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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. If you have used these books for your children, are they evolution based? Is the fundamental thinking behind them the story of evolution or does it take a neutral standpoint? I am talking the science books that the WTM book recommends. Thank you for your help!
  2. It's not my child but it was one of my co-worker's kids who is only 3... While we were at the zoo today, they had sprinklers going. When he went under the sprinkler he started singing the song "It's raining men". It was so hilarious. The aunt just turned to everyone and said, "That's his Uncles influence".:lol:
  3. Wow these are all great and I didn't even know they made such a thing. Though they would definitely be out of my price range. I hope you find what you are looking for.
  4. lol... how did you get an extra box? This is like those misdirected texts asking for favors that some people posted about.
  5. I would call your vet also. My dog didn't have any issues when he was fixed. He was tired the first day but that was pretty much the extent of it. Good luck!
  6. I don't plan on starting until the end of August, but I told my kids if they don't stop complaining about being bored we will just start school early. This is the first year we have not schooled the whole year long. Maybe there was a reason I never took a long break.
  7. Oh I will have to look there. I know that one of the families in church used some site online but for the life of me I can't think of anything. Thank you!
  8. :ohmy: wow that makes for an interesting conversation piece!
  9. Is it me or does it seem that high school is a bit overwhelming? I keep reading and reading and it seems there is just more and more that I need to teach.
  10. I just started really using Ebay this year. I know on there before I start to bid I ask the seller if there are any writing, tears, rips, missing pages. I just assume it is my fault if they send me something that has one of those things and I didn't ask. I guess I just want to cover my own butt and don't want to have to deal with problems.
  11. :iagree: This is what I do and they do the same thing. I don't have someone just to come stay with my kids and teach them.
  12. I've lived in NY(state) for most of my life and it wasn't until 4 years ago that I finally visited NYC and I loved it!!! Hey how about you move there and then I will have an excuse to make a trip there?:)
  13. Hey friend! Just saw this had no replies so I figured I'd bump it for you! Btw I'm back from vacation.:)
  14. The only things not taught five days a week here are science, history, health, art, and music. Starting this year, my son will do music 5 days a week because I want him to take keyboard/piano lessons.
  15. Good afternoon Hive, I have looked into getting my son keyboard/piano lessons but both my ex and I feel it is out of our price range currently. I have heard there are places online that offer free keyboard/piano lessons, yet I haven't been able to find the sites. All of the ones I have found offer 10 minutes of lessons and then ask you to pay. Anyone know of somewhere online that he can get lessons for free? Anyone have experience of their own with a site that does charge but it is a low cost fee and you have actually used it? How about anyone who can recommend a program that I can purchase that I can pick up in the store? He really wants to learn and I want to do everything I can to help make that possible for him. Thank you all so much!!!:)
  16. Well I guess we can be boring together,lol. My first name is Christina and physically I am in NY.. Now mentally... That is a whole other story for another thread.
  17. I am glad it worked out for you. I like to make everyone happy but I am very honest. Don't get me wrong, I would never say something to hurt someone's feelings.
  18. Ok I read some of your replies... DId they give him a boot to wear? That's what they gave my son. One of those shoes that he wears in place of a shoe. I can't think of the name of it.
  19. My ds did this running down the hall way. I told him not to run in the hallway and he turned around and ran the other way. He hit his pinky toe on the corner of the door. He was 11 at the time. They ended up having to set it. Did they reset your son's toe? My son acted like he was dieing when they reset his. He takes after his father and can not handle any kind of pain. I would send him if he wants to go and isn't in a lot of pain. Did they put a splint or anything on it?
  20. I am interested in using something like this for my son. How would I go about doing it? Is it an online course? Thank you and thank you all for the responses.. I feel I need a week just to sit down and absorb all the information.
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