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Everything posted by Serendipity

  1. Take that dog back right now. Usually pounds and humane societies and rescues give you two weeks (looked that one up) to bring the animal back with the opportunity to choose another. Hugs... ETA I'm sorry! I completely missed that it has been 2 1/2 MONTHS.
  2. Very nice! I think it's great that you remembered to take 'befores'. I forget...often...lol. :)
  3. I bought one at Amazon a few years ago at a slamming good price. And never used it. I gave it to my best friend, and she just loves it! I don't even have a food processor, or a mixer.
  4. I'm so sorry. :( Here's a website that may 'help'? Their affiliated photographers take beautiful photos of babies born too early, or with defects, etc. http://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.com/pageDisplay.php?page=2 Praying for your family... ***THESE photos are of infants who are passing, or who have already passed. ETA: http://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.com/pageDisplay.php?page=20
  5. Thank you for sharing! Your garden is lovely. :)
  6. I am not a doctor. What works for *me* when I am out of Rx meds is to take one Excedrin Migraine and the adult dosage of the sinus medication (NOT non-drowsy) that is kept behind the pharmacist's counter and has to be signed for. I take both meds at the same time. This combination puts me to sleep and takes away the pain. I haven't had to use that combination in awhile. I take Fioricet for not-so-bad migraines and Maxalt (10mg) for bad ones. Gentle hugs...
  7. Maybe this will help? http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php You can find how many calories you burn to maintain (BMR) and go from there. :)
  8. I would think a flower pot would be fine. I have this plunger in one of the bathrooms. Linens and Things often sends me a 20% off coupon in the mail. If you live in an area that receives them, it could be used for this plunger. :) http://www.lnt.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1349058&cp=&sr=1&origkw=plunger&kw=plunger&parentPage=search
  9. I would like to join the WTM Sparks Team. I signed up with a name at Sparks. How do I join the Team? TYVM! :) ETA I figured it out! :)
  10. Oh, Kelli. My heart is being broken by the sadness I 'hear' in your post. :crying: :grouphug:
  11. Here's a website with Ezzo information. http://www.ezzo.info/ Yeah, if you'd have read anything by the Pearls, you would have known it. It's pretty 'in your face'.
  12. Babywise is by the Ezzos. They're not the Pearls. The Pearls are another couple.
  13. The public schools where I live serve free breakfast and lunch through the summer vacation.
  14. Ahahahahahahaha! I can't breathe...lolol. How cute and funny! I'll make that my next post. ;)
  15. Green or Red? We prefer frozen green grapes, but I'd forgotten all about popping them in the freezer. Thanks for the reminder! :)
  16. and I made yesterday? It's made out of the bottom saucer (plastic) of a pot that hasn't had holes poked in it, a plant stand that perfectly fits the bottom of the saucer, and some small rocks. It's right outside my bedroom window. I moved a chair to that location, and now we can sit and watch the birds washing their faces, taking baths, standing under the drip shower, and getting drinks. I have the shepherd's hook planter holder next to the bird bath to hold up the hose with a small sprinkler head attachment on it. Water drips out of the sprinkler head into the bath causing waves. The water then drips off the side of the saucer, making a shower for the birds, and a drinking place for humming birds. :)
  17. RE: Caillou... I remember that on the old board, someone had made up another set of lyrics sung to the tune of the Caillou theme song. It went something like this... I'm just a boy who's four, each day I whine some more. I'm a little brat, my name's CAILLOU. And I cannot stand D.W., either. :)
  18. I have finally rid our linen closet and drawers of musty odors. When I open the linen closet, I'm greeted with the scent of freshly Downy-ed linens and towels. Our unmentionables and socks, and white t-shirts and pajamas stay fresh smelling, and as a result, our colors and jeans don't take on a musty scent. I wash ALL bedding, towels, underclothes, socks, pajamas, and undershirts in HOT water. I rinse in cold, but wash these things in...HOT. I line dry blankets, mattress covers, and rugs. But the sheets, towels, underthings, etc...are dried in the dryer on HIGH. That's it. No extra detergent (I use way less than what the box says to) or fabric softener (I use less of that, too). :) That reminds me, thanks Parrothead, I use oxyclean in the hot cycles.
  19. Here's my dilemma...Of course I want to continue to live my life as I am today and if I were in a coma, or a vegetative state, or bedridden and not the same mentally, as I am *today*, I would not like to be left in that condition. BUT what if I'm not in constant pain, and what if it is enough for me to live with simple pleasures such as a family member's visit or a gentle touch? I know I am putting this badly. I mean, how can I say today that I wouldn't find myself content to be that other me? If I don't remember a lot about being the person I am today, then maybe I would be happy in that other condition. Ugh. I'm terrible at this...I don't mean 'happy' la-de-da...I mean happy to see my mother's smile, or the pattern of sunlight on the wall. Does anyone else KWIM? I don't want to be starved or dehydrated to death, regardless. Does that make sense?
  20. I didn't read all the responses, so I don't know if anyone else has suggested the following. A bit of background...My SIL's girls suffer from TERRIBLE rashes. She recently tried washing everyone's clothing in a mixture of just borax and washing soda. It is has worked so well to clear up her girls' rashes, that she is back to using cloth diapers. :)
  21. Maybe this would help? Q: Dear Ms. Smith ~ Last weekend I had houseguests. They were very kind and brought me a hostess-gift. After the weekend, they then sent an amazing gift-basket filled with teas and treats as a thank you for the weekend. Since this gift is a thank you, do I send a thank you note for a thank you gift? A: Wonderful question! The best response to a thank you gift is an exuberant phone call. You should let them know that you have received the gift and that it was your pleasure to have them as a guest. If you are so moved, you may write a BRIEF note, but it is not necessary.
  22. I don't think there's one thing wrong with you sending a thank you to let this young man and his family know your feelings about the letter and what you plan to do with the gift card. I think it's lovely that you want to tell them how beautiful a gift you were given... :)
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