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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. LOL Figures, I didn't read that thread. hehe If I come on and a new thread is super long already I usually will skip it unless the first post really intrigues me. I just don't get that much time on the computer so I don't want to put all my eggs into one (thread) basket if you will. :) Thanks for letting me in on the joke though. :) I appreciate it.
  2. Prang are good. http://www.amazon.com/Prang-Colored-Pencils-Regular-DIX22480/dp/B000X104PM
  3. My hair is really long (down to my butt) and I would so love to do either a pink stripe or a purple strip on the underside of my hair, but I have lots of grey roots and have to dye them every 4 weeks or so. I was thinking of getting those clip on strips that you can find at Sally's, but they look so short in comparison to how long my hair actually is. I'd love to do the clips though so I could take them on and off whenever i wished. I just wish I could find ones as long as my hair. :) And somebody, PLEASE have pity on a thick headed girl... What's the joke with the closing??? :confused:
  4. I guess I'm too thick to get the joke of what needs to be closed, but as for pink and purple hair. OMG, I LOVE this girl. She has a channel on Youtube. If I had the guts to go full on punk (at my age) I would totally do my hair like hers or at least with some stripes. She's awesome! :)
  5. Lots of hugs to you, Aubrey. I hope you find the answer that you are seeking. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  6. I always knew our designated school was bad. It used to be a "D" school. I don't know if it still is. On the link that you provided, Bill, it ranks a "2".
  7. Ay, I was hoping you were in South Florida, but I see you're in Cali. I totally would have hooked you up with some good eats. I hope the other checks don't bounce. What do you have in your cupboard?? Maybe we can help you design some meals to help you stretch until Monday. :grouphug:
  8. We just finished dinner and are having coffee right now. I made Caribbean style pork chops, black beans and rice and tostones. Yum. :)
  9. Nope, not odd at all. I got an electric can opener as a wedding present, stupid thing never opened the cans well and often left un-opened bits. I wound up getting rid of it and stick with my swingline manual openers that I've had for YEARS and always work great. :)
  10. :iagree::iagree: Sage advice. :)
  11. I bought gas tonight. Most of the stations were between $3.19-$3.25 I found one that was $3.15 and bought gas there.
  12. :grouphug: That really stinks. I do hope it all works out for you somehow. Praying for wisdom for you. :grouphug:
  13. Thank you for your thought provoking comments. :) One thing that came to my mind though is where does that leave the atheist then? What about the person who does not worship God or even believe in or have any interest in a deity? If all roads lead to Heaven and to the presence of the Creator, what about the person who doesn't want that? Perhaps this question doesn't belong in this thread, or maybe doesn't have an answer at all. I wrestled with whether or not I should even ask it because I'm so clumsy with words and am always worried about being misunderstood and giving offense, but so many of you have expressed such interesting ideas and beliefs I felt that maybe it was safe to venture to ask it. :blushing:
  14. :lol::lol::lol: I liked it too. I remember checking it out of the library when I was in elementary school and I loved it. :) Coraline freaked me out too and I'm 39! lol It's the eyes. I remember seeing The Stepford Wives when I was a kid and at the end of the movie where Katharine Ross meets her robot that is going to kill her and you see those eyes, it FREAKED ME OUT. I had nightmares about those eyes for YEARS!
  15. Awww that's one of my favorite books. I've probably read it over 30 times. My copy is all taped up because it was literally falling apart. It's such a classic tale of good versus evil, nobility of the human spirit and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Even though I already know what's going to happen, I still get emotionally involved in the story. Plus the good guys win at the end. :D :thumbup: I love Don Quixote too. I've only read it in Spanish, but I love the writing and use of the language in the book and Sancho Panza is a great character. :) hehehe
  16. A tus ordenes. :) Tu puedes evitar la pezuna para hacerlos vegetarianos sin problema. Aun salen bien. :)
  17. Awww thank you. :) hehehe Those pics were hilarious! I loved Debra in TX's pic. lol
  18. LOL Definitely before my time then. I think you switched to this new forum in 2008, no?
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