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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Ay Karyn, you are seriously going to make me cry! You are too good! :crying: :grouphug: :grouphug: If we were dead you could live in our house! lol It's small but warm and close to the beach. It does tend to get a little windy here though in the summers. You could do like the Canadians that visit do and live here in the winter and in Canada the rest of the year. Our house is paid for. :)
  2. :lol: You're too cute. I can just picture that scenario. You're all excited and talking about words and their eyes just start to glaze over. hehehehe That happens to me all the time when I talk about my interests. hehe I love words too. I remember when I was in college I had to write an 800 word paper on the etymology of a SINGLE WORD. I was terrified when I got the assignment thinking, how in the world am I going to write 800 words on a single word. The research proved to be fascinating and I enjoyed it so much. I've always had a thing for the origins of words especially with English since so many words originate from SO MANY different languages. I wound up having something like 1,500 words when I wrote my first draft and had to find ways to shorten it down to the 800 words! :lol: lol I think I've loved etymologies ever since. :)
  3. Oh Karyn!! That's so great about your son! :) :grouphug: I actually had 3 different doctors tell me the same things about the meds. One was the pediatrician, the other two were pediatric neurologists. Basically they all said that any meds to help with the symptoms for the Asperger's would exacerbate the OCD and any meds for the OCD would exacerbate the Autism symptoms. Apparently the way the medication works for the one condition heightens the problems with the other. :confused: For the record they all were willing to write a prescription for her, they just kind of gave me the caveat that she would be tricky to medicate and that I would likely experience a negative effect in the other symptoms. They basically just asked me what was the most important condition that I was wanting control with and saying let's just go with that. The problem is, it's hard to separate them out because they all work together to impact her functioning which I guess is why we haven't medicated her yet. :(
  4. :grouphug::grouphug: I was just talking with dh about this tonight. We have two special needs kiddos and are pretty much on our own raising them. I don't know what would happen to them if we died. Here is your tears smilie. :crying: :crying: sniff.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You crack me up, Karyn! tee hee hee :lol::lol::lol:
  6. :grouphug: Thanks sweetie. Has the drug had any impact on his Autism for better or worse?? BTW, my title should say "an" Aspie, not "any". lol I can't correct it though.
  7. can you please tell me what the doctor prescribed and if it is working for you?? My dd has all of the three above, but the doctor said that prescribing meds is tricky for her because the meds for the one condition exacerbates the symptoms of the other. I'd just really like to hear from some people that have BTDT that could tell me how it worked for their child and what medication they are taking. I'd like to do some more research and having the drug name would be helpful. Also if anyone is doing any natural remedy that has been helpful, I'd really love to hear about that as well. Basically, I'm open to all options. Thank you so much to all who reply. :)
  8. Ugh! The spammers have been on this forum over time lately. It's horrible!
  9. That is so AWESOOOOME!!! You are not too old at all! Have a great time! :hurray: :party:
  10. I would guess because it is very new and probably came out after SWB published the book, but don't quote me on that. ;) :D
  11. You're welcome honey. I'm happy to be of any help. :) I don't know if it comes in different sized bottles or not. I've only ever seen the big one. I think it's 3.4 ounces?? I get mine from drugstore.com. It's $40.00, but it lasts FOREVER!! I've had my bottle for probably 2 or 3 years and even gave my mom half of my bottle and I still have plenty left and use it every time I wash my hair. :)
  12. Have you ever used Moroccan oil?? It's wonderful for the hair. I dye my hair as well, every 4 weeks or so and my hair is very long (down to my butt) so the ends can dry out. I use Japanese Camellia oil (mixed with my conditioner) in the shower and comb that through and rinse and after towel drying my hair when I get out of the shower I put the Moroccan oil and comb it through. It leaves my hair strong, healthy, soft and shiny and really protects it in spite of all that I do to it. My hair looks as healthy as it did before I ever dyed it. I also use a heat protectant spray whenever I flat iron it. HTH. :)
  13. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Thank you so much for the update. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Continuing in prayer for you and your family. :grouphug::grouphug:
  14. LOL Buffy had THE BEST opening song of any show! hehehe My dh used to watch that one all the time. :)
  15. That's so sad. I can't imagine how incredibly lonely she must have been. :crying:
  16. Let me preface this by saying that my hair is naturally straight, but started getting the slightest bit wavy after having my kids, but when I straighten my hair with a flat iron, it holds until the next time I wash it. I live in South Florida so the humidity is ample here as well. I don't know how it would be with very curly hair though.
  17. That's awesome Audrey. It's a shame the math was so tough. I'd love to see your drawings sometime. :)
  18. Black Adder is awesome! I love Monty Python and Fawlty Towers too. :)
  19. hehehehe I am the one who always takes care of the car. Unfortunately I never got to learn much about what goes on under the hood, but I did learn about auto detailing. I maintain our car, always check the tire pressure and make sure it's at the right PSI etc. A dream of mine that I've had since I was a young girl, is to get an old classic car and restore it. I so long to do that with like a '71 Chevelle or a '69 Camaro or a 70's mustang or a '59 Corvette.:drool5: That would be such a dream come true if I could.
  20. For me, if product, price and service is good and the same as any other business owner, being a Christian would probably be the deciding factor for me as to whom I would choose. Around here, a lot of the Christian businesses are smallish kind of mom and pop type places and I always like to patronize small businesses if I can. But I would do that regardless of their religious affiliation also. :)
  21. Oh sweetie! You've been through SO MUCH!! Praying for you. I hope that God provides all of your needs. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  22. Well... when I was in college I really wanted to be a Marine Biologist, but I didn't have the math skills for it. If there was a way I could do that without the stinking math I'd love to do that. I've also ALWAYS wanted to learn auto mechanics. I actually wanted to do that out of high school but my mom was against it (to put it mildly) :(
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