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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. I am just looking for books for him to read consistently. He reads in Science and Social Studies but of course he does try to skim just to answer questions. I want books that he can sit and read out loud because no matter how old he is, I think he could use the practice. I am in total agreement with what people have said about most books have some kind of bad behavior or what not. I have no issue with that. At thirteen my ds is able to distinguish between good and bad. I just don't want him reading about perversion and constant bad language. As for violence to a point is no big deal. The games his dad lets him play against my better judgement have some violence. Just not blood and gore, kwim? Thanks ladies, Christina
  2. Im looking to start asap!! Ive got to start working out. I would like people to basically answer to. lol. You know how embarrassing it is to say "yeah I ate .....". If we have someone who can say hey why don't you try eating this instead or eating it without the sour cream. Plus it's nice to have someone to give encouragement to you when you feel frustrated because it is taking so long to lose the weight. Thanks, Christina
  3. Hello! This has been driving me crazy more and more as my son gets older. Alright I admit it. I am already crazy, lol. My son is going into 8th grade and I need books that he can read that don't include sex, cussing, or inappropriate behavior to name a few. Thanks for any and all suggestions, Christina
  4. I spend so much money on books each year it is ridiculous. Last year my son was in 7th and most of his books are reusable and not work books. I was thinking of keeping them for my daughter but in 7 years when she gets old enough to use them things will have changed. I'd like to get some money for them. Any easy way to go about doing this? I don't have tons of hours to sit listing each of them online and all. Thanks for any responses, Christina
  5. As I said I have to start losing some weight. It is so hard for me to drop any weight. It took me 3 year to lose 30 pounds because of my metabolism. I do try but I eat badly on the weekends when my kids are at their dads and I'm working. Are any of you still doing Sparks? I did it so many years ago. I would love someone who is in the same boat and wants to lose weight. This way I have someone I can answer to and make myself more accountable to. It would be different if I had a husband or even a boyfriend for that matter. Then I'm sure they would take up the role of helping me be accountable. It's been a few months since I last posted. How is everyone's summer going? How is it already less than a month until we start back home schooling??? Thanks for any responses, Christina
  6. My ex and I split up two years ago right before my son started 5th grade. My kids are with me Monday through Friday. We do most of the school while they are here. They go to their Dad's house at 2pm and from there I work back to back shifts Friday through Sunday. I send Spelling with their Dad and he does the book reports. I even sometimes would call and give my son his Spelling test over the phone. It has worked for us. The biggest thing we had to realize is that I really needed to be the one who did most of the schooling. There are a lot of adjustments that have to made but if both parties are willing then it is feasible. Christina
  7. Is it me or do all dresses and skirts for kids now a days only go to their knees? Plus the dresses never seem to have much of a sleeve. Last year I went to every store imaginable to buy my dd dresses and i would find only one here and there. I don't want to spend 40 to 50 dollars on a dress she can only wear for a year. It doesn't help that I am 5'8 almost and her dad is 6'. So she wont be short at all. I even tried buying bigger sizes in skirts so Id get more length but she is skinny. My ex is real old fashioned and being as I buy all the clothes he wants long dresses. I know they are out there. Any ideas where I can find them? Thanks! Christina
  8. If you figure out a way to get your son to pay more attention please let me know,lol. I have been teaching my son for six years and he still has a tendency to get side tracked very easily. Between my son and myself we found out that the best time he works is when his sister is napping. Then it is quiet time. This though did not happen until about two years ago when he finally felt he did not need a nap anymore. Before that he was easily distracted no matter what. In order for us to work together I must have something quiet for his sister to do separately in another room. Even before his sister was born he had a hard time concentrating. One of the biggest helps this past two years is that his father who is not living with us, has finally taken an initiative in helping with the consequences of failure to do his work. He knows that if he goes to see his dad on the weekends and he has not completed his work for the week, then he will have his privileges taken away. I wish you all the luck. Wish I could be more helpful. Christina
  9. Hello ladies! I hope everyone's week is off to a good start! Here is my dilemma. I have a living room about 12 by 15. I want to take about four feet of it and make it a space for a bedroom for me. As of right now I am sleeping on the couch in the living room because I have only two bedrooms for my darling children. I do not need much space just enough for a bed basically. I want to divide the room but I am not decorative savvy. I want it to look like a whole other space if at all possible. The ideas and things I see on some of your blogs are incredible. Any ideas for me or things you have done yourself? Any pics so I can get an idea? I have been redoing my place from top to bottom and this is one thing I feel totally out of my element doing. Thanks for listening to me ramble!! Christina:)
  10. I dont drink enough, that I do know. The only time I drink is when I eat which is three times a day. I went and bought bottle water for the express purpose of drinking more. But do I do it??? Nope! Its funny cause I'm so worried about my kids eating right but I fail to do so myself. Thanks!
