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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. I finally was able to look at this.. Thank you so much.. This will help let me know where I need to go from here.
  2. This is great! Oh my son is interested and able to do basically whatever he sets his mind. From my ex, he has learned the basics of computers and from me and what I have been able to glean when I can, he has learned all other forms of technology. If he can take it apart and rebuild it, then he is in heaven. Thanks
  3. Sorry ahead of time that I am posting two threads! I have a 1 st grader and a 9th grader. I want to teach both of them Spanish. My daughter because she wants to learn and my son because I want to start teaching him. I would like something that is fairly interesting and if at all able to use for both children. Any suggestions? Once again thank you!!
  4. I have most of my curriculum planned out but I can't come up with ideas for my 9th grade son for technology. I have seen some people post that they have their children doing different computer stuff. Since I think of technology as building things, I need some major ideas. I really want to cover everything in an orderly fashion this year since it will be his first year in high school. Any ideas, advice, or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thank you:)
  5. I agree!! Up until recently I only checked on the board once a month if that. Now that I try to check it when my kids are in bed, I want it to move, move, move.....
  6. Thank you both... I bookmarked those books to check them out at the library.
  7. Speaking on this, what is up with the slowness of the board still? I had to try my hand at seeing if I could come up with anything remotely funny. Obviously, I am not that funny,lol..
  8. You roam fields to find work? And here I have been wasting time searching the job ads.:tongue_smilie:
  9. I can't seem to find any books to tell me what my 9th grader should know by the end of next year. I know there was that whole series about "What Your ..... Needs To Know", but I can't find anything like it. Any suggestions? Also I want to get some kind of idea what is required for my son to have learned by the end of high school before he starts college. Any book ideas for this? Thanks once again!:)
  10. I am a single mom, I work 30-36 hrs a week, and I home school. I home school during the week and work on the weekends Friday thru Sunday. I have tried doing child care during the week and home schooling but that didn't work for me. It was way too much of a distraction for my son and daughter. This has worked out good for us. It does help that my ex has the kids on the weekends when I am working so I am not taking away from the time I would have with them.
  11. lol yes, I know.. I just like some unique ideas of things that I wouldn't normally come up with on my own.
  12. I thought people still did these. Or maybe they call them something else now....
  13. I really like this idea. He is doing so much better with managing his time as he has gotten older but I think this would be great for him to see it written down on black and white. Time management is an important skill that even some adults have a problem managing. Thank you so much for your help!
  14. This is one thing I would like to incorporate in to my son's schooling. What are some labs that you are doing/did? Also I saw you mention Spanish. I am interested in starting my son on a foreign language. What do you recommend to get started? Thank you so much for taking your time to answer my post!
  15. My son is just starting high school next year. I am worried about missing out on doing things with him that need to be done. I just found out that critical thinking should be being heavily taught. Do you incorporate it in your schooling with other subjects? I've been doing it from what I can tell but not in the aspects that his ninth grade test is showing. If you can just give me a run down of your day or curriculum for your dc I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!:)
  16. I wish I could help. My son was just like this until he was ten. It took everything within me to get school even half way done in a day. It was so frustrating. I kept feeling I was failing. Then my ex and I split up. I guess because the consequence of not being able to play games when he was his dad on the weekend, he finally started making an effort. That or he grew up,lol. I wish you all the luck.
  17. Do you do one each year for your kid? Do you have pictures? I would love to see the creative things you ladies come up with. I don't seem to have a creative bone in my body.
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