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Based on Faith Academy

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Everything posted by Based on Faith Academy

  1. A few years back someone mentioned two online sites to mess around with CAD or that type of thing. One of them was Alice but I can't seem to pull it up. The other one I don't even remember. Anyone remember these? I know Alice was one level and the other one was another level. I hope I am making sense.
  2. Sorry to hear about Nan, Texas. Alzehmeirs is very hard. I thought it was incredible that with everything with my grandfather, he still always remembered who my grandmother was. She took care of him for the last ten years of his life.
  3. Glad you're feeling better. My poor dh works 12 hour days and felt bad he couldn't be here to take care of me.
  4. Sorry to hear that Slache. I crashed after I wrote that message but then woke up at 5am with stomach pain. Now I have a hoarse voice and sound very manly. I wonder if dh and I had a contest, who would win for sounding the manliness.
  5. I was so sick the past two days. It is crazy how it comes on all of a sudden. I was working and then all of a sudden I was barely able to function.
  6. I made chocolate chip banana bread a few days ago. It was delicious and moist.
  7. My son loves these!!! He always has to come downstairs and read what is wrong from any book he is reading.
  8. I'm working my way backwards, as I get time, through the thread. lol The idea sounds funny even saying it. I mean I am going back and reading as time allows.
  9. We have a bunch of museums but the amusement parks would not be constituted as educational. I should look into the state fair. That might be educational. We are close to Canada and Marine Land would be a great place to go.
  10. Only two weeks?????? Yikes!!!! Phew at least it won't be a pop quiz. :crying:
  11. Lucky you!!! My amusement park never has anything fun that I can use for school credit. I wonder if I can use getting a manicure and pedicure as a Science Day field trip. I mean they do use chemicals to put those nails on and my son is in Chemistry so.....
  12. Thank you Julie. I am looking into Secrets of Great Communicators but I can't seem to find examples of what the text actually looks like.
  13. Rest assured, I have no thoughts of changing my avatar. I have never been one to post pictures of myself or my family and I am not very creative so.......
  14. I completely agree with this. I have seen this happen a few times over the years and it has also frustrated me. It is really bad because I have been here for eight years or so and you'd think I would have some idea how people post but because my days are crazy and I can't get online enough I am unable to distinguish between a lot of people.
  15. Knowing me when I am to that point in my life where I will need assistance, I will finally become sweet and all those traits of a Godly woman that I try so hard to be yet fail miserably at. I can say this because I bought a car from my dh, who works at a dealership, and after making my dh thoroughly explain everything to me and giving him a hard time throughout the process,his boss walked up and said,'Wow, she is feisty isn't she? But in a good way though." Lol... Why do I get the feeling he didn't mean it in such a complimentary way?
  16. I have had this log in ID for ages but kept putting off changing it because I didn't want people to think I am hiding. Honestly I never thought I would be around this long and some people actually might say I am not because I post so sporadically. I wanted something more ME than just my name. What is your opinion on name changing?
  17. First time posting in thread... Sorry for your loss Hornblower. Also read your quote Slache. Love it!!
  18. On the paperwork I have for homeschooling, it says one of the things my son should have by the end of next year is speaking/listening as part of his English/Language Arts. Naturally we do book reports and he does science and history displays at our home school group nights. Do your dc do anything else to cover this requirement? Just planning my ds last year and don't want to forget anything. TIA
  19. That is basically my question. I had an email pal years ago but I guess she got too busy. It was just nice having someone to talk to one on one. Thoughts? Christina :tongue_smilie:
  20. I've been trying to sell books and they just aren't selling. I hate just handing them to good will where they may sit on a shelf forever when I know there are people who could probably use them. What do you do with your old books? My kids are eight years apart so these are books that I would want updates versions of. Thanks!
  21. This happens all over my neighborhood, I don't understand it with the crazy people that are out there. I get emails when there is a new person has been added to the list of those who moved within so many miles of my home.
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