  11. Hello fellow NYer:) Thank you so much for your response! I seem to have a one track mind with hs curriculm because mine always revolves around Abeka. I've never even looked into Sonlight. I will have to now. Christina
  12. Help please!!! I have the hardest time losing weight. I lose weight when I am pregnant and then poof gain it back as soon as I am not.. That is so frustrating. I lost twenty pounds when my ex and I split up two year ago from the stress but as soon as I was eating again it came right back. I went to a dietitian before him and I split and they said I don't overeat. Although, naturally now I do snack when I get emotional which I am working on cutting out. Long story short, what do you do to lose weight? Videos? Diet plans? I am not looking for anything but to be healthy. Any ideas?? I don't even know how many calories, carbs, or fat that I should have a day. Thanks for listening once again! Christina
  13. Hmmm I didn't think about Science and Social studies but that's a great idea. I noticed with my son it seemed I was always trying to play catch up with these two subjects. It sure would help if i started them early. Thanks!!!
  14. Thanks for the reply! I have been on this board actually for about three years but I have worked full time plus home schooled until this last couple months. Now I am only working full time so hopefully I can pop in more. Nice to meet you though. I am Christina:)
  15. Hello ladies n any men who may be reading, I am starting to my 4 yr old dd in kindergarten this year. Technically by NY state standards she is too young but she wants to learn. She is sooo smart. She already knows all her alphabet, numbers, working with money, and can spell a few words along with her full name and address. I had my son in ps for just kindergarten so I kinda remember some of the things he needed to know. My question to you is I'd love to hear ideas on what you teach your kindergartner and what materials you use. I know this year is basically the foundation for all other years since you start learning the keys to reading. I can't tell you how wonderful it is having a kid who WANTS to learn compared to my 12yr old who is in 7th who I have to push to get anything from. Enough rambling!!! I hope everyone had a great summer!! Christina
  16. My ds is going into seventh grade this year. Plus my dd is starting kindergarten this year a little earlier than her age permits in NY. I really want to reinforce what my son should already know from his Science and Social Studies books. Plus I think it would be interesting to start my daughter learning early right alongside her brother since she is so interested in learning. Any ideas where I can get dvds teaching basic Science and Social Studies? Also if not that, any ideas how to enhance those subjects for my son? I know I dont post here much but I would appreciate any ideas whatsoever. All my thanks, Christina
  17. "We differ from WTM suggestions by dividing every subject into 4 days. This way the times spent on each subject are shorter. Information is also repeated a bit more so retention is greater, IMO. Fridays are catch up days and spelling and latin test days." How does this work for you? So you teach one subject per day? Im looking for a different approach to try this year. Thanks, Christina NY
  18. Actually we tried getting away from Abeka last year and he hated doing it. He likes the text book approach. With Abeka he doesn't have so much hand work in math as others it seems. Plus Abeka seems to fit him. He has no trouble doing the work and from what I have heard it is even ahead of the school district so that is even a bigger plus. The work is easy for him when he actually sits down to do.
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