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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. They played tonight at church and it was so good I HAD to share. I hope it uplifts, inspires, strengthens and encourages you. :) Blessings, Jennifer
  2. OOOH I would ask you to post it, but I have seriously derailed this thread enough as it is and have a sort of reputation for being a *cough* thread killer *cough* *cough* and would hate to see yet another thread die at my hands. :D Maybe you could PM it to me?? Or you could even post it up in the thread I started about the moon? That way anyone who wants to see it can. :) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE sailing. How lucky you are to have a nice sail boat. :)
  3. LOL :lol::lol: Well everyone complains about the heat, even the natives, but yeah it's the tropics, it's going to be hot. :) The bugs though yes are gross. Shudder, but I guess I'm just used to them. You have no choice when you grow up here.
  4. Awwww thank you for that. :grouphug::grouphug: It does make me feel better. :) Fort Walton beach is nice. :) But I just realized how much I'm ranting and being rude by hijacking this thread. I apologize. It's just that what Dobela said really struck a nerve with me. I guess I just don't understand why everyone hates it here so much when I love my state. :confused: Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled thread. :) Rant/hijack over! :D:tongue_smilie:
  5. Yes this. I understand that Florida is different from the North and I understand that it would be an adjustment to move from there to here. I even understand the complaints about the heat. It is hot. But it's the "hell hole" comments that always make me feel horrible. I wish I could say that it's only said by a few, but it's not. I've always heard people say that. I've even read it on here these boards when people talk about places they would never want to live. Florida is always mentioned and someone inevitably will call it a "hell hole". It would be interesting to use the search function on these boards for that phrase and see how many times Florida comes up in the search results. :lol: The thing that bugs me though, is for all of it's imperfections, Florida has a great deal of natural beauty and neat things to see and do if one would just take the time to open themselves up to doing something new and different. Isn't that part of the adventure of going somewhere new? New things to see and experience? You can swim with dolphins here, see gorgeous sunsets, go swimming in February, go to the beach on Christmas Day, go boating, play water sports, dive coral reefs, go fishing, go swimming in the springs, go on nature walks, Disney World, Sea World, Bush Gardens, Universal Studios, Kennedy Space Center etc. There is a lot to do, it's just typically outdoorsy stuff. :)
  6. :iagree::iagree:THANK YOU so much for saying this out loud! This has always been such a huge pet peeve of mine so much so that it has given me a real complex about my state. I was born and raised in South Florida and have lived in the same county my entire life. I cannot tell you how many people I've met from up north that come down here and just blast this place to smithereens. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard, "It's too hot." "There's nothing to do here." "Florida is a hell hole." etc etc. I happen to love my state because it's where I've lived my whole life and all of my memories and friends have been here. It just gets so old to hear the continual complaining about my home by people who hate it so much I cannot understand why they don't move back to the place that they think is so great. I would never go to someone's house and then start telling them how ugly it is, and how small their house is and how their furniture is so tacky and then go on to tell them how wonderful and perfect my own house is. Yet people feel free to insult my home continually to my face after finding out I'm a native from here. :confused: It's very hurtful. :( Rosie and I were talking about visiting each other some day and what we would do etc and I actually got worried about her coming here and started to think, "What if she comes here and hates it and thinks it's a hell hole like everyone else?" Yeah, it's really created a complex for me. It's a shame too because I really don't know why people hate Florida with such passion. I think it's beautiful here. :confused::confused:
  7. Oh no!!! :crying: I knew she wasn't doing well, but I'm so sad to hear she's gone. :(
  8. I got them out of the library and my dh has been reading them and LOVES them. There's some potty humor apparently with the dwarf character and Artemis believes in evolution, but apart from that there's nothing that would be objectionable. My dd 13 just started reading the first book yesterday and is on the last chapter already today. :)
  9. AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing Heather. I'm rejoicing with you and the angels! :) :party: :hurray:
  10. That is so sweet! :) I like that song.
  11. "lullaby and goodnight. La la la la la la la. La la la la, la la la, la la la la la la la. Lullaby and goodnight. I dont' know the words to this song. La la la la, la la la, la la la la la la la." :D
  12. Awwww how sweet is that! :001_smile:
  13. LOL Definitely doesn't hurt. ;) Sounds like you had a nice evening. I like Mary Kay stuff too. :)
  14. Sounds lovely!! Maybe you can think of the lack of sleep as enjoying this day that much longer?? :)
  15. Oh Dawn! I'm so sorry. :grouphug: :grouphug: I will pray for your little boy and for your family. :grouphug:
  16. Wow!! Your kids must be really sound sleepers! LOL I could see myself trying to sneak in their room and hearing my dd calling out sternly, "What are you doing??" hehehehe :lol:
  17. Wow what a wonderful day! Sounds perfect! I'm so glad your birthday was so nice. :)
  18. That's a short essay! :glare: :spam: reported.
  19. Oh my gosh how scary! I didn't know this. I'm RH negative so I knew about that type of incompatibility, but this one is completely new to me. I'm so glad that your little PJ recovered. Thank you for the PSA.
  20. You bet! :) Nighty night sweetie. It was fun having a laugh with you. :) You're a good sport! :grouphug:
  21. hehehehe ;) I don't know what you are going through, but I do know that you are safe and amongst friends and you are definitely not alone! :grouphug::grouphug:
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