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Everything posted by TheTwinsMom1

  1. I use Chrome mainly, but also use Firefox and I have IE only for weird websites that don't work with anything else.
  2. I have this same issue with my daughter. I found that Old Navy has some cute things in XS and S womens that would work for a little girl. Also Ebay and Etsy is great cause they can make the little girl cute things bigger for you usually if you ask them. Fashion bug also carries Misses sizing and they have some really cute things that the younger crowd can wear, same with JC Penney. It is doable but you have to find things from multiple places. But I am there also with my 9 year old. I miss the days of full skirts and big bows in the back. :(
  3. My daughter has anxiety also. I do also. She would have the school panic attacks. We decided against meds as she was on many others for other reasons, but something that did help was working with the school to have a very strict routine in the mornings that would avoid the things that caused anxiety. My daughter has panic attacks over waiting in line on the playground in the morning, so we worked with the school to come up with a plan that avoids that area, and eases her into the daily routine softer and longer than normal kids. It stopped her panic attacks at school completely. IF it did not help, I would have no issues starting her on medication. I am 31, I recently started anxiety meds for the first time. I can not say how much they have helped me. I have social anxiety as well as generalized anxiety. I can't believe how much the meds makes the anxious thoughts go away. IF I had known it would help this much, I would have started earlier. I am on buspar and it has helped alot. I would say you can always try, it took two meds before I found the right one.
  4. I wanted to say I also agree with getting her meds checked. IF the meds are causing side effects she might not be able to control her behavior even if she wanted to. Also if she is thinking about harming herself, I would be calling hte doctor, ASAP. Some meds can cause kids to want to kill themselves. It took us weaning our two off all stimulants to realize they were doing nothing good and only causing side effects.
  5. Luckily all our family in NC just lost power and didn't get hit. The Lowe's my FIL always goes to is destroyed :( Prayers to all in NC.
  6. Have you looked into bipolar? Alot of what you experience is exactly what my two bipolar children do all the time. WE were originally diagnosed with ADHD but as they have gotten older we realized it was really bipolar. Stimulants like adderall can make this type of behavior much much worse in kids who are actually bipolar and not ADHD. I suggest reading a book called the bipolar child. It literally described my child in full detail. It was eye opening. When people think of bipolar they think of what it is is adults, and in kids its a whole different animal.
  7. I have been watching alot of documentaries on Netflix which are PBS made. Almost all of them would be fine for kids and are great. They have just about any subject you could ever want. I saw the one suggested earlier about the child and it's excellent, I loved it.
  8. Yeah, no extra energy here either, just a feeling of being awake. I am no longer wanting to go back to my bed an hour after I get up. For me this is huge.
  9. I had tried ritalin in the past but it made me throw up, it was horrible and I was so scatter brained. The nuvigil is designed to make you just feel awake, with out the other side effects from stimulants. I have even been on the same dosage since I started about six months ago so I don't seem to be building up a tolerance to it. It's been nice. If you go to nuvigils website you can get a coupon to get the meds for a 10$ copay for like three or four months. IT really helped out with my insurance.
  10. UPS only tracks to the Canada border, I believe. Their brokerage fees are very high, sometimes like 60$ in addition to the duties they already have to pay to get items into the country. UPS is horrible for international packages due to these fees.
  11. Great to hear. I can honestly say this med has helped me feel awake and refreshed for the first time in about ten years.
  12. USPS for sure. UPS can impose extra fees for taking the item over the boarder which the person you are sending the items to has to pay. They are brokerage fees and these are in addition to the duties they already have to pay on it.
  13. I have treated sleep apnea but still have Extreme Daytime Sleepiness with no known cause. The only thing that helps me is Nuvigil. No side effects here so far and I have been on it about four or five months.
  14. I would ask about asthma also. I have asthma but my only real symptom is coughing and wheezing only when I am already sick. Mine was started by a bad flu bug. If i get sick now, I have to use the neublizer with albuterol or my cough will never go away. Also any exercise, even just walking up stairs can set me off with a coughing spell. I used to cough myself awake at night and it was not until they realized I had asthma did any of the treatments they gave me worked.
  15. Our favorite is Omegabrite, which has a kids version. Also Nortic Naturals is another good one and they have concentrated drops you can eat or put in foods for kids Forgot to add, We like Omegabrite because it has had research done on it and is recommended by doctors.
  16. It's not just you. Mine still try to follow me into the bathroom and they are 9. I gave up trying to take a shower by myself. They seem to want to have indepth heart to heart discussions while I am in the shower. LOL
  17. What time are you taking your allergy pills? I have to take mine in the early morning or I don't sleep either. Melatonin really helps me also.
  18. I like the Mommy version of this also from the same people.
  19. We also have the top loading Cabrio. We love it, it gets the clothes really clean and spins them very well. It uses the HE soap also.
  20. I personally like Lane Bryant and Fashion Bug for shirts. They are longer than cheaper stores and hold up to washing much better. Although, Even Walmart is upping their game these days. I got some really nice basic shirts from walmart which have held up really nice also. Onestopplus.com is also a great site to compare items, and read reviews before you buy.
  21. I always buy a cute bin or basket and fill it with those middle of the night things you didn't realize you would need. Such as Tylenol, a thermometer, a nose sucker, diaper rash cream, teething tablets, gripe water, all the stuff new parents don't realize they will need and of course they only need them the moment all the stores are closed. It has always been a big hit with my friends.
  22. I also suggest you look into keeping him in a little romper or onesie, it really helped our girl not to be able to itch the spots and then infect them again. It helped break the cycle so the meds could work. They look silly, but they get used to it and we only had to keep her in it for a week. You can use regular kid onesies with a tail hole cut in them or use "doggie PJ's" I can't gush about how much this helped prevent further infections. We took it off when we went out to potty and put it right back on when we can back inside. We have some like this in soft cotton. http://www.amazon.com/Long-Thermal-Pajamas-Small-Light/dp/B000MFRHWC/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1301015801&sr=8-15 I swore I would never dress up my dogs like children, but after dealing with itching and secondary infections, I changed my mind.
  23. *hugs* to everybody. We are doing the cough until we puke or pee our pants illness here. It sucks big time. :(
  24. I have a dog who has severe allergies also. We know they are not food related as they are already on a grain feed food. We tried benedryl but it did not help. I do have a few suggestions though. First off, put a onesie on the dog as much as possible during a flair up to prevent itching. If they scratch they risk getting a secondary bacterial infection on top of hte allergies. We bought what is called "doggy PJ's" for out dog and they worked perfectly. Make sure that you have ruled out mites, they can mimic the allergy symptoms. We ended up having to control our puppies issues with a medication called Cylosporine. It's not cheap, but it has been a miracle drug for our dog. She no longer has flair ups and is no longer itching herself raw and bleeding. Here is the med we use: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000155/ We use the generic form. It's a powerful drug but it works for dogs who don't respond to anything else. Plus, it either works or it does not, so you know with in a week if it's working. We started out taking one every day, now she takes one every other day and we hope to wean her down to just one pill a week. I know drugs are not always fun, but I figured I would throw it out there if the natural method does not work. Our poor girl was bleeding and raw and just miserable. If you want to see her before and after pictures I would be happy to show you.
  25. In December I actually had all of my teeth removed at the same time. Honestly there was very little after pain. Just follow the doctors instructions to a t for icing and packing and stay ahead of the pain. Mashed potatoes were a hit for me after surgery.
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