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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. hehehehe hehehe Okay then. This one :laugh: would be me. :) Phew. I don't want to be mean to anyone, I just can't help being sarcastic sometimes. When I see an opening I just HAVE to take it. hehehehe
  2. Ay, I do this one. Does that make me mean?? :001_unsure:
  3. Oh I'm so sorry! That's terrible! Praying for healing and a speedy recovery. :grouphug:
  4. To me, sarcasm has many levels. I don't partake in the mean type at all. I don't like hurting people, just sporting with them a little bit. :D hehe To me, sarcasm is akin to teasing or giving someone a (gentle) ribbing. :D I also like to play with words which can sometimes fall into the category of sarcasm but is more often a pun. :)
  5. Try making a paste of meat tenderizer (the white powder stuff found in the spice aisle at the grocery store) and water and put it all over where it is swollen and leave it on for half an hour then wash it off. Keep giving him the benadryl. That should take care of it. You can treat him again in the morning with the meat tenderizer if he needs it and again at night if he should still need it. It should be gone pretty quick though with the combination of the meat tenderizer and the benadryl.:)
  6. :lol::lol: It's very possible that someone who practiced Santeria or Voodoo could have lived there before and the spirits have lingered. Miami has many people who practice those two religions. As for the blessing on the house, it isn't done by a Santero, it's usually done by a Catholic priest or some other Christian who is knowledgeable in those things.
  7. If done right it I think it would solve the problem, that is if she wants the problem solved. :) Miami is supposed to be cursed. There is a legend here that the Indians cursed it when the white people moved in because it was a sacred place to them so when they were moved off the land they cursed it when they left.
  8. Awww cute! hehehehehe I could "hear" her voice in my head when I was reading your other post. My best friend when I was in school was from Germany and her mother had a really strong accent and would talk just like how your MIL talks. :) When I was a kid, my older sister (who was a young teen at the time) was ADDICTED to General Hospital. She used to try to get me to watch it with her, but I just could not make myself care about those characters. lol I did like the episode where Luke and Laura got locked into the mall overnight though. That was sweet and in my young brain I just kept thinking how cool it would be to be locked in a mall with nobody else around but wondered why boring Luke and Laura went to the bedding section to sleep when they could have been playing in the toy department!! :D :lol:
  9. Santeria could have something to do with it. Has she had the house blessed?
  10. :lol::lol::lol: That's funny. Your MIL sounds like she's a riot! :) hehe
  11. I voted "other" because I wasn't sure if you would consider "the supernatural" as paranormal. I have experienced the supernatural several times, both the good and the bad, but I don't believe in ghosts so I guess I can't say I've experienced the paranormal. Ugh, my answer is clear as mud. I apologize. I don't know how else to put it.
  12. What?? No "other" on the poll?? :D hehe Well, I would have voted "other". ;) I don't really watch any t.v. shows (at this point in time), but there were a couple of soaps that I did watch every day in the past. I watched this one called Natacha. EVERYONE used to laugh at me because I liked that soap, but it was sweet. :blushing: I also watched Betty la Fea. That one was great and so funny! :) I haven't watched a soap since then. MY HUSBAND ON THE OTHER HAND is addicted to Eva Luna that is on right now and I cannot stand that show. It's completely absurd! He admits that it's ridiculous, but he can't stop watching it. lol I actually got into trouble tonight because I was supposed to set it up to record for him when I left to pick him up at work to go to church, but I forgot. He was so upset with me. Ooops. So I don't really watch them, but I do, I'm not right now, but I would in the future if there was a good one on, but there isn't so I vote "other" or I would have if there was the option to. ;) :D How's that for a sentence. :D hehe
  13. I saw this today and thought of this thread. LOL I wonder if some of these kids are ours. :D hehehe
  14. True dat. smile. I just keep giggling at the thought of people seeing this without knowing that we're typing in white and just wondering what the heck all this back and forth grinning is about. I know that would be me if I didn't reply to your wink Peek. It was only then that I saw you actually typed something. hehehehe
  15. LOL Okay boss. hehehe So what sarcastic things are you not saying outloud Mr. Bill???
  16. :D I wonder now if everybody is wondering why you and I just keep smiling at each other. hehehehe That was pretty clever to suggest turning the text white. But we all know you're very clever. smile. hehe
  17. :) :iagree: I think everyone has a story to tell. :)
  18. What a lovely story. That's so sweet about dh holding you in the car on the way home. Sounds like you had a wonderful evening. :)
  19. :D ROFL! You're going to get me banned! hehehehehe (written with absolute sincerity and not a trace of sarcasm) Ay Peek, it's so good to see you back again. You were missed my dear. Okay, this one is just a silly one.... When I saw the title of the thread, "Where does your dog sleep?" My first thought was to say "on his arse! Oh wait, that wasn't my dog." But I didn't. hehehe But that's more Steven Wright-ish than sarcastic I dare say. hehe
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