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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. okay, back to some pop here for you pop princesses :) I've always loved Cyndi Lauper. She was just so wonderfully weird and marching to the beat of her own drum. Her videos were always so bright and colorful and ran the gamut from fun and whimsical to pulling on your heart strings. Enjoy. :)
  2. I don't know about Arizona or Nevada, but Florida sure is pretty in February. Winter is our best season. :)
  3. Those look good, but I'm thinking of the Cuban ones. I could do some serious damage to a plate of these. Man, now I'm thinking I need to go make a pasteles run. :D
  4. LOL Yes! I saw one video where he was performing live and he was noodling around with the guitar like he was tuning it up and then he started into Layla and the bass player literally jumped he was so startled. It was so funny. hehehe I know exactly what you mean. I used to have such a crush on him back in the day. Everyone else loved Jon, and granted he's a cutie, but I liked Richie best. I remember watching interviews with them on MTV and VH1 and I would just die when Richie would talk. :) lol These are great! Thank you so much for sharing them. I'd never heard his solo work. I love the break that he gets in his voice when he sings. I think I'm going to buy this album. :) Thanks so much for the recommendation. :) yeah, I'm diggin that blues guitar too in the second song. :) Sweet. He looks like he's channeling Stevie Ray with that hat and that guitar. :D lol
  5. Thank you all so much for your wonderful replies. They are so helpful. I really appreciate your help and insights. I had my dd read this thread so she can see your replies and how it would pertain to her and what she wants to do with her art work. She's really getting excited about getting one. I just want to be sure to get the right one though to fit her needs. :)
  6. I say go for it. Like you said you really have nothing to lose. You can always put her back in PS if you have to, but it with the aide and supports you have at home it might work out great. I agree with you though, if she's not generalizing what she is learning in school then it is useless to her. What's the point of learning life skills in a classroom if it's not going to translate to her actual life.
  7. Ah, I didn't know this one. I had to look it up on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnOvjWXhpkI Thanks for bringing it up. :) I had forgotten that one! lol Thanks for the link. :) Totally Hot was the first album from Olivia that I had (well technically it was my sister's), but I loved her all throughout the 80's. Yeah Layla is a great song. I agree with you about the blues. It's always been one of my favorite genres ever since I was a kid. I listen to ALL kinds of music. Seriously, I will listen to just about anything, but I think where I'm always happiest is listening to blues based rock with (headphones of course. :D) Here. This is for you. (and me too. Love this song :) ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGZeqwdWoeo&feature=related And since we're with Steve Winwood I just GOTTA throw in Dear Mr. Fantasy from his Traffic days. :) Love that song. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_nwbTeIN4Y Man his eyes are like saucers in that video. Dilation Nation! :eek: I never heard Richie Sambora's solo album. Is it good?
  8. I don't have any advice for you, but wanted to give you a hug. :grouphug: It's not easy I know. I'm actually starting to feel very much in the same boat as you are describing here with my profoundly Autistic ds. He'll be 10 next month and I keep feeling more and more like he would be better off at home than he is in school, but I'm still homeschooling my dd 13. It is a lot to think about and process to do not only what's best for your special child, but for the others as well. I pray God gives you (and me too) wisdom in this matter. It just gets so much more complicated when the child has special needs. I wish you well. :grouphug:
  9. Oh good to know. I bought my dd animation software for Christmas. Is the screen size an issue for him? Thanks so much. :)
  10. Man, I could totally go for some guava and cheese pastries right now. MMMMMMMMM :tongue_smilie:
  11. I'm sorry you're going through this. Yes maybe it is best to wait to have a meeting with the principal and for him make the decision. Sometimes it's best when someone who is not emotionally involved can come in and offer insights. It's hard I know to not go into "mama bear" mode when it involves our kids or step in your case. :grouphug: Your anger is understandable. I know how frustrating it is when you feel like no one is really listening. I hope that your meeting will be productive and that your principal will listen to your complaints with a fair ear. I hope that you can come up with a solution that will benefit Mack and help him thrive. God bless you in your efforts. :grouphug: Jennifer
  12. This bit sounds a bit confrontational, but the rest where you are trying to come up with some solutions to help him in class seems fine to me. I'm guessing that she is a general ed. teacher and not a special ed one? I wonder if that is what she is meaning when she says she doesn't feel like she can handle him, maybe she fills ill qualified?
  13. LOL Nah, time spent on these boards isn't wasted, that is unless you're hangin out in my threads. :tongue_smilie: lol I've learned so many things here. I consider it part of self-education. :)
  14. Awww that's awesome! What a wonderful experience for your dd. You must be so proud. :) :party: :hurray:
  15. LOL Congratulations. :) what are you going to forage for first? :D
  16. Since this is such an international board I thought today I would highlight some of Australia's contributions to the 80's. I think three things that instantly come into any foreigner's mind when "Australia" is mentioned are 1) kangaroos 2) koala bears and 3) Olivia Newton John (although not necessarily in that order. :D ) Although this first song is really from 1978 and the video definitely has that late disco-era look to it. I've always liked this song and plus how cute is Olivia in this video?? Honestly! I'm totally digging the hair flips. lol She looks like she's doing a Wella Balsam commercial. :) Enjoy. :) A Little More Love And now into the 80's with some songs from the Xanadu soundtrack. Magic Suddenly And a couple from her Physical album Kylie Minogue had a big hit in 2003 with her "Can't Get You Outta My Head" single, but how many of you remember her from back in the 80's when she did Locomotion?? I do. :D Locomotion I'm really starting to believe that all girls in Australia are blonde. lol Fortunately some Men at Work have hair of differing hues. :) Who Can It Be Now? Be Good Johnny Underground
  17. Welcome Lainey. :) I hope you enjoy it here. :)
  18. Awwwww! He is SO CUUUUUUUUTE!!! Can I have him?? :D :tongue_smilie: heheh Congratulations. He is a beautiful boy. :grouphug:
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