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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Thank you both so much! :grouphug::grouphug: I hope so too Carrie! I will definitely let you know. :) How wonderful it is to have people to share this journey with who truly understand. :grouphug: Thank you ladies. You're precious! :grouphug:
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :party: :party: :hurray: :hurray: I know yours isn't until technically until tomorrow Colleen, but I wanted to be sure to wish you blessings on your special day! Happy Birthday ladies!! I hope you are spoiled rotten and have a wonderful wonderful day! I'm so glad for all you bring to these boards. I have so enjoyed reading your posts and learning from you. Blessings! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Another vote for waxing here. My mom has a "stache" and used to bleach it, but the bleach discolored the skin on her upper lip over time and it was worse than the mustache. She started waxing it and has never looked back. It doesn't make the hair thicker at all. It actually thins it out over time. It's shaving that you NEVER want to do. That will make it thick. HTH. :)
  4. I couldn't help sharing because I was busting at the seams and just had to tell someone! LOL I know there are lots of ladies here with special kids who would understand and rejoice with me. The people I know IRL have typical kids and wouldn't find it that amazing. hehe Thank you all for celebrating with me. You ladies are awesome! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  5. I love it when it's like that. When I see it at the beach, it reflects off the water so brightly it lights up everything. :) Sounds beautiful. Are you going to go out to the river again today? Awww what a great story! I've always loved looking at the moon and stars too. The director of our local planetarium used to have this short segment on PBS called Stargazer that would play in between the scheduled programing. He would always come out and tell us what events were going to be happening, what to look for and what time to go out to see it. I always loved how excited he would get when he would describe the events and it would infect you so that you would get all excited and have to go out and see it too. :) I grew up watching him, but sadly he died last August and they don't have Stargazer anymore. :( He really made looking at the skies and adventure though. He always ended his segment by saying, "Keep looking up." He was wonderful! :)
  6. No way!! Happy Birthday Negin! :):party: What an awesome present to receive. :) :hurray: Well, I guess we know now why the moon wanted to be so close to Earth, it didn't want to miss your special day! :) Enjoy it. :) :grouphug:
  7. Oh how lovely and romantic. Please update us and let us know if it was ginormous or not. :) Enjoy your walk. :)
  8. It should be. I saw last month's full moon rising at the beach as well and it was so big and pretty that everybody was stopping to look at it. :) This one should really be something. I wish my camera didn't suck. I'd take pictures to share. :) LOL Yeah they kids wouldn't like that I'll wager. And neither would you like having to get them back to bed after. ;) :D
  9. Lisa, I can't add anything more to the wonderful replies you've gotten already but I just wanted to give you a big HUG. :grouphug: I pray that God leads you exactly to where He wants you to be and gives you a place you can call home. God bless you. :grouphug::grouphug:
  10. I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question, but I'll bump your thread for you. :) Hopefully you'll get some answers soon. :)
  11. I just wanted to share this. :) I stumbled across this when I went to check my email. The moon is going to be the closest to the Earth that it's been in 18 years so tonight's full moon is going to be a "Super Moon" appearing 30% larger than normal full moons. :001_smile: The best time to view it is just after the sun goes down when the moon is rising on the horizon just before 7pm. :) We're going to go to the beach and watch it rise out of the water. :) Enjoy. :)
  12. Thank you. :) Oh I did. My son is profoundly Autistic and struggles to speak even one word. For him to say an entire sentence is HUGE. I'm just blown away by how far he's come. :001_smile:
  13. Oh I'm SO glad!! Thank you so much for the update, Amber. What wonderful news! :hurray: :party: I pray he has a speedy recover. :grouphug:
  14. Thanks ladies. :) I knew you would celebrate with me. I'm so proud of him. :001_wub:
  15. Thank you. I couldn't believe my ears. I was so excited I had to share. :)
  16. Awwww so cute!:001_wub: hehehe I'm glad that mom is not flat. Poor kitty. hehe
  17. Oh keep it! If your reporting laws are anything like ours, you can use it to make extra income. In Florida you have to go to a state certified teacher for the end of the year evaluation. All of the women I know who do those evals are all former teachers who home-school their kids but they keep their certifications current and they make a decent amount of money doing the end of the year testing for the home-schooled kids in our group. :)
  18. My son actually spoke a full sentence tonight! My jaw totally dropped to the floor! He just turned 10 years old on March 12 so I don't know if he's had a developmental growth spurt or what, but he wanted to go in the tub and take his toys in there. Usually he gestures or will say one word like, "bath" when he wants something. Today he looked me in the eyes and said, "want to go into bath." I couldn't believe it! It's the first time he's ever spoken a whole sentence! :hurray: :party: I'm so proud of my little guy! :001_wub:
  19. That's wonderful Jean. :hurray: I pray that you have a complete and total recovery of your health and have lots and lots more stamina to come! God bless you dear! :grouphug:
  20. Oh thank you so much for the information. Yeah, I don't want to strip my hair. It looks like I'll go with the synthetic weave. I'll PM you from here on out so I don't hijack this thread anymore if that's okay with you. :) Ummmm. I'm guessing it's either being helpful or putting funky colors in your hair. ;) :D Thanks again.
  21. Oh yes I did the online chat help thingy on there and the girl gave me links to the shape shifter. It looks cool and apparently I can buy it in whatever size I need. YAY! :hurray: I've got like 7 Youtube windows open for them now. lol Do you know about the hair dyes?? Do you have to bleach the hair first in order to put in the color?? I am trying to decide whether to the linkies extensions thingy or to just dye my own hair. What do you think?? Thanks again for the site link. :)
  22. Thank you for the encouragement. :) My mom always says that the 40's are the best years. :) Thank you so much. It's an interesting site. Where do you find the video clips?? I'm browsing it, but can't find that part. Thanks. :) THAT is a very worthy obsession. :D
  23. LOL Cute! I'd take Team Shaun/Team Leif over Team Jacob/Team Edward any day of the week! I'm old school like dat! ;) :D hehehe
  24. I have to have my "chancletas" :D. I wear them with everything. The colors may vary, but the style of the shoe is generally something like these. http://www.amazon.com/Trotters-Womens-Adrianne-Sandal-10-5/dp/B002POC9CG/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1HK9NV3V4TC0Z&colid=2EKN82J52NMB3 http://www.amazon.com/LifeStride-Swirl-Slide-Sandals-GREEN/dp/B0031TAXEA/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I2E63P2GTN2ZHA&colid=2EKN82J52NMB3 http://img.thefind.com/images/eQANybERwjAMAEAxkC0bSRawjYHgmCNEF6dgkqxGS8sC1Lj7u39_P22DDeJvB9ksL8MDxnW1E-K1xqC-jbNZfRZ_mSesUy5D64NEKDdkQhallImTcOzep7MKBT1IVhbSzP04OpbwYj664IK_WwH4Aw**?m=1&g=1
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