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Everything posted by Serendipity

  1. It's best to take care of it right away. I wouldn't wait 10 days. :)
  2. What about sugar free Nestle Quik powder mixed with milk to make sugar free chocolate milk? That's what I use to get over my chocolate cravings. :)
  3. Well, the coupon states 'one per person, per visit'. I would have had each person pay seperately with their own coupon...period. The one and only time we did this, my daughter and I paid seperately and I still felt kind of uncomfortable using both coupons. It sounds like the cashier should have honored what you asked for and charged (the previous word is my edit) each person's order seperately. I would have insisted. I can kind of understand the manager being a little perturbed since, to me, using several coupons at once seems to blur the intent of the coupons which is to help the team and the business. I would have told the manager that I planned to have each person order seperately, but that the cashier said it would be no problem to ring everything up in one order so the manager could address the cashier specifically...in my presence.
  4. If you haven't already, you've got to see this website. It even shares directions for making your own 'bake even' strips! http://www.baking911.com/cakes/101.htm Best Wishes... :)
  5. I'm doing this at our church while our girls are at choir and it's been wonderful! :)
  6. It is sad. :( A boy from our previous church died this way. He was 13. Fell down, bumped his head, everyone thought he was fine, and he died in the helicopter taking him to the hospital. :( :( :(
  7. I don't because I hadn't thought about it before. It sounds like an interesting book AND idea. I hope you get some responses that are much more informative than mine. :) :lurk5:
  8. I would keep everything. I'd put any cardboard boxes in plastic boxes and store them until her children are adults. I would let the children know I was doing this for them. I'd rather have her belongings on hand in case they would like to look at them when they are much older. You never know what is going to mean something to someone. That's what I'd do. Edited to add: I would dearly love to have some things back that I didn't think were important or didn't take care of when I was younger. Maybe someday one of the grandkids would like to know who she was...it's family stuff...that's why I would store them indefinitely.
  9. Go to http://www.etsy.com and do a search for felt food patterns, then sit in your chair and drool. :)
  10. We bought our little car in November of 1997 and replaced the battery in October 2008. It's a 1998 Chevy Prizm. So it lasted almost 11 years and wasn't out or anything, but our mechanic recommended we replace it when he gave my engine a tune-up. Crazy, huh? :)
  11. Yes, in a heartbeat. I've stood up for strangers before. I always shake afterward because I dislike confrontation intensely, but not more than I dislike whatever I'm confronting. KWIM? Goooooooo YOU! That young girl will never forget you for standing up for her. :)
  12. I'm glad you're having a showing on your house!!! Don't over-do and tire yourself out. We lowered our price by $15,000 and have had a bit more activity. Still on the market, though. Praying for all of you. :)
  13. I -always- use heavy cream. I use a standard potato masher on the potatoes; after draining, I put them back into the warm pan with butter, salt and pepper. I add the cream last and I use a wooden spoon to mix it into the potatoes. My potatoes have -never- been gummy. In the kitchen, I hand mix everything. It makes a difference in the texture of anything I'm cooking or baking. :)
  14. One other problem you may encounter is being able to tune your guitar. It can be difficult for someone who has not played a stringed instrument. My husband has a guitar tuner, but he says he often uses online tuners. Have fun! :)
  15. I bought several packages of these d-skins on Ebay a few years ago. You put them on the playable side of the cd, game or dvd and it protects the media from being scratched. Here's a link to the website: http://www.d-skin.com/index.php :)
  16. Our littlest had a cough for a couple of months. I finally decided to take her in to the pediatrician. He listened to her lungs, ordered chest x-rays and less than an hour later we had a diagnosis of bronchitis. When that cleared up, he diagnosed her with allergies and she uses an inhaler and a liquid med for that. I'd take the child in to see the doctor.
  17. We watched that episode via Netflix. The website has various movies and televison shows you can watch for free, online, if you have a subscription. :)
  18. I once received a box from American Girl that had a lamp and bookends in it, and I had never ordered from them before, and the invoice inside was in another person's name. I contacted them several times via phone and e-mail and never received a response. I stored them in our attic for a couple of years, just in case someone ever got back to me. Then there was the time that I received two regular paperback books, that I had not ordered, from Amazon. I contacted them via e-mail and they sent a pre-paid shipping label to me so I could return the books. Give them a call or send an e-mail. :)
  19. I want to know why a person or people keep giving your threads low rating. I added my 5 stars... :)
  20. With the exception of a basketball and an art kit, I am making all of our Christmas gifts, for about 20 people. I have been crocheting like crazy. :) My Dh bought the yarn, I brought the talent...lol.
  21. This would be us. I cannot tell y'all how often I've said we're homeschooling and that my children are AVERAGE. One is a bit behind because of a struggle to learn to read. High Five! :)
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