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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. Yes, it makes sense Pamela. Maybe I need to make it more of a set standard. If you do this you work then in return you can have thirty minutes free time and so on. I do try to separate him from the baby and his sister but that makes it harder for me at times because then I can't see him if he is messing around.
  2. I like the ideas about a checklist. Maybe that might give him a clear idea. I think it would have to be a daily checklist and not a weekly one.
  3. I like the idea of giving him something to do until he feels able to do his school work. My only draw back is he loves to do things. I just see him as using this as a way to not ever get to the work.
  4. When he isn't doing school work he is basically just chilling. I am not a t.v person so the t.v doesn't go on even at the people's house I babysit for. If it does it is at 7am when we first get there for a half hour before the kids have breakfast and all. His reward is that he gets computer time or game time at Dad's house if he does his work. I wasn't very clear in that he hasn't been allowed to just do this all these years. He is stubborn and will sit for hours doing one paper. He doesn't get to just go off and play. I did use the reward system and all for when he completed work. He was allowed points and would get to choose what he used them for at the end of the week. That didn't work. I don't know if maybe I am missing something. Maybe there is a different way of teaching that he needs that I am not using. He is super smart. What is it I am missing? Christina
  5. Hello, It has been a long time since I have posted. That is basically because I work seven days a week. Five of those I spend going to someone's house to be a nanny to their child. Needless to say my children come with me. They are almost four and almost twelve years old. I am currently hsing my 11 yr old son mostly using Abeka and filling in with the school district curriculum. From day one that I started hsing him when he was 4 it has been a struggle. His father and I split up a year and a half ago so I am not only working like I was before but working full time. I don't have time to fight him every day to get all his school work done. There are days when I feel like I am the one doing something wrong since I can't get him to do his work. He goes to his father's on the weekends. He knows if he doesn't get his work done before then he will have to bring it with him and he will be in trouble with his dad. So what he does is he barely does it all week and then Friday is crunch time. As you can imagine that means I don't have time to check it before he goes to his dad's house. I know I am not accomplishing everything I need or want to. I do enjoy hsing. I just figured by now it wouldn't have to be a fight anymore to get it done. Am I the only one who has to battle their child to get work done? If you have any ideas at all please let me know. With my sincere thanks, Christina:tongue_smilie:
  6. So much information. I can't wait to look everything up. I am a planner no doubt. It looks like I will end up going in November then which wouldn't be a hardship for me since my b-day is in November. Just can't decide do i go this year or wait until next November. I know it is a long ways away but this was I can continue with the move and have no problem having the money to take with me. Plus my daughter will be four and a half then. I do know as of now she isn't too excited about Mickey Mouse as that is what she calls the guy at Chuck E Cheese. Anyone with experience with this or a way to help her with it? Keep the info coming and thanks!!!
  7. Is there a way you can book everything and start paying now so that when the time comes everything is pretty much paid for?
  8. Looking to take kids to Disney next July for sons 12th birthday. I want to start planning and saving now. Any good websites, ideas, money saving ideas, help planning, keys to getting good prices and tickets? Any stories about things you saw or did? Can't wait to hear it all.. Christina
  9. My hardest thing has been having friends. My dh turned into a home body after marriage so I didn't and still don't have any friends near me. It was mentioned by someone about how they sat down with their dh at a counseling session and asked him out right if there was any chance to reconcile and he said no. I did this exact thing but over an email and the answer to me was one word, "NO." I am not sure how it was I got through that night. I felt like my world had fallen away. Then I thought of my children and realized that I have two people who love me no matter how many mistakes I made. It has been hard. The tears I cry seem endless. The guilt I feel continues. I was the one who was looking into separation at first yet in the end he is the one who wants it. How can you stop loving someone so much and move on. I have to move on. I know that now. After his email I know there is no way I can keep looking back. Why though must I pay for one mistake in our marriage and recognize it while he can't even see the ones he made? I forgave him his mistakes for the first half of our marriage why can't he forgive mine? When do I learn to forgive myself? These are the questions I ask myself on a daily basis. Why wasn't I enough for him to want to spend time with? Thank you for all the support it has meant so much to me!
  10. As I mentioned in my first thread back we separated eight months ago. I can't let go. It hurts being without him. There is no chance for reconciliation. He wants nothing to do with me. Any recommendations on a book to read to help me deal with it. I am not one to talk to people about my problems so I haven't really gone to even my pastor for guidance. I just called him yesterday and we are working on setting up a meeting around my work schedule. I just need something to uplift me and help me realize I have to move on. I swear I look back on my marriage and wonder if I was possibly the problem in our marriage and not him the whole time. I can't change that now so I must move on whether I like it or not. Christina
  11. I used to be here as ChristinaInNY I think it was, don't quote me.lol. I have gotten separated while I was away. Hardest thing in this world to do. Eleven years of marriage and it all is over in a day. Some days I feel emotional mess but I try not to let that go through to anyone but myself. It feels great to be able to talk with people who can be there with me for the ups and downs that come in homeschooling. Positive side lately I have so many more ups than downs. My son has finally gotten into realizing he must do his work and he doesn't fight me most days. He is in 5th grade this year and is 10 years old. My daughter just turned 3 and I am working with preschool for her. She loves doing school work. I still work and now it is full time since the separation. I am doing good and wouldn't veer from homeschooling. Just a little update. Can't wait to catch up with everyone. Christina:)
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