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Everything posted by TheTwinsMom1

  1. Love my iPhone here also. Yes, you can customize both ring tones and text tones for each person.
  2. I also have REM sleep apnea. I suggest asking for a machine that is fully data capable and uses a heated tubing system. I personally have the ResMed S9 APAP with climate line tubing. A really good website for getting help when starting out with cpap/apap/bipap is http://www.cpaptalk.com. Those ladies and gents know all there is to know about learning to sleep with cpap and all the tweaks and tricks to help out a beginner.
  3. I have found it much easier to convince doctors when I videotape my child on a typical day. When they can actually see what I am describing it goes easier.
  4. I take some expensive drugs also, but I think the price they show on the actual script page is the cash price and not the price the insurance company actually pays for it. If they cover it the first month with no problem, they will probably continue to cover it with no issues. At least that has been our experience. If you are gonna have trouble it's usually the first time you try to fill it.
  5. The hospital one is probably what you wanted. I would call them. My clinic works with me on goals for weight loss and does blood work and all that, they offer referrals to exercise specialists to help you learn to exercise, and to nutritionists to help you learn how and what to eat. So they basically help you coordinate all the different specialists.
  6. That might be a good place to start. But I would still search your local big hospitals website and see if they offer a metabolic clinic as that would be the best place.
  7. I am currently in the program to get weight loss surgery, my bariatic surgeon pretty much only does surgeries. But I am followed by a Metabolic clinic which helps me lose weight before surgery on my own with diet and exercise. They have been awesome. My metabolic clinic is part of the Endocrine program at a local hospital. You might see if your hospital has a similar program. Here is my clinic: http://www.mcw.edu/endocrinology.htm Hope this helps.
  8. Just read that the microsoft solution won't work, but google did help me find this: "I was having the same problem, and it was making me crazy. Unfortunately, I could find no way through Windows or my browser (I'm using IE8) to change this setting. However, installing the latest version of the Yahoo toolbar solved the problem. One of the options during installation was to include a mail add-in and to set Yahoo as the default mail. If you don't want to use the toolbar, it can always be hidden from view after the fact, but you'll still have your email access. http://toolbar.yahoo.com/"
  9. Here are the directions, according to Microsoft. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Change-the-default-e-mail-program
  10. Your issues sound closer to the issues I have with my bipolar kids, right down to the good behavior outside the home. That is very common in bipolar. Good luck in speaking with your doctor.
  11. We sat the kids down and we talked up front that our foster dogs were only visiting our family because they needed extra love right now and that we were working on helping them find a loving family. The kids were sad when they left but were happy to see the new family happy to get their new family member. I had the hardest time letting them go. Actually, our first foster failed because we ended up adopting her. I realized I could not adopt them all but we could give them a soft place to land when they needed to heal, and help their journey to their forever family. We still keep up with the families of most of our placed fosters and are happy to see them happy. It's hard and you do get attached and sad to see them go, but in the end I know it's the best thing for them. It all balances out in the end.
  12. I have fostered in the past, we are taking a break right now. What are you wanting to know exactly. We only took one or two dogs at a time, and would work with them on training, overcoming abuse, learning to be a dog again and just being in a family environment. We tended to do long term fosters meaning they stayed six months or more. The rescue we worked with covered all vet bills, but we provided the food. We loved having fosters and were happy to see those dogs go from sad and depressed, to happy with joy again. All of our rescues except one were adopted. The one that was not, had severe problems including a bite history that was not told to us, so sadly, the rescue had to put her down as she was not safe. I recommend if you do this, make sure you know the dogs history. We preferred to only work with shy, scared dogs and only cocker spaniels, no big dogs. This was a better fit for our family. I refused any dog with any bite history as I have young children. I would work with resource guarding, but not serious aggression. I loved working with the dogs who would sit at the back door for weeks who then blossomed to running around and playing. We had a foster contract that I signed and had to agree to which outlined exactly what I would do, what I would pay for and what the rescue would pay for. Let me know if you have any further questions, I would be more than willing to answer any and all that you have.
  13. Just two here: Iceland and Mexico. So far I don't believe anybody else has said Iceland. It was beautiful.
  14. With mine we taught them with candies and a straw. For some reason using a straw helped.
  15. I have a bracelet and recommend one. I got mine here: http://www.americanmedical-id.com/ I have the basic bracelet and it holds plenty of text, four lines for each side, and I also got the little charm so it def. looks like a medical id.
  16. Have you tried that self stick type bandages they use on kids and pets all around the ear to keep him from being able to actually get to the ear itself? We had to do that with one of ours who would not stop itching herself. This is what we use: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4239986&lmdn=Dog+Health+Care Also what about a different type of e-collar? http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4237585&lmdn=Dog+Health+Care Good luck, we have been down this road and it's no fun.
  17. Mine is about two years old and still takes a few days of usage before the battery dies....now my iphone on the other hand dies quickly and it drives me insane.
  18. Good luck in your switch. I also had problems with the ADHD meds, made me a zombie. Hope you find one that works well for you.
  19. Not sure where to tell you to go next, but I do have a great website who has lots of people who probably will know. http://www.cpaptalk.com, I have OSA and you won't find a better bunch of knowledgeable people out there. My son also has OSA but was successfully treated, for now, by removing his tonsils. What was your son's test results? I know alot of doctors follow the standard Medicare rules for OSA to make sure insurance companies will pay for your treatment if they diagnose you, which sucks.
  20. It was funny because the twins were my only kids, so I thought all toddlers were super escape artists and didn't have impulse control. I thought every parent had to "fort knox" their house to keep their kids safe. Mine could outsmart every baby lock or gate on the market so we had to get creative to keep them inside the house.
  21. I knew something was strange about my daughter when I was pregnant with her. She was super active all the time and never stopped moving. They always had a hard time getting a heartbeat tracing on her. She was awake all the time as a baby, hardly slept and never stopped running once she started walking at age 9.5 months. She was diagnosed at age 3.
  22. This thread reminds me of a website I found recently. http://www.mcsweeneys.net/columns/open-letters-to-people-or-entities-who-are-unlikely-to-respond
  23. I love Leap Day, it's my birthday. I am officially 8 today.
  24. My kids have similar issues. PDD-NOS, Mood Disorders, and OCD. Your son's issues sound very similar. I second the recommendation for the book, The Bipolar Child. It's been my bible though this journey with my kids. http://bipolarchild.com/ is the website to the authors of the book. Another good place for info is bpkids.org, they have support groups which are private as well as open forums. They have been a huge help to me just having other parents to talk to who understand.
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