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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL How appropriate for this forum. ;) hehehe This one might work too! ;) http://www.cafepress.com/+books_make_me_happy_tshirt,174466855
  2. Yeah, you don't want to live in a fishbowl. Someone might torture you by shining a light bulb on you for two hours a day. ;) :tongue_smilie: hehehehe I'm sorry! I KNOW that was a horrible joke, but when you mentioned fish bowl I thought it might make you smile in light of your other thread. ;) No torture was intended with my silly sense of humor I assure you! ;) :grouphug: For me, I don't have bumper stickers or fish on my car either, but that's mainly because I'm an auto detailer and having stickers or other such things on the car break me out in hives. ;) :tongue_smilie: I don't necessarily go around waving a Christian Flag or wear a button on my shirt that says, "Hi I'm a Christian. Ask me about Jesus." I'd personally rather let it show through my actions and make people wonder what is different about me. But I definitely don't hide it in conversation. If someone brings up something, I will say, "Well, I'm a Christian so something like that really goes against my core beliefs."
  3. The Torn Veil by Gulshan Esther brought me to tears.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug: I got that you were being facetious. I'm sorry about the bit of flaming you got though. You were brave to put that question up. I don't think that the experiments you named were particularly cruel, but I do agree that science can be cruel. The experiments that the other poster mentioned in her Biology class were cruel. They would have made me pass out! I wouldn't have been able to do them. I had to take a lesser grade for the entire course in Biology when I was in college because I just couldn't dissect the frog. The lab teacher was kind enough to let me show her the organs on a diagram out in the hall, which I did know, I just couldn't do the dissection. I got a B in the class instead of an A because of it.
  5. hahahahaha Maybe facetious. Certainly not sarcastic. ;) I'm a tall girl as you know and so my feet are really long. My toes are longish as well except for the pinky toe. They're tiny on both feet. Actually, they're probably just a normal sized pinky toe for a small footed girl, but on my gunboat feet they're pigmy toes. :D
  6. hehehehehehe I wouldn't really kill you anyway. You're too much fun. I'd do like Monty Python's version of the Spanish Inquisition and put you in the comfy chair and poke you with soft pillows! hehehehe :D:tongue_smilie::lol: I really don't have a "cover" anyway. I only imagine that I do so that I think I am more interesting. I find myself incredibly boring. heheheehehehe :tongue_smilie:
  7. HA! I thought so! I KNEW that had to be it! It's a shame though that you had to use my real name and blow my cover though. I'm going to have to kill you now, but don't worry, I'll make sure that you get posthumous credit for inventing the freak flag! ;) :D :tongue_smilie:
  8. hehehehe No worries, I understood you. It's an interesting idea. Kinda reminds me of phrenology for some reason. :D What does he say if you have a rain check for a pinky toe?? :D
  9. LOL You're the best Karyn! :) Now everyone join me for some butt crunches!! :hurray: ....... NOT! ;) :D :tongue_smilie:
  10. Sounds like you have a lot of reading and research to do. :) I'm intrigued though about the body measurements. What is the author's theory about that??
  11. What is the Geno Type diet?? Never heard of it? Is it by the same author and he just expanded his theory? It sounds intriguing! :) I'm all ears. :bigear:
  12. Aaah Leif! I had a crush on him too! lol How about Andy Gibb and his cute tiny little butt! hehehee
  13. Ugh! I have large pores too and they are the bane of my existence! The ONLY thing I have found that helps is Philosophy's Help Me. I use it at night after washing my face and before my moisturizer. If I use it religiously, the pores are diminished. If I get lazy, they come right back. :( The Help Me, coupled with a good face primer before applying foundation really goes a long way to minimizing my pores. They look almost normal with makeup on. :)
  14. LOL I used to love the Patridge Family. David was so cute back then and I so much wanted to be a Partridge! lol Shirley Jones was the coolest mom ever. :) When David sang, "I Think I Love You" I would get :drool5: too. hehehehe
  15. hahahahaha That IS awesome! I though you invented the "freak flag" though Nakia! I didn't even know it was "a thing". lol I'm so out of the loop. :lol:
  16. LOL There was a teacher in my elementary school, Ms. Cohen, who had a HUGE perfectly round afro! hehehehe Those were fun days. hehe
  17. LOL Oooh boy! hehehehe Is he going to let you go to the conference?
  18. I found out that the comic book store that I take my dd to that sells a lot of manga and anime from Japan was taking up a collection for relief and matching the funds. Maybe you can check around and see if your local comic book shops are doing the same? I know how you feel. It's such a helpless feeling to see their suffering and not really be able to help much. I won't give anything to the Red Cross anymore but that's just me. There are a lot of other relief organizations that I'm sure are on the ground there. I think a bake sale, lemonade stand, car wash, craft sale etc would be a great way to involve the kids. :)
  19. LOL My mom forwarded me that in an email a few weeks ago. It's so funny. :)
  20. How awesome were you!! Lucky! I'm jealous too! I wanted one of those Shaun Cassidy shirts SO BAD! I think all of my friends had one and I was the only one who didn't. My mom bought my clothes at K-mart. Blech.
  21. Couldn't have said it better myself. Welcome Julie. :)
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