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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. My brother posted up on my FB wall and I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. If ya'll know Benny Hinn you'll love this. :) It's meant in fun. Enjoy it. :)
  2. S/O Yankee asks about the South... now I'm scared Shoulda used Google instead. ;)
  3. That's great. Welcome. I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
  4. Happy Birthday Barb!! :party: :hurray: Enjoy your special day. That sounds like bliss! :) :grouphug:
  5. Absolutely!! Post away. That's a beautiful song. I'd never heard it before. Thank you so much for posting it. :) And anyone else who wants to add a song or a video or share about how great your King is feel free to post away. He's worthy of all our praise! My pleasure. :) Mine too! :) I haven't found it yet, but I'm looking. :) On Wikipedia under the entry for his name, it has an mp3 file of his That's My King sermon that can be downloaded. My dh was saying that he should put it as his ring tone on his cell phone. lol He works with some decidedly anti-Christian people and was imagining their reaction if that was his ring tone. lol Amen. Hugs to all of you who are going through rough times. :grouphug: I get so weary of living in the end times sometimes. I get so tired of all the lawlessness that surrounds me and the evil and wickedness that I see. I can't wait to see my King, but I know it is His great love and mercy that causes Him to tarry so that all may be saved. That's my King.
  6. Awesome! :) You're welcome dear. :) It's too good not to share. :)
  7. OOOH, I'd love to see the preacher delivering it. I'll hunt youtube later and see if I can find it. If I do I'll link it here. :) I agree this would be a great alarm clock to wake up to! :) We wiki'd the pastor's name and when we saw that the S.M. actually stood for Shadrach Meshach my dh just said, "oh with a name like that his parents made certain he didn't stand a chance to be anything but a preacher!" hehehehehe So glad you enjoyed it. :)
  8. AWESOME!!! :D My dd came down stairs for a glass of milk last night just after my dh had shown it to me. I told her, if you're going to sit there drinking milk you have to watch this while you drink. lol She liked it. :) She kept asking me if it was Tony Evans. lol
  9. Love that Calvin quote Karen. Can I pop and in and share the :crying: and :grouphug: with ya'll? I've been going through this with my dd as well. She's going to be 14 in June and starting high school next year. It hit me suddenly that I only have 4 years left with her before she's out of my hands. That really startled me. When she was little it seemed like we had all the time in the world and now suddenly we're facing the end. My baby is almost all grown up. I blinked and she went from a toddler to a teenager.
  10. I remember. I posted it up. :) I'll get it for you. :) you go. :) This is the original thread with the favorite praise songs. :)
  11. So glad it blessed you! I got so emotional when I saw it. When I think of my King and all He has done for me, I can't help but praise His holy name. He certainly is all of that and more. He's my everything. :001_wub: :grouphug: This video makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs. :)
  12. Quick question, is the Intel App Up free too? Do I have to download that to be able to play the game? Thanks. :) I've never played it, but I've heard about it so now I'm curious. hehe :)
  13. Yeah they're on the Gulf Coast as well. My mom's from Tampa and she had them in her house too as a kid. They're everywhere there are trees basically. Frogmom has just been lucky I think. ;) :D
  14. Oh yes, we have formosans. When they swarm it's AWFUL, but we got a termite specialist who is treating them so we'll see come April if he's worth his fees or not. But for the record, he said that formosans can live anywhere and are even found in Canada. Go figure. :001_huh: Do you know the alligator call? There is a certain call that you can make and they will come to you. Well the mamas will. :) Denise, I just wanted to let you know that alligators will only go after what they know will fit in their mouths. They don't chew there food. They chomp and swallow it so if it's bigger than their mouth, they won't go after it. Usually they are more afraid of us than we are of them. They will get aggressive though if they are a mama and their nest is near by, but that's the same with all mamas. :) Also I wanted to let you, Stacia, and everyone else know about meat tenderizer. That stuff works great for bee/wasp stings, mosquito bites, fire ant bites any kind of bite like that it will treat. You buy it in the spice aisle of the grocery store. It's a white powder. You mix it with water to form a paste and put it on the bite site for about a half an hour (doesn't hurt) and then rinse it off and put hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion on it and take benadryl by mouth. Repeat if necessary. The meat tenderizer breaks down the protein enzymes of the insect's bite and neutralizes it. It also works if you're snorkeling and get stung by a jelly fish or brush up against fire coral or mustard coral. It's a great all around cure for those things. :) Just wanted to pass that along. :) I've never even seen snow in person. lol South Florida doesn't get love bugs anymore once you get past about Stuart. We don't get the gnats bad either, but we do have the palmetto bugs and they're huge and fly, but are mostly at the beach or in the pines. The cockroaches are huge too and they do look for food. I woke up one morning to find a 3 inch long cockroach eating a skittle that my son had dropped on the floor. :001_huh:
  15. Awesome. :) I'll pass your thanks on to my dh. I was actually serving tonight so I wasn't in the main sanctuary and didn't see it, but dh told me about it and hunted all over youtube until he found it so that I could see it too.:001_wub: I'm so glad he did. I got all emotional and teary. That's my King! :) OOH ETA: I just realized I put the wrong link up. That was the other one that dh found. I corrected the link in my first post. That one is better. Sorry for the mix up. :blushing:
  16. It was in the 80's here today and not a cloud in the sky. It was beautiful, warm, the sun was shining, just an all around beautiful day. I wish you could have been here to enjoy it and out of that cold. :grouphug: :iagree::iagree: While South Florida I know isn't "real" Southern, we do have lots of folks from the Southern states down here as well as all of the other states. One of the most racist group of men I've ever encountered down here were from Brooklyn, New York. I think it just goes to show that people are people no matter where you go and racists are racists whether they hail from the South, the North, the West or Mars.
  17. :smilielol5: That is too funny! hehehehe
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