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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. FWIW, my the junk that was oozing out of my ear had blood in it. (sorry that's so gross I know :ack2: ) so I don't know if that makes any kind of difference or not to the level of pain or the number of days? If you're dd's is clear, maybe hers won't take as long to heal?? I really don't know... I'm just wondering aloud. Mine bled bright red at the beginning of the oozing and then it turned to more of a brownish red after the gushing part when it went back to the oozing. I hope your poor dd feels better soon. I hope she has a speedy recovery. :grouphug:
  2. The doctor told me to take Tylenol. It helped a very little bit, but a little is better than nothing. The most intense pain came from the fluid in my ear. As it drained, it got less and less painful and by the 10th day I could touch it without it hurting, but the first say 5-6 days were rough. I couldn't sleep at all for the first 3 because the pain was too intense. I actually started a thread on it when it happened looking for help because it moved into my ear on a Saturday evening and so I had to wait until Monday morning to get in to see the doc. Some of the good folks here recommended a heating pad or a hot water bottle on the ear. I used a heating pad, but it didn't really alleviate the pain much for me. Maybe it would work better with your dd? It's worth a try anyway.
  3. I just went through this over Christmas. Identical thing. I was sick with the flu for 3 weeks and the last week it moved into my ear and I had INTENSE pain for about 10 days. My ear drum ruptured and was oozing for a few days, then it was literally running out and dripping on my shoulder and then it went back to oozing. The doctor prescribed me heavy duty anti-biotics and ear drops. The pain went away after 10 days to where I could touch it without it hurting. I'm still waiting for my hearing to come back completely in that ear, but it's better little by little. I'm so sorry for your dd. It is not a pleasant experience.
  4. Ugh!! That's awful. I don't blame you for selling it. The man who owns the townhouse next door to mine is always renting it out and it just seems like the endless parade of psychos over there. We just got new neighbors in (again) this week. Hopefully they'll be good. I get tired of all the near misses with the renters next door.
  5. Were you able to do anything about the former tenants? I mean, that surely seems like you could press charges against them for vandalism or destruction of private property in the least? I'm truly sorry. That is such despicable behavior. :(
  6. :eek: That's unbelievable! I really don't understand that behavior. That must have been a horrible day for you.:grouphug: Yikes!
  7. :lol::lol::lol: Me thinks "the look" was something akin to shell shock. :D My husband said something funny tonight. He went on FB to check his page after not having checked it for several days and there was nothing new on his wall. Dh turns to me and says, "I hate Facebook! Everybody is so self-absorbed! Why don't they post something on MY wall?" :lol: :lol: I started laughing at his lament and he looked and me and said, "what? What's so funny?" I just smiled and said, "you are dear." :D
  8. That is so awesome! What an amazing and brave young woman. Truly inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing it. :)
  9. I have two that I bought and never opened and I know I won't use them. I have really long hair so I always use two boxes to dye my hair and I bought 4 of these to try them out when they were on sale and I used the first two and I didn't like the shade match as much as my old Revlon Colorsilk shade. Nobody I know IRL uses this shade either so I figure I'd just offer it up on here to anyone who may want it. So anyway, if any of you want one shoot me a PM or respond here and I guess it will be first come first served. Blessings, Jennifer
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :lol::lol: No! I wouldn't dare eat your cute little goats. hehehe I tell my husband all the time that if I had to actually slaughter the animals for the meat we eat I would be a vegetarian. I just couldn't do it. Actually I'd love to have goats for the milk to make cheese. I love goat cheese. I make this thin crust pizza that has garlic and olive oil for its "sauce" and goat cheese, red onions and yellow, red and green bell peppers for it's topping and it is SOOOOO GOOOOD! :drool5:
  11. :lol::lol: I love it when he runs and just slides into the boxes like a baseball player sliding into home or something. He's so funny. Did your cat extend his legs all the way out like that too?
  12. That's just awful and not very Christian either. :glare: I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of this. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. so sorry you're dealing with this. :grouphug::grouphug:
  14. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Did you have your meeting already?? What did the principal say?
  15. I do. :) It's yummy. There are lots of people who eat goat meat in my neck of the woods. They sell it in the latin grocery stores here. It's a very common food in the Caribbean.
  16. I believe it, but your poor husband and kids. They would have been heart broken and we too! :grouphug: :lol::lol: Cool! I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you occupied while you recuperate. You know, I've always wanted to learn to crochet. I can knit, but I never really learned how to crochet. I asked my grandmother to teach me a bunch of times, but I'm convinced that she taught me wrong because I still can't crochet anything but chains. I wonder if youtube has lessons.... :) :lol::lol: You're too funny. :) Maybe Groundhog Day? I love that movie. Or When Harry Met Sally or Sleepless in Seattle?
  17. :lol::lol::lol::lol: You are too funny. I'm so glad that you are home. Please, please, please rest and take good care of yourself so you can get well. Your story about the white door was scary to read. I think you had a really close call. Your family needs you and we do too! I think reading is a great way to pass the time of enforced inactivity. It will engage your mind at any rate. I also like to watch DIY videos on youtube a lot. It's amazing the stuff you can learn on there. Pretty much any topic you could be interested in there is a how-to video on youtube. Maybe if there is something you've always wanted to learn but never had the time (or a teacher) it might be a good way for you to pass the time? I'll bet they have something on youtube teaching you how. :) Take care hon. Thanks so much for the update. I'm so glad you're home safe. :grouphug::grouphug:
  18. Well, I always thought they were Cuban because I grew up eating them and they sell them in all the Cuban pastry shops here, but maybe it's just Caribbean. That could be too. :) mmmmmmmmmmmmm San cocho! YUM! Sorrryyyyy. hehehe They're really good though. Just imagine an apple turnover, but instead of apples inside, it's guava and cheese. :drool5: I don't have one, I always just buy them from the bakery, but Melissel's recipe below looks about right. I would just add that you sprinkle them with white sugar too when they are done. That cake does look good. Yum!
  19. LOL She actually sang it acapella. No music at all. She just got up there and started singing. She sang it just like Ace though with his inflections and accent and everything. lol It was so cute. :)
  20. My dd sang New York Groove at a homeschool night talent contest. I had no idea she what she was going to sing until she was up there because she kept telling me it was a surprise. It was so funny though because the adults in the audience kept turning back and looking at ME and then afterwards they were coming up to me and saying, "I guess we know what kind of music mom listens to." lol :lol::lol: My dd was like 10 years old at the time.
  21. I see your Hungry Like the wolf and wild boys and raise you a Rio and a Girl's on Film. HA! Take that! And I'll even throw in a Save a Prayer. :D hehe Girls on Film Would you believe I still have a magazine from back then? It was on the "New British Invasion" and it was full of color pics of Duran Duran.
  22. You got it! Awesome! :hurray: :party: Let me know how you like it when it arrives. I may spring for it as well. :) I'm a sucker for rockumentaries. :D
  23. Bummer. I don't have cable. So Showtime owns the production then or they are just showing it? I wonder if it can be found on amazon or something. :) No worries, I'm going to put up some Duran Duran soon. That should cover your hey day. ;) :D lol LOL Threads get buried quick around here. Well, welcome then. Sit back and enjoy. :)
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