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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. I was looking into Bob Jones University Writing and Grammar. Has anyone used it before? Is it a curriculum that I need to have another language book with or will it stand alone? Still looking and would love all the suggestions I could get. I have 5 days before I have to have everything ordered.
  2. My son has a hard time coming up with what to write about and then an even harder time writing about what he has chosen as his subject. I am looking for something that might help him through that thinking process. Any suggestions for high school writing curriculum. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Yeah my son is also. The only reason I think they might not add those on to WIC is because people can use wash cloths and rewashable diapers.
  4. My son has a hard time coming up with what to write about and then an even harder time writing about what he has chosen as his subject. I am looking for something that might help him through that thinking process. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!
  5. Not for the high school years. If what I have read is correct, you do need the cd's for the elementary years. I taught Geometry last year with TT and I could have done it without the cd's because the book does say pretty much what the cd's say. I loved TT.
  6. When my ex husband and I split up, I had to go on food stamps to make ends meet. I was very self conscious about it because I wondered what people were thinking when they saw me checking out. It is actually funny to think about because before I went on food stamps I never noticed when people used food stamps even when they had those paper ones. I was upset that I needed to be on food stamps even though I was working. I had a few people tell me not to be ashamed because that is what they are there for but still I couldn't help but feel I should be able to make it. I was happy when I knew that I was able to finally make it without food stamps. I looked on my receipt one day when I bought soda/pop to see if I was charged for the deposit on the bottle and I was. I had heard somewhere that you weren't charged for a deposit but there it was in black and white. Maybe it is because I paid cash for some things and food stamps for others. I do know that I thought it was kind of crazy that they allowed you to buy chips, soda, and desserts on food stamps because of the health factor but at the same time I guess they figure if you want to destroy your body with unhealthy foods then it is your prerogative.
  7. Have you used it before? Is Mr. Q Science(Chemistry) slower, the same, or more advanced than Abeka Chemistry? Will the labs that are done be able to be counted towards lab credit? Is this not an advanced enough curriculum if you are trying to work towards taking Engineering courses in college? Thanks so much for your help!
  8. Now why couldn't they have this when my son was younger and I was looking for something such as this. I just looked at the books and it is incredible. I am thinking of getting it for my daughter next year.
  9. I used mine constantly. The DVDs were what my son used and what I used if I had questions. There are times when we review a lesson together when he doesn't get something. Oh and last year was my first year using them and it was for Geometry.
  10. I don't have the 2.0 but I used the Geometry 1.0 this year and loved it!!!!
  11. SATs, Transcripts, Credits...........................OH MY

  12. I like this a lot. I think this would be a great starting point because he would actually have to create on paper before he creates by hand. He has the creating by hand down but I have only seen him draw it out maybe twice in his life. I know we have talked before about NYS requirements. I think he would be allowed to take the RIT workshop but would he be allowed to take any courses at BOCES? I think this would still be considered double registered, right? I just did. Thank you! I have a tendency to use this board because it is my go to board. He has been great at both subjects. He did well in Geometry except for proofs. His only school problems stem from when he chooses to not take the time to read the information given. Can you give him some idea of how long he will have to go to school for and what courses he will be taking? I don't mind in the slightest. It looks great but as you said the price isn't so great. I think it is out of my budget. Thank you though!
  13. This is a cross post per the advice of some very helpful ladies. My eleventh grade son has decided that for the last two years of school he would like to focus on engineering or becoming an architect. Those are the things he wants to focus on in college. I want him to take a course in one or both over the next two years. I think they would both be great electives. As we are in NYS we can not go out and take any such courses at a school. Any ideas of books or sites to visit? Do you think you could apprentice something like this? I would like him to be able to see what goes into the work. He loves building things and creating electrical things from other objects. Any advice would be welcome.
  14. My eleventh grade son has decided that for the last two years of school he would like to focus on engineering or becoming an architect. Those are the things he wants to focus on in college. I want him to take a course in one or both over the next two years. I think they would both be great electives. As we are in NYS we can not go out and take any such courses at a school. Any ideas of books or sites to visit? Do you think you could apprentice something like this? I would like him to be able to see what goes into the work. He loves building things and creating electrical things from other objects. Any advice would be welcome.
  15. This is exactly how I feel about my eleventh grader. I want these last two years to be something to cement our relationship. I will definitely be following this thread. :D
  16. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas. I am applying for as many as I can. I know the Lord is in control.
  17. It would be great for more ideas because if I don't get hired by either of the sites I am applying to then I will still need another job. Thank you!
  18. These both sound like great ideas. If I had college credit then I could do the first but I chose to be a wife and mom right out of high school. I do LOVE the second idea and it would be perfect for what I am looking for. Thank you! Wish me luck on applying.
  19. I want to find an old school sharpener. I had one at my old place and was going to bring it with me when we moved three months ago but I forgot to take it off the door.
  20. This sounds great and I love to write, but I wonder how they would rate my writing. I remember in school my teachers used to say I wrote too much information. I will still give it a try because it can't hurt.
  21. One moment I think I have this using it this way and another time it seems I mess it up. :confused1: Thank you! Maybe it is an impossibility for me to teach this.
  22. I know there are threads about this. Why can't I find them? Can you give me your work at home(btdt) experiences and websites? Thank you!
  23. Too bad they only feel the need to have one of these such stores in NYS.
  24. We do chores after school. I learned with my daughter that she did her best work in the beginning of the day and had a tendency to become tired as the day progressed.
  25. I seem to have a problem finding decent pencils on the shelf. The ones I find have erasers that are terrible and smudge all the papers.
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