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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Yikes!! It doesn't rain but it pours, eh? Sheesh you guys just can't catch a break. Hopefully Rosie will check in and let us know how she's doing. Glad you are all safe. :grouphug:
  2. What she said. Thank you for the update. I'm so glad that he's getting help now. :)
  3. :party: "Wooooooah. We're halfway there. Woooo oooah. Living on a prayer. Take my hand and we'll make it I sweeeear. Woooo ooooah. Living on a prayer...."
  4. Okay I understand. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it. :)
  5. You are so brave to share your story in order to help others. I'm so sorry this happened to you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. Angelbee was on here a lot. I'm sure her absence means she's holding her precious little one. :):001_wub: I hope so. :)
  7. Thank you for replying to my question. I understand now. :)
  8. I'm so sorry for your poor son and for your family. This is a good reminder that we can never be too careful. :grouphug: to you.
  9. I could have written your post word for word. lol Me neither. I've never had a mani or a pedi, but I do paint my own nails. I also cut my own hair and have only had my hair professionally cut twice in my life. Both times I didn't like the cut so I do it myself. :)
  10. Do you mind expanding on this? I'm not sure I'm following what you mean. Thanks. :)
  11. I know. That's what I was thinking. He's concentrating so hard in that last pic. Too cute. :)
  12. Every wedding I've been invited to since I've had children has required that my kids stayed home. I guess they just worry about kids being disruptive and ruining the wedding?
  13. Ay I know it's funny, but I couldn't laugh. I had that same experience trying to get an IEP for my dd the one year that she went to school. It was like talking to a brick wall. I never did get the IEP. :(
  14. Ay sweetie your post brought me to tears. :grouphug: I am so happy for your dh. I hope for you and yours too! I wish you all the best. :grouphug:
  15. LOL That's probably how it would be here too if it ever snowed. I sent my son to school in shorts this morning and have my air conditioner on right now. :D hehe
  16. How exactly does it work? You are buying a $10.00 off coupon is that it? Does it expire?
  17. Praying for you, Renee. It sounds perfect. :grouphug:
  18. Singapore uses the concept of "units" to solve those word problems. They were tough for us at first too, but then we got the hang of them. You get plenty of practice in them believe me. lol By the time dd finished the Primary series she was able to do them on her own unassisted and get them correct. It is a great foundation for algebra and my dd was able to glide right into algebra this year without needing a pre-algebra course and she's doing really well with it. I credit Singapore because she is not a mathy kid and I am SO not a mathy mom, but both of us were able to grasp the concept of the units (eventually :blushing: ) and we get it now. lol
  19. What I do with my dd is I just use children's books that have entertaining stories and I put the vocabulary on note cards, but I mix them up so that they won't be in order of the story. I give her 10 new cards a week. Some of the cards will be just strictly vocabulary words (with the article) other times it will be a phrase that needs to be learned as a whole like "habia una vez". I just do flash card word quizes with her every day and she usually has them mastered by Friday. Then on Friday we have a "beat the clock" race where I set the timer and call out the words and she has to answer them as quickly as she can. I usually do about 4 rounds of that starting with 50 seconds, then 40, then 30 and then 20. If she can beat the clock I give her a prize, usually a piece of candy or 50 cents or something small like that. I just do that every week with new cards until she has mastered all of the vocabulary for that story then I give her the book turned to the page of the story (which she doesn't know beforehand what it will be although sometimes she guesses. ;) ) and I have her read the whole story to me in Spanish and translate it into English for me. She likes it, it's fun for us and it cements the language for her.
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