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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I see dead people.... oh wait, that's something else....ahem... I see 8 and after I put my glasses on I see 10. :D :seeya:
  2. Oh duh, I just realized mine is 8 posts per page not 10. lol I guess I shoulda counted before answering the first time. :D So your pages are more like novels then, huh? :)
  3. I guess it has to do with your settings?? How many posts your default setting is to see per page? Mine is 10 posts per page. This thread is 7 pages long to me. :D
  4. Oh I have one of those, can you describe your process exactly?? Thanks. :)
  5. That is wonderful, Mariann! Oh that had to have felt good to hear! Way to go kids! :hurray: and way to go moms for educating them so well! :party: :hurray: :cheers:
  6. That's a long day. I say you put your feet up and chillax with a nice glass of wine. :D
  7. I've never read that book. It sounds like a good read. :) I love it here too. It's my home. When I go out of the state, one of the first things I miss is the light. It always feels overcast to me and I'll look up and there won't be a cloud in the sky. :confused: I think it's just how we are situated and the way the light hits us, but as soon as you cross that state line it's like all of a sudden the sky opens up and the sun shines down all brilliant again. I look up and feel the warmth on my face and think, "ah, I'm home again." :) I absolutely LOVE the light in St. Augustine. That is one place in particular I wish I had a time machine for. In spite of all it's gaudy shops selling baubles to tourists, I still think that is one of the most beautiful places in the state. Standing on the Bridge of Lions or looking out from El Morro at sunset is so surreal to me. I always feel like I've somehow skidoo-ed into a pastel painting or something. It's just too beautiful to be real. :)
  8. I wasn't talking about YOUR HOUSE loquita! :lol::lol: Isn't all that stuff on top of Australia considered part of Asia and doesn't Australia have dry, arid, desert-y type places??
  9. Oh yes, Young Circle is down the street from me. I'm on Van Buren one street south of Hollywood Blvd. We walk there all the time and listen to the music at night. They TOTALLY re-did Young circle and it's really cool now. They made it an art's park. It has HUGE bayobab trees and motion sensors that play music so when the wind blows or when people walk by it makes these chimes. Plus it has a fountain and a water spout play area and a really cool playground where the equipment is all artsy looking. They have a bandstand too where they have live music sometimes and they have a little art gallery in a small building next to the water spout area that features art from the local artists. It's really nice. :) You can see it with Google earth. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&rlz=&q=young+circle+hollywood&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  10. Oh i know, I was just being facetious. :D It's bad my sense of humor and the internet. They just don't go well together. :D hehe
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