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Everything posted by TheTwinsMom1

  1. If you find yourself noshing on a squeaky toy I would then begin to worry.
  2. I just looked up the Science and Industry One and for our family of four the membership is the way to go. The more expensive one is 180~$ and it was 170$ for one days visit for four if you wanted to see everything. And that one includes free parking.
  3. If you want to see everything in Shedd, it runs about 35$ for adults and 26$ for kids. Then it's about 20$ for parking. So for a family of five, it's worth the cost to get the membership. It just depends on what you want to do. Oh and usually the second week of June all the museums are free for general admission that week. You still pay for extra exhibits and parking, but the general admission is free. They usually also have several days through out the year that are free also. That's the week we tend to go. :)
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Abilitations-ChewEase-Invisible-Pencil-Topper/dp/B0042SWKWW/ref=pd_sim_op_2 Here is the pencil topper, I just buy the tubing at a home depot type store and make them myself. But this is what the official ones look like.
  5. My kids are 10 and still like the chewerly, and the knobby tubes. Another cheap solution we came up with is, clear plastic tubing, like you would use for your fridge for the water. We cut about three inch sections and they just chew on those. We get the thick tubing. Or we cut smaller sections and stick it on the end of their pencil (they like to chew pencils) We also get those key chains that are stretchy that you put around your wrist. My kids favorite is this one: http://www.amazon.com/Abilitations-ChewEase-Clip-On-Chewing-Solution/dp/B001JHZQDY/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1336518798&sr=8-8 We don't clip it on anymore. I also used that thick tubing and some keyrings to make my own chew tubes just like the ones from amazon. We also have these covers for the chewease: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0042SWVLM?tag=medicalspplsndqpmnt-20 because sometimes they like different textures, there is also another cover that is like terry cloth, the covers come off and can be washed in the washing machine. This seems to be their newer version: http://www.amazon.com/Chewnoodle-CN1134-Super/dp/B004MSVC3U/ref=pd_sim_t_2 My two both have PDD-NOS and are super chewers, they used to eat their clothing, but they seemed to have calmed down. Our favorites were the chewease, and the necklace ones. This is my favorite place to purchase all my sensory stuff, they have just about everything you could ever want or need. http://store.schoolspecialty.com/OA_HTML/ibeCCtpSctDspRte.jsp?sname=Sensory+Solutions&section=99476&minisite=10021
  6. I agree you will want to have a copy of the book. I mark pages in mine, highlight other stuff, come back and read bits and pieces later. So I would want a copy to have handy when needed.
  7. Science and Industry Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum would be my picks. Lincoln Park Zoo is free and most say it's nicer than Brookfield Zoo.
  8. I added a second internal hard drive to my PC for storage. It's 1tb, and I just link to pictures right from that hard drive instead of my C: drive.
  9. Forgot to add, that for some they do recommend using two mood stabilizers if the meds like seroquel and abilify don't work. So the lactimal/lithium combo would not be an uncommon one.
  10. My children take Lithium. For us it has made a huge difference. I personally take Lacitmal. It has worked well for me. The current thoughts on treatment are a mood stabilizer first, (depakote, lithium or lacitmal) and the other aytpicals and antipsychotics second, such as the seroquel, abilify, risperdol, etc. Lithium has been around the longest. My kids have had few side effects with the med, and don't mind the bloodwork we sometimes have to get to check levels. I would say give the lithium or depakote a try and see what happens, if it works, it does so quickly and you will know, or it won't work and you will know. But for us it's been a blessing. We have found that using meds for anxiety or anti depressents tend to make most people manic so we stay away from those types of meds completely. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me, bipolar is a big part of our life and we have experience with most every drug they have for it right now. We too had to come off risperdal and abilify due to weight gain side effects. :(
  11. http://www.facebook.com/thetwinsmom1 is my name on facebook. Not too much drama, talk about the kids mostly and our adventures with childhood bipolar and autism.
  12. Thanks I will pass this along. Luckily we feed Blue Buffalo, glad to know it's safe.
  13. Not really familiar with that part of WI. But there is a really nice train museum up in Green Bay.
  14. I saw on the news she is now doing this dial a star deal also with this company that allows normal people to phone up the stars. She gets like 25$ an hour to do this.
  15. He might have PTSD from the accident. If so, he will most likely need therapy to overcome it. I have PTSD and it's a battle to get over the fear sometimes, but it does get better with time.
  16. Charter has an option where you can go in online via your email account and block all unwanted numbers from calling you. I stick these types of numbers on that list and they no longer ring through, they get forwarded to a message that says we are not accepting calls at this time. I think you can add up to 10-15 numbers on the list. It sure helped our phone stop ringing so much.
  17. Most leases have a clause that if it's a problem like leaking or something big like that they are allowed to enter the apartment at any time. If its something minor or non emergency they usually have to give 24 hours notice. When we lived in an apartment that was in our lease and is usually a common clause.
  18. In our special ed class, the teacher would call and see if anything unusual was up with the kid, let them know he seemed to not be feeling well and see what the parent wants to do. Our school nurse would take a temp, if they have a temp they get sent home.
  19. Easiest way is to just block him completely, then he can not even bring up your facebook page or anything about you. It simply gives an error that the page does not exist.
  20. Haha, Awesome. My boyfriend has this problem with his bank in EQII. We also love The Guild.
  21. Another cozi user here. I love it as I can check it on my phone, ipad and have a desktop app on my home computer. For us it's worked great.
  22. I am starting college in the fall. I am attending a small state cc college. It however, has a four year nursing program. The tuition is: $2,424.43 for residents. My FAFSA states I am eligible to receive up to 5500$ per semester for the Pell Grant. This is the one that does not have to be paid back. I know from past history I will also be able to get a couple smallish, state grants that they give out for parents. Last time I attended I was able to pay my full tuition with grants and even get money back. I know it's easier for parents to go to school, but this has been the experience for my brothers and sisters also, none of them have had to take out huge loans to go to school. I guess sometimes being poor does have it advantages (being sarcastic here)
  23. WizardHawthorn4042 here, still awaiting the second email.
  24. For me, for books I have never read before, it's The Game of Thrones, the whole series.
  25. I agree with the other parents. I don't think they were saying hand her a flashlight. I think they were saying something more like this Battery Powered Candle instead of a real flame.
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