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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh yes, I totally believe that. I was once talking to a Danish friend of mine about this very thing. She was born, raised and lives in Denmark but she came to the US once and went to California where there was a Danish community. She said that the Danish that they spoke there was so old fashioned it was like being the people had come out of a time capsule or something. I think it is probably similar with many of the communities in the US that came from the Old World and persisted. I'm sure in many ways it's like going back in time.
  2. I play guitar and also like to read. Sometimes I study a foreign language if I'm not too tired. Mostly I like to read non-fiction, self educational type of books to learn something new. :) But whatever I do, I definitely have to have my "down time". :)
  3. :iagree:Same here. I have to do it in the morning before school. I don't exercise every single day. I shoot for M-F and with weekends off. For me I find that doing it before school keeps me on schedule best.
  4. Nope. My mom is 67 and still wears jeans. She wears them with blouses and she looks completely age appropriate.
  5. Well, I've been sleep deprived since my kids were born. I think I've learned to live on less sleep, and I have gotten used to it over these last 13 years, but my brain is always a little foggy and my memory is not as good anymore as it used to be. Even if I get used to functioning sleep deprived and my body can tolerate it, I don't think my brain really can. It's just never as up to par as it would be if I slept better.
  6. Oh my gosh! My dd was reading a magazine and left it open and I just saw this! How funny! And Aubrey just unplugged too. Shame she can't see that. I think she would have liked it. :)
  7. Cool! :) The west coast is so nice. Ya'll have the best sea shells and sunsets. :) My mom and grandparents are from Tampa (Ybor City) so not too far from where you grew up. :)
  8. *choke* giggle. :lol::lol::D I've always liked this Aubrey too. Although I'm sure Aubrey hates that song. lol People used to always sing Jennifer Juniper to me when they first found out my name. :ack2: I hate that song with the power of a 1,000 suns!
  9. Hi Michelle. Welcome. :) I hope you enjoy your time here. The boardies here are full of knowledge so feel free to ask lots of questions. :) You might be interested in checking out Rosie's crafters challenge thread since you enjoy knitting and crafts. Click here to see it. Where in Florida did you used to live? I'm in South Florida near Miami. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  10. Oh Jean. I am so so sorry. I am so sick over what is happening in Japan, I cannot even imagine what you are feeling. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  11. My kids don't drink coffee by your definition. My dd likes it with lots of milk and sugar. ;) I started drinking black coffee when I was 9 I think.
  12. Oh my gosh Amber! I'm so sorry. I pray that the surgery will help little Possum. Poor baby! And poor you! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. It's both. There is definite ministry going on. Our kids go often to an AIDS camp that the church sponsors in the Bahamas. The church has people on the ground that work day in and and day out taking care of the people. The leaders who go on the missions trips with the kids are all seasoned as well. For the kids, it is often their first time. They learn the ropes and jump in serving along side of the people who work in the AIDS camp. It gets them in a completely foreign environment and teaches them about service at the same time that they can see how privileged they are in their lives. It is ministry on both ends, for the people in the camp as well as for the kids who participate. A short term missions trip is often like a dose of Miracle Grow in their walk. :)
  14. I'm a youth worker at my church and the short-term missions trips we do are mainly to get the kids out of their comfort zone and to see how people live in other parts of the world. They go to serve the people they are visiting by talking with them, putting on dramas, feeding them, caring for their general needs and praying with them. The kids usually come back home completely changed. For some, the exposure is enough for them to know that they want to do missionary work, for others, it just makes them realize how much they have and they come home very grateful for it. Our missions trips for the youth are typically between $400-$500.
  15. Oh this is so horrific. I'm just heart sick for these poor poor people. It's just beyond devastating. :crying:
  16. Oh I'm so glad you got word from your cousin and that he's okay. :grouphug: It is just surreal what is happening there. This catastrophe is just awful beyond words. :crying:
  17. Thank you so much for checking in, Willow! We were all so worried about you. I'm so glad you're okay. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  18. I am praying for these poor, poor people! This is devastating! :crying: Please let's all unite in prayer for them. I just this video on youtube. I have no words! :crying:
  19. Me too. I was in shock and just crying. My heart is breaking for them. How horrible!! :crying: I hope she is well and safe. :grouphug:
  20. :iagree: That's awesome. My Aspie dd too is starting to get sarcastic after years of asking me when I say something, "Are you being sarcastic? :confused: " and I would tell her "yes". Now she not only picks up on it when I"m being sarcastic, she'll dish it right back. It's awesome! :D hehehe
  21. Put me in the "funny" farm (I mean camp) too. :D
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