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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Not to me. :grouphug::grouphug: You're welcome sweetheart! And because I'm such a touchy feely sappy kinda gal, here's a few more. :) :grouphug::grouphug:
  2. I find a little water boarding helps. Ooops, did I just say that out loud?? :leaving: j/k :D
  3. Girl! I'm Cuban. I think we are born addicted to coffee.:tongue_smilie: I've tried to quit it so many times, but I just can't function sans cafe. I feel your pain. :grouphug:
  4. That is Uh-Mazing!!! I am so so proud and happy for you! You go girl!! :party: :hurray: :grouphug::grouphug:
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You're not invisible. I see you. :) If it's any consolation, I feel invisible too sometimes. :grouphug:
  6. Amen. I've always loved your avatar, Lisa, but I've always loved your sense of humor too. :D :grouphug::grouphug:
  7. LOL Me too! I would love to be Mei falling asleep on his stomach. :D
  8. Actually, I think "the well-adjusted members of the forum will appreciate the irony that" for someone who seems so concerned about the socialization of their children you have shown yourself to be very rude here. Perhaps that is why you are so concerned?? I just cannot fathom that you actually speak to people like this in your real life. Or do you just think that because we're just a bunch of mothers and home schoolers that we aren't deserving of respect? I can't help but get the feeling that you are here just sporting with us. I truly just cannot imagine someone coming to a community and from the start instead of actually observing, studying and learning BEFORE respectfully requesting information FROM them, instead comes in with both barrels cocked and loaded with pride and ignorance (funny how they are always found together) and start blasting away at the community with your rudeness and faulty generalizations and then act all shocked and amazed that your motives are being questioned. Are you serious?
  9. Beautiful!!! I'm so glad you did jump in. Looks like you have a knack for quilting. :)
  10. That is SO AWESOME!!! Congratulations to your dd. :party: :hurray: :) It's such a wonderful thing when they pull off a major feat like that! awesome, awesome, awesome! :)
  11. Oh that's just so awful!! :crying: I'm so so sorry for your friend and her family. I will be praying for them. How tragic. :(
  12. :smilielol5: :lol: :lol: That was hilarious. Thanks for sharing it. :)
  13. hehehehe Ay, I should have warned though that some of them are PG-13. My bad. :blushing: But oh my gosh I laugh so hard at things like that. hehe
  14. LOL That's what is so funny about boys. They're just so goofy and adorable and will do anything for a laugh. They're like natural-born comedians. I wish I could see that kid in action. I can almost picture it in my mind. hehehe :lol::lol: Awww bless you!! :grouphug: You understand. Do you want to be my best friend?? ;):tongue_smilie: :D hehehe
  15. :lol::lol::lol: That is funny. lol Have you ever seen that website that has all those signs from foreign countries but they are written in English. Oh my gosh, I was reading those and laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. ETA: I called my dd downstairs to find the link for me for you. Here. Enjoy. :D
  16. Sure. You go to your user control panel and on the lefthand side you will see under settings and options "edit avatar". Click on that and where it says Option 1, put the URL of the image that you want to be your avatar. Then just click "save changes" HTH. :)
  17. :lol: That sounds like something that would happen to me. Or worse, the topic would turn to music and I'd start talking about the absolute virtuosity of Joe Satriani and how I think he is the greatest guitarist alive today and I'd get the deer and headlights stare and hear the crickets. Most of them have never even heard of Joe Satriani. Which is a real shame. He's a genius. sniff. I love Satch. :001_wub: hahahahaha I always tell my dh that when we're watching those ridiculous teen angst type movies and there is always the scene where someone is walking in slow motion and some song is playing. Not to mention the kissing scenes. :lol: If my life were to have a soundtrack, it would have to be Joe Satriani's Crystal Planet. lol I play that album almost constantly. I've had it for years, but can never go too long without hearing it again. That's awesome! :D hahahahahahahahaha :lol: This reminds me of that game we used to play in school where you tell someone that if they rub the palm of their hand for a long time it will smell like peanut butter. So they rub and rub and rub and when they go to smell the palm of their hand you pop it (gently) into their nose. :lol:
  18. It's a lovely picture. You look absolutely adorable. :)
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