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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. My 14 year old son has started to walk on the inside of his shoes. He doesn't seem to walk on the inside of his foot when he is barefoot. I actually made a foot print of his feet and I didn't notice anything weird or different between his feet and my daughters. Anyone btdt or have any advice to help with this? I don't want my son's feet to be messed up later in life. Any shoes that I can get to help? Thank you for your time,
  2. All time favorite movie is Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I read the series also and they are great books.
  3. Thank you! I normally double my batch of cookies so for an experiment I will have to do one batch of each with my daughter tomorrow and see which one I prefer. I have heard many people make cookies with lemon or nutmeg and have never tried either. I can't wait to taste the difference from what I am used to making. Oh help me if I like both!! Then I won't be able to give any cookies away.:)
  4. I can't seem to find a sugar cookie recipe that makes plump, moist cookies. All the recipes I find end up being flat or not like most of my cookies. Any help here? TIA
  5. My ds just turned 14 and will be doing ninth grade this year. I am actually looking forward to all the new exciting things we will both learn together. ~Christina~
  6. That is wonderful! It is great to hear the sound of a child's laughter.
  7. I am actually surprised that they didn't have the emergency contact information with them. I know as a church we bring everything with us on any outing that we go on whether it be down the street at the park or out of town. You did the right thing. As a parent, my kids safety and well being are way more important than any amount of money I may end up having to spend out of pocket. ~Christina~
  8. This is a great question. I have wondered the same thing. The suggested videos are the reason my son is not allowed to go on YouTube in the first place. I can't believe the video suggestions that pop up sometimes. I'd love to hear there is a way to stop it from happening.:bigear:
  9. Oh my word! I watched this tonight and just couldn't believe these suits. Besides the suits going up their bums. Is that really necessary? Then it was nice the shot they showed where the women were all in the water kicking underwater and you got a nice view of 10 women's bums as they wee kicking with my 14 yr old sitting right next to me.
  10. This is my idea. Come up with a "new anniversary" of the day you both decided to start fresh and new. :grouphug:
  11. Oh wow I didn't expect anymore answers. I can't wait to check out these sites. Thank you so much!
  12. Thank you very much. I had a feeling this was so. I will just stick with Abeka.
  13. I think there are a lot of people who have a tendency to read the board but don't post much so they "look" new. I know for myself, I have been on this site for six years I believe. I was here way back before the site changed. For the previous three years I rarely came on but once in awhile and posted only sporadically because I just didn't seem to have the time or energy to come online. I have never changed my name although I have though about it because mine is boring.
  14. :grouphug: I have a 13 yr old boy who will be 14 in a few days. I can just imagine how this would make me feel just as you do. This is exactly why I am one who doesn't teach my children all about sex early on. Why do they need to know too much about it when they aren't using it? I know many people will disagree with this but as a christian mom and one who is trying to teach her kids sex is for marriage this is what I believe is for their best.
  15. You handled it very well. I know my children are not allowed to go online unless they are sitting near my ex husband or myself. It is to protect them from what they may accidentally pull up unintentionally. My son can't even get on his lap top at home because I won't give him the pw to get on the router. At his Dad's house, he still has to be sitting on the couch where his dad can see what he is looking at. Plus there are so many creeps online and so easy to run across things that I would never want my children seeing.
  16. Yes, this is exactly why I asked. I noticed the Biology book when I looked it up on Amazon had a mention of evolution. My worry is that I will buy that and not the normal Abeka books and it will continue on with evolution throughout the book.
  17. :grouphug: Great to know it wasn't a tick bite and you are well.. Plus good to hear you had some much needed rest.
  18. I always bought new until this year. I sat down to figure out how much my kids books were going to cost and realized $750 was not what I wanted to spend. I started looking at Ebay and Amazon and couldn't believe the discounts I would get on my stuff. So far I have bought 10 different items and not one has come differently then they were described. I do ask a lot of questions before I buy. My most expensive was 5 Abeka books for Algebra that I paid $87 for with shipping. They were going to cost me $123 plus shipping and tax through Abeka. I am still spending a lot on books because I am finally able to get all the books I want without being stuck staying just in the curriculum that I am purchasing because I can afford it now with all the money I am saving.
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