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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh it is sooo good! I wish I could go see it again. I'm going to buy the DVD when it comes out for sure. :)
  2. Oh my! Stay safe. Hopefully it is just a warning and no damage will be had. How scary!
  3. I'm so happy he won! I was rooting for him. His acceptance speech was hilarious. :party: :hurray: I wish Geoffrey Rush had won as well. I love him. :) At least he has one already for Shine. :)
  4. I loved Colin Firth's acceptance speech. He had me howling when he was talking about having "stirrings" and he hoped that he could get off the stage before they moved into his legs. :lol:
  5. Yep. I can relate to this. :) In my family, we're all story tellers. You don't ask us, "What did you do today?" and get a simple "Oh I went to the bank and then the grocery store" answer in return, no, we have to tell you every crazy little thing that happened on the way to the bank, at the bank, in the grocery store etc. The crazier the story the better. If we leave everyone laughing so hard that they cannot breathe, we've done our job. :D hehehe I was in Stuttgart when I was in the quiet restaurant. I went in September of 1995. For the record, when I went to East Germany I couldn't believe how loud they were after coming from the West. They were hilarious. They reminded me of Latinos. :) Sadly, I'm sure I've unwittingly made many people feel that way. :( It's hard to modulate your volume. You're so used to being a certain way your whole life you do things without realizing you're doing them.
  6. For the record, the yuca is not fried. :) It's boiled in water with salt and some red onion. Then I drain it and heat up some olive oil and garlic and pour it over the yuca and add a little more salt and pepper. I made that for breakfast this morning with eggs and link sausages. I made the eggs on the soft side so you can break the yolk over the yuca... yummy. :drool5:
  7. hehe maybe. :grouphug: I think it's normal to feel insecure. Afterall, we have a lot riding on this thing called homeschooling. It's our children's lives, education, future at stake. We all love our kids and want to do the absolute best we can for them and yet we are only human so I think it's completely normal to doubt ourselves. For me, I think I'm just really really glad I started off as an "un-schooler". Not sure if that's exactly the right designation, but I was not a classical schooler by any means. I only found out about SWB's book after joining this site almost 2 years ago. If I had started off classically schooling, I think I wouldn't have home schooled. I would have KNOWN that I was waaaay in over my head and I would have believed it an impossible feat to home school my children. But since I started out a different way, it allowed me to build confidence in myself as my dd got tested every year and was testing way beyond her grade level. If I hadn't had those successes under my belt to make me believe that maybe I really can do this thing and maybe it really is the best thing for my child, I would have never been able to even approach the idea of schooling classically. For me it was an incredible blessing to start my journey on a different path. It really prepared me to take this new path and it's working so well for us. :)
  8. :drool5: emapanaaaadas yum. They're so good. :)
  9. It is. :) I'm making yuca tomorrow for breakfast. That top pic is actually mine of some tostones I made. :) The other two I got off the web. :)
  10. They're so good aren't they? Do you have tostones in Filipino food too? They are soooooo gooooood. I tell my dd they're Cuban french fries. :D hehe
  11. LOL Actually I just realized I wrote "pasteles de guava y queso" in Spanglish! lol It should be guayaba. :D Tostones~ fried green plantains Maduros~ Fried sweet plantains Pasteles de guayaba y queso~ Guava and cheese pastries. :drool5:
  12. Awesome news!! Thanks so much for the update! I pray you have a speedy recovery. :) :grouphug:
  13. Why, black beans and rice of course!! :) Or some tostones :drool5: or some yuca :drool5: :drool5: or some platano maduro or some pasteles de guava y queso :drool5: :drool5: :drool5: Ay, I wanna eat now! lol
  14. :lol::lol::lol: You're so witty, Jean. :)
  15. Ahem ahem. Me thinks you picked up something else as well from the library. :D (walks away whistling) :tongue_smilie:
  16. I usually wear mine in a pony tail because my Autistic son loves to come up behind me and smell my hair. :001_wub: I usually wear it that way for him. Other times, I twist it up in a bun. If it's not hot where you live, you can wear it down and just use barrettes to keep it out of your face. I used to wear my hair like that before I had kids. :)
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