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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. While this would be good for me, this would make my son zone out. If would never get much from actually just reading about grammar because he is more of a hands-on kind of kid. Thank you though!
  2. Most definitely!!! We go over all his school work that he gets wrong along with any mistakes he makes. The problem that I am seeing is that he can't remember what gets capitalized or when a sentence needs a dash or parenthesis. He is getting better slowly but since this is something he has been taught every year I feel that somehow I am missing a step to help him get it and not forget it. Maybe I just need to print off some capitalization and punctuation work every day and have him do it with his normal language/ English work. I want his transition to college in a few years to be an easy one regarding what I have taught him and what he remembers.
  3. This seems like a great book but it seems to have too much "other" language. He has down the nouns, verbs, adjectives, and all others but he just can't seem to remember what needs to be capitalized and some types of punctuation to put around or in certain words in specific sentences( if that makes sense).
  4. These have been wonderful ideas... I wonder has anyone ever bought their teenager a small animal for Christmas and if so how did it work out?
  5. We are using Abeka and have been for ages. My son and I both love using it. It does reteach punctuation every year. My son though just can't seem to memorize the key points in punctuation and capitalization. Do you have any methods you can recommend or any advice? This seems to be the one area of language he has trouble with. Thanks in advance.
  6. I tried to "like" everyone's post who made a suggestion and I reached my limit for the day. I didn't even know there was a "like" button until 5 minutes ago, let alone the fact you can only like so many posts in one day. I am sorry for those who I wasn't able to get but I will try to do so on another day. That way you don't think I didn't "like" you on purpose,lol. Alright I am confused on what is the Raspberry Pi and the other one that was mentioned. Any information would help.
  7. Now if I can figure out who people are with their new avatars..

    1. GWOB


      I changed my name, but my avatar is the same. i was wendilouwho.

    2. Based on Faith Academy

      Based on Faith Academy

      Oh! Now that one I would have never figured out.

    3. Tress


      People change their name *and* their avatars. I really don't like this....

  8. Wow!! So many great ideas. Keep them coming if at all possible. I love the idea of him starting the Apps and submitting them. Plus all the ideas to use as stocking stuffers. I wish he was into books. How can he be my child and not love to read? Haha. Definitely takes after his father in that department. Thank you all!!
  9. I can't seem to read more than the first page to any thread... . and so many error messages..

  10. He doesn't camp. He is into computers and loves to take things apart and put them back together. Also he is very much into music and loves to play his keyboard.
  11. Hey Pen Mom!! I would definitely cook the chicken although it is not a must. As to the rice, there should be no problem cooking it in the crock pot. I love chicken and rice. Mmmmm.. I hope it turns out great.:)
  12. I have a thousand ideas for my daughter for Christmas but can't come up with one thing for my son that is under $150. What are you buying your teenage son this year?
  13. Never found a dress but I got a shirt and skirt. I looked all over the mall. It is hard to find anything semi decent length without it being long. Oh well...
  14. I think it is a great idea. I was just thinking about this same thing this morning. I thought about how many times we probably have things others are looking for but would never know because we never take the time to ask or post about it.
  15. I got it!!! I first had a friend who was visiting my parents, come over and hold him on their lap and hold his body down. I put on the muzzle prior to this. I held his muzzle and administered the drops. He let me do it fine.. Then came tonight when my son got home from his dad's house. I told him we have to do this and that he has no reason to be scared. We got one ear done and then the dog went crazy and his muzzle slipped off. Good thing was that while he barked he didn't try to bite me. I put the muzzle back on, got a huge towel, wrapped him tight, put him between my legs until he calmed down, and then put the drops in his other ear. He didn't move at all during this time. The whole time my son sat in front of him petting him and telling him he was a good boy! We just had to show him who was in command and that we weren't scared. Yeahhhhhh!!!! Thank you all for the great advice! Please pray because we have two more weeks of this.
  16. I need a formal dress. I want to wear it for going out on my birthday to a fancy restaurant. I like black but not stuck to it. I am a bit overweight but I do want it to flow with my body. Any ideas?
  17. I have already bought the muzzle from the store. I have tried for two days straight to get him to let me do these drops. I am in no way small but I can't get him to cooperate. He growls and barks at me viciously. After a week of this I am at the end of my rope in knowing what to do. I can't get him to keep his head straight for nothing. He has had his pain meds for three days now. He is really mad at me. When I try to force him to stay still he goes bonkers on me. It upsets me because this is a dog that has never growled at me in the five years I have had him.
  18. Yes, all the information has helped me. I am working on my son being able to schedule his own school. He is able to take his school and do it in the order that works best for him. I would like to be able to get him more organized on paper when he decides what order he is doing each day.
  19. Country girl though said to put the muzzle on and then put the strip of cloth over it.
  20. For me it isn't that there is so much more teaching as it is the fact that I want to know in 4 years when he graduates that he has the foundation he needs in his education so that he can move ahead. I want to be sure he is truly "getting it" and not just saying it.
  21. I'm confused on what the strip of cloth is for. I have tried swaddling him but I must not be getting it tight enough. My son doesn't come home from his dad's house until Monday. I wish there was a way I could give them to him in the meantime.
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