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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. Actually this is great!!! Is there somewhere on there that I am missing where it shows how to do word problems with Algebra?
  2. This looks great, but it doesn't come with a textbook right? Is it possible to pay for it and still use it for my daughter when she gets into Algebra?
  3. It is just a painful one with pus. I will definitely look into the Retin and B Peroxide. Is B Peroxide the same as regular Peroxide?
  4. There has got to be a math curriculum that gives good explanations. I am at my wits end with Abeka math this year. I can't help my son to understand a lot of it and to try to take the time to show him every problem is just about impossible. This is a child whose best and favorite subject was math up until this year. I don't know what happened with Abeka, but I can't believe they don't give explanations with the samples they give. Does anyone have a textbook that they would recommend using that gives details in math? I am even looking for something for Geometry and Algebra 2. Sorry for ranting.
  5. Thank you all so much for your ideas. I will start with weening out the dairy products and see if that helps. Plus I will make sure he is keeping his face clean. I never had acne as a teenager so I have never had to try anything. We will just work through these solutions and see if one of them works. If you have any other ideas we would love to hear them. Thanks again!!
  6. He doesn't drink much milk at all lately because he isn't too keen on it.
  7. Hmmm I haven't heard of Retin A. I will have to look into it. That is why I am concerned. I have seen the results of really bad acne.
  8. That is the soap we currently use. It hasn't done anything for this one pimple he has. He only gets a few at a time but this one seems to be stubborn.
  9. Good evening ladies! My teenage son has that ever dreaded problem, acne!!! He is starting to get pimples and has one that just doesn't want to disappear. I have looked online for many different ideas. The ones that seemed good to me were baking soda, toothpaste, or rubbing alcohol. Have any of you used any of those on your dc? Do you have any recommendations for us? I haven't tried anything, yet, but I am concerned with the fact that his dad's family has real sensitive skin. I don't want to make a small problem worse, kwim? Thank you so much!!!
  10. These are all great!! I have realized I want to enhance "my library". My daughter at 6 is like a sponge who loves to read, unlike my son. My son would only touch a book if it was about something he wanted to learn about or was required material for school.
  11. There are the books that my son uses on a daily or weekly basis such as a dictionary or thesaurus. What do you feel are "your" must haves in your home? They can be home schooling books, research books, or even personal books. What books do you turn to throughout a day, week, year? Mine would be: the Bible dictionary thesaurus The Well Trained Mind whatever novel I am reading Encyclopedia(wish I owned the set) I am sure there are a ton more, but for right now that will do. What about you?
  12. The reason(s) I prefer not to use an online course is because my son has enough online time at his father's house and because I really can't afford it. I like the hands on experience of working with my kids. It is great that you are able to delve into this along with your son. I love that about home schooling! I enjoy that I am learning more and more every year. When I just looked at Teaching Textbooks, I must say I loved the directions that they give. They seem to be clear and concise. From what I can tell, you get the answers to the problem but as you said no solution key, am I right? I think I would have to evaluate the necessity of the solution key. This would have really been a great curriculum to use prior to 9th grade because of the detail. Prior to 9th, I remembered every step by step that was needed. Now with Abeka, I need the solution key because they give so few directions that at times I have to study the problems before even teaching it to my son. Thank you for this idea!!
  13. I first want to apologize for not getting on here to be part of the discussions except for when I need to post a question. My days are so wrapped up with teaching and then working full time, that sometimes I don't get a chance to breathe. Now to my question. I have used Abeka math always. I love it!! This year my son is in ninth and I couldn't believe the lack of examples given and the fact that there was nothing that was old material but it was all completely brand new. As a person who loves math, this is great, but for a ninth grader this is overwhelming. I am looking into seeing if next year, for Geometry, if I should switch to a different curriculum for math. What are your views on Abeka Geometry or can you recommend a different curriculum to use for only math that is not online? I appreciate all of your help and will respond as soon as I possibly can!
  14. I guess for me I can't really say too many books specifically. I know there just seems to be books that I read in school that when I went to read them again I couldn't believe the story line or the words in them. I know some of them are not "classics" but were required reading when I was in school. Besides the books that I know kids have to read in ps. I couldn't believe the books they make young teens read in school when I used to babysit this family of four. Any book that doesn't promote "honesty", "integrity", "respect", or goes against the "Ten Commandments" is NOT something I want my children to read. If there are "issues" in the book that my child can understand and is not glorified in the book, I am alright to an extent with him reading it as long as there a lesson to be learned about the "issue".
  15. Thank you so much for actually taking the time to talk to your kids for me and make it possible to get a better insight into a day in their shoes!!!
  16. This is exactly what I meant when I posted this thread. These guidelines that you mentioned are the exact ones that we follow. It may not be for everyone but it for our household and our beliefs.
  17. Looking back at all the books I read in high school, I can't believe some of the things in them. Some of these books are considered classics. What books would you not recommend reading or allow your children to read that you read in school and why? What books WOULD you recommend a child read, especially by the time they graduate from high school? The reason I ask why you wouldn't recommend them is it will help some of us who have specific guidelines that we don't want our children to cross in what they read by knowing what these books contain.
  18. Good evening Hive! My ds who is in 9th grade has no idea how easy he has it in home school. He thinks he gets too much school work from me. I can tell him a thousand times how much harder it is in ps but it just isn't impacting him. Do any of you have dc who are in high school in public school who would be willing to post how much school work they do in a day and how much homework they must complete? This would really help my son see for himself how long is a day in public school. TIA
  19. I love the Pioneer Woman!!! I use a ton of her recipes. Is she even still on here?
  20. A friend suggested this. Has anyone given one to their children? They look great and since he loves to build, it seems like this might be a great idea. I would love to hear your take on them.
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