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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Nice! :) I think you're almost there. :) Ah, I just saw your post count! 1,001! You did it! congratulations mama! :hurray: :party: :grouphug: :)
  2. Phew! Thank you for the clarification. When I saw that word I was worried about what kind of pastry they gave you. :ack2: ;) :D hehe
  3. Believe it or not I don't really like ice cream! :eek: Shocking I know. :D I like chocolate and pastries better. :) Four more to go! :)
  4. orange you glad I didn't say Ice Cream! ba dum bum! :D
  5. Oh my, I just got a crazy idea. lol For those of us that read the thread titles and think stuff we can't type, what if we put it here in this thread and just crack our sarcastic selves up?? Lord, they'd probably lock it down and throw away the key though. Nevermind, probably a bad idea. lol *Goes back to NOT typing what she is thinking.* :leaving: :D
  6. Should I tell her Tap?? (rubs hands together and laughs evilly) hehehe :D
  7. :lol: :lol: hehehehe That's cute! Well, if MissMoe doesn't make it to her next level tonight maybe we can! hehehehe
  8. (ahem, in my best Marie Osmond voice) I don't know. What DID the bee say to the hive?
  9. LOL Ice cream who? (like I don't know the answer. :D )
  10. I think the prevailing theory about ghosts is that they are souls that linger on when they are separated from the body in a sudden or violent way and don't realize they've passed or that they have unfinished business that keeps them from moving on. If that were the case I would think the entire country would be populated by ghosts that we wouldn't even know about. Think of the Civil War for example, and how many Americans lost their lives in a sudden and violent way. How many of them had lives left to live and had unfinished business that would cause them to linger on once the body can no longer support them? How about the Native Americans that were here even before and how many battles were fought amongst warring tribes? What about the Spanish flu or other illnesses that have blown through and claimed many? Not to mention how many people have died who didn't die violently, but who maybe weren't ready to go? I would think that would make for a lot of ghosts and we would be inhabiting space with them all the time without even knowing it. I have a neighbor who shot himself last October and died in his bed. About a month ago a family moved in there with a young child. They are renters and I don't know if the owner of the house even told them about the suicide or not. Maybe they know and don't care or maybe they don't know at all? I don't know, but they are happily living in that house now and have all moved in and set it up as their home. I walked past their house today (they live next door to me and I have to pass their house to get to mine) and I saw that she had a new decoration up in the kitchen. It was a big L-O-V-E in the kitchen hanging over the stove. I don't think she's worrying about ghosts. I personally don't believe in them, but I know a lot of people here in Florida, being that this is a tourism state, love to capitalize on ghost stories and have haunted ghost tours and such. It's gimmicky but apparently it works. Nicolas Cage, for that very reason, bought the La Laurie mansion in New Orleans that was supposed to be haunted.
  11. Gilda was awesome may she rest in peace! I love the one when she's playing a little girl and her parents tell her to go to bed and she keeps calling them into the room for this and that and they finally get so mad they tell her if she calls them one more time she's going to be in big trouble and she looks in the closet and sees the zombie dude with the axe in his head and has to decide whether to call her parents again or to let the zombie dude kill her and she starts to call her parents and then says, "nevermind" :lol::lol: LOL I could totally relate to that. I remember having nightmares when I was young and having to decide which was scarier the dream, or going in and waking up my mother. :lol::lol: And hey! I just realized I'm an amateur bee keeper and no longer an Empress bee! :D Cool!
  12. LOL I LOVE that movie! Christoph Waltz was BRILLIANT! :) And I laughed through most of it too. When Brad Pitt opens up his mouth to speak Eye-talian to Colonel Landa at the movie premiere and says "Gorlomi" I almost died laughing! :lol: To this day whenever anyone in my house is mumbling and I can't understand them I say, "Gorlomi" to them. hehehe
  13. I'm sarcastic mostly with my family because I know I can be and they will "get it" and not get all offended. With normal human beings I'm just my usual silly self and utilize sarcasm lite. :) lol :lol: Awesome! I want to go to school at your house! :) :lol: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :D :smilielol5: hehehehehe
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