issue). But I also just had this concussion and have all kinds of other health issues as well.
  20. We made the huge mistake of having our kids watch it after reading the Harry Potter books - they were expecting wizards like in the books and were SO disappointed with the Wizard of Oz movie - LOL!
  21. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist in a few weeks. I've had my thyroid checked in the past and it was all good. I have so many health issues that I think it's all a mystery. Actually, that's exactly what my gynecologist said about me - "mystery" is not what you want to hear from your doctor.
  22. well, I should be burning tons of calories then, right? sure doesn't seem that way - I keep gaining weight.
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