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Everything posted by theelfqueen

  1. I usually do snapfish. Their in-app prints used go be not as good as their regular website prints but that no longer seems to be an issue. You can play with coupons to figure out whether free shipping or cheaper per print or percentage off results in the lowest price. Lately I've been ordering through Google photos and I've been pleased with them. When I want top quality prints I go to Persnickety Prints.
  2. My husband uses lotion a lot. I use it very rarely. I don't like touching it ... sometimes I ask DH to rub it on for me if I'm super dry... I do not use ANY scented products (no soaps, lotions,definitely never candles, etc...) when I get them as a gift I tend to hand them off to someone else so they don't get inside my car. Strong scents in an enclosed space would be an instant migraine for me.
  3. I'll give you the advice given me - go.to.your aunt's for Thanksgiving, host a more casual pie and appetizers sort of event over the weekend for the rest of your family. Holidays aren't about the date - they're about celebration.
  4. I bought etsy wooden snowflake versions of my kids' aircrafts.
  5. I've had a hammock tied to trees stolen from q campsite once. Only theft I recall in all my years of camping. I'd secure bikes. We tend to slide camp chairs, folded up, under the table when we leave due to high wind issues. I've never heard of anyone's sleeping bag being stolen.
  6. We've done the Hijinks with 3 or 4 mostly, though we did the Valentine one with just 2 of us and that worked well. I think they're very suitable to two.
  7. I tell them they should stay at home, make their own family traditions and invite others to come to them. I have always hated feeling obligated to go here and there. My oldest is and will be for the foreseeable future active duty Air Force and his wife's prints basically assume they will be the priority. My middle one is local and has a partner who is more or less estranged from parents... so that is an element to consider. Youngest is still at home.
  8. My Floorplan is too open... everyone expects me to interact lol
  9. I'd be happy to make them all a meal if I wasn't then expected to attend...
  10. My mom asked if "we" are doing Thanksgiving at my house... but we means not just us and my parents- it means my brothers and their families and my aunt and uncle and my cousin's family and usually SIL's mom and aunt too... I've hosted the last couple of years. Honestly it's the only way I CAN participate due to family allergies and my allergy-induced asthma (smoking, and pets in family residences)... plus there are some complicated family dynamics in play. And I'm this introvert who hosts these things because I feel it's expected and necessary but they stress me out and exhaust me. And I was thinking of skipping out by volunteering to feed the needy instead. My mom doesn't want to host (and while she does host a XMas Eve get together (that we skip due to my desire to breathe conflicting with my parents' smoking habits) that isn't a sit down at tables event and they don't really have the space in their house. My cousin who has hosted in the past sold his house and his family is living with his parents - so he and aunt and uncle (who used to host) are both out for hosting. Brothers both live in small houses with pets and smoking. SiL's mom is disabled and can't do these things ... so it's - either I host or they're all disappointed. So I guess I've talked myself into it.... but I really don't want to. Uggghhhhh
  11. My 17 year old dragged me out of bed at 345 to go and watch. It was a little cloudy but we stayed out about 30 minutes. And 17 year old waxed poetic about me dragging them out of bed when they were younger to watch meteor showers.
  12. If you enjoy escape room style puzzle games... these are great... inexpensive fun themes. Completely able to pass along to other players when you're done. https://grandgamersguild.com/collections/holiday-hijinks I got the Kringle Caper last year, when it arrived I was like "what is this tiny box? I'm not sure this will be any good' but we were pleasantly surprised and bought and played all the others (except the new Groundhog day one, that will be in somebody's stocking this year!)
  13. DS-27 and DS-17 Pizza Planet delivery guy and Space Camp guy
  14. I work in a museum. I give a little introduction briefing about the museum and tours when people arrive. I point out the self guided tour then the main bathroom... EVERY TIME to every guest. I get to the end of the spiel and they say "And where is the bathroom?" It's constant.
  15. Former Military wife (second marriage - still married, just former military) and former single parent (following first marriage), here. I always found it mildly distasteful when spouses referred to themselves as single parents but it's actually pretty common.
  16. I do... but she is in a difficult position caring for her mom with Alzheimers right now... Part of me doesn't want to burden her, part of me thinks she likes the normalcy of just talking life stuff with me and talking about my kids and her kids and hubby and normal stuff. So I talk to her but test the waters first.
  17. I did a brunch themed bunco (yes in the evening) one time that was a hit ...
  18. My Oldest son -- never homeschooled -- made his best friend in Boy Scouts. They did not attend the same high school. They have been in one another's weddings and are still quite close, many years later. My Middle child -- homeschooled for high school -- made friends at Scouts and gaming. Had a close friend from elementary school for many years but they drifted apart. My youngest -- homeschooled Middle and High School -- best friends are from D&D, starting in a group at the public library, some homeschooled, some public schooled. And from his blacksmithing group.
  19. My mother-in-law was very insistent that we must have an open bar at our wedding. DH's family is from a place of big elaborate weddings with full meal receptions and formal dress and people travelling across the country to attend, etc. My family is from a place of church basement cake and punch receptions in your regular Sunday best. My grandfather was all his life tee'total. I did not at the time think he would have considered attending anyway. As MIL was insistent and willing to pay, we let her have her way. I have in more recent years wondered if this was some sort of ... decision that prevented my grandfather from deciding to attend. I have no reason to believe he would have - he did not attend my first wedding and it would have been a great distance for him to travel and he was still running a working farm and well... he was a difficult man. My family culture has never been one of attending far off weddings. But there is a small nagging that perhaps he would have if it weren't for the booze.
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