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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Awwwww how precious is that!! What a beautiful little girl you have there. :) Bless her heart. :001_wub:
  2. You mean like go to the beauty salon extensions?? Or something else?? I wouldn't be able to go to the beauty salon. We don't have the budget for that. I cut & color my own hair at home. I hate Jillian too btw. lol hehehehe Never did 30 day shred though. I'm a runner at heart. ;) :D
  3. Ugh, ever since Nakia's thread where we talked about putting colored streaks in our hair I am now obsessing over it. I really want to do it because I feel like I'm running out of time to do something crazy, kwim?? I'm going to be 40 this September and I am feeling so compelled to do this thing, but I can't help thinking I'm being ridiculous! First I can't make up my mind what color, red, hot pink, electric blue, purple?? Second, I am a youth worker at church so I don't know if that will go over well or not with the parents whose children I teach. Third, I don't want to embarrass my dd or my dh. I want to get the clip in extensions so that I could take them off and on whenever I want to so I can fly my freak flag and eat my cake too, but that brings me to Fourth, my hair is wicked long. I want to put two streaks in on each side on underside of my hair, BUT my hair from the nape of my neck to the ends measures 27" and the longest extensions I can find are only 18". :( I dont' want to cut my hair, but I don't want to permanently dye it pink, or red, or blue or purple either and the extensions being almost a foot shorter than my actual hair will probably look ridiculous. grrrr I'm really obsessing over trying to find a way to do this thing though because I am really feeling like it's my last hurrah and it's now or never, but I don't know how to make it happen in a practical way. :( I need Freak Flags for Dummies I think. :(
  4. :lol::lol::lol: You crack me up Rosie. You have such a wonderful way of putting things. :grouphug:
  5. I have that too. I've always called it my baby hair since I've had it forever. You can use a hair gel, mousse, hairspray etc to sweep it up into place. :)
  6. I don't know. For me, I guess it wouldn't bother me. I think garter snakes are pretty harmless. Whenever I come across them accidentally, they always slither away. If anything, they should be helpful in controlling any rodent population you might have. But snakes don't bother me either. I actually find them kind of cute so I wouldn't have a problem letting them stay. YMMV.
  7. Oh sweetie! I'm heart broken reading your post. I wish there was something I could say or do to take your pain away. I'm so so sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: I don't know why you are having to suffer like this or why God is allowing this in your life, but I KNOW He is good and you will be vindicated and glorified in the end. It's SO HARD to go through it though. I am always praying for you sweetheart and will continue to do so. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  8. Love them! They are always my first choice as well. I don't know if Cross International is on the ground in Japan or not, but they are a good organization as well. They were already on the ground in Haiti when the earthquake struck so we donated funds through them. They have a really low overhead budget and almost all the money goes to the victims which is probably why nobody knows about them. :)
  9. Thank you for posting this. I never give to the Red Cross either and I didn't even know the information that you mentioned above. After 9/11 they were out in full force asking people to donate blood. It was all over the news etc, People were lined up for hours in lines in order to give blood to help 9/11 victims and it turned out later that the Red Cross was just throwing it away because they were looking for specific types. I was livid about that. They were using news organizations to ask for blood they could have just as easily said, "If you have such and such blood type the Red Cross could really use your help." but no, they chose to waste people's time and life blood instead. Let alone the whole Haiti thing that the money didn't even get there til how long after?? Nope, no Red Cross for me ever again. :mad:
  10. What a sweet and thoughtful post. :) Thank you. :) :grouphug:
  11. That's awful. I went through the wringer too when I was a brand new Christian (just turned 18) by the adults in my church. It probably would have made me walk away from God entirely if I had not had such a miraculous conversion experience. I am convinced that there are some people in the church who are just planted there to lead people astray and cause division. I'm so sorry for your poor daughter though. That is really difficult. It's hard when your faith is shaken. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. Wow!! Good on him that he had the courage to follow through with his convictions though. I'm sure there are other people who may think it, but wouldn't risk losing a reliable income. I wonder what happened in the class when the new professor took over. I wonder if the same methods were used. *Shudder*
  13. :grouphug::grouphug: Oh my gosh, reading that made me physically sick!! You poor thing. Why though did the professor use those methods if he himself was disturbed by it?? Did the school mandate it as the only teaching method?? Was he disturbed by every event or just the last one that caused the frog to make that sound? It was hard to tell from the way it was worded. Either way, that is ghastly. I would have flunked that class for sure. I couldn't even dissect the frog that was already dead and being kept in formaldehyde jar. :svengo: :lol: :lol: Thank you Mrs. Mungo for the comic relief! hehehe It was needed to be sure. A Patron for you! :D :cheers2:
  14. You ladies are all so interesting and talented. It's been a joy to read your replies. Kudos to the OP for starting this thread. :) :hurray:
  15. I SERIOUSLY need to get down to Oz to visit you. We'd have some laughs I'm sure. :) I'll do the cooking, you can do the entertaining. ;) hehehehe My mail person gives me a hard time about having to deliver packages. :001_huh: She told me that I was "on her list" and when I looked at the package it wasn't even for me. It was for my neighbor two doors down. Crazy woman! :confused: :lol::lol::lol: That's hilarious! hehehehe
  16. "LittleItaly, LittleItaly, LittleItaly... you try it!" :lol: :lol: He's funny. hehehe
  17. LOL I'd love to see your mail man's face when you come to the door wearing that. ;) :tongue_smilie: hehehe You were born in the wrong time I think, my dear. :)
  18. :lol: Hmmm let me think..... Sorry, I can't think of a single place where you could buy them other than the mall. ;) :D
  19. Well, I'm not a crafty person at all, but I do love music. I teach guitar on the side from time to time. :) Auto detailing is something I like to do also because I just love cars, I've also made some decent money on the side doing detailing jobs for people.
  20. Oh gosh I LOVE these too! I've seen the Da Vinci one before but the rest of these I've never seen. I'm cracking up here. lol http://www.cafepress.com/+vitruvian_rock_ii_shirt,202024972 http://www.cafepress.com/+black_tshirt,66217305 http://www.cafepress.com/+rocker_evolution_tshirt,113926420 http://www.cafepress.com/+guitarded_tshirt,318150146
  21. Ay, what an image! :lol::lol::lol: Yep, that's what I say. ;)
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