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Everything posted by KRG

  1. 4 hours is still half a day drive. My husband's travel has slowed down but last year at this time he was gone 2-3 weeks every month and then on call once a week. Extra $$ would be nice but I think having him home is so much better!! It would be a very hard decision but I think I would have to lean towards 'no'.
  2. I do and it only causes me stress. I think I probably need to take a stand back.
  3. The first year we homeschooled for December we did Christmas Around the World. It was so much fun learning about different Christmas traditions. Last year we took the whole month of December off and just vegged. I am missing that this year!
  4. These are some of my favorite Christmas cookies: http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/chocolate-crinkles/941e22b3-9a48-4fb1-bdb0-27479e76d484
  5. Our elf does really simple and easy things and he doesn't really make any messes. The first night he arrived he brought a note and some 'elf kisses' hershey kisses He's camped out under the tree and roasted marshmallows He's hung out on the dart board He's played in the tree He got trapped in the Jenga tower one evening He laid out mugs and hot chocolate Last night he pulled all the Christmas movies out for a movie day Other ideas: Playing cards w/other toys Being captured by army men Potato Sack races--brown paper bags and other action figures Playing Connect Four, Scrabble, Checkers, etc Sticking bows or post-it notes all over Car races--hotwheels Going fishing--I've seen lots of ideas w/goldfish. My little one has a some sock fish and a pole that I made him so I'm going to have the elf play with those one night Mini pancakes and drinking syrup w/a straw Blue water in the sink and elf in a tupper ware dish floating around Sugar cube igloo or snowball fight
  6. I have a 16 year old and a 3 year old. I have the world's easiest teenager. I have the world's busiest 3 year old lol I think our days are comical! Like everything else we have good and bad days. Some days are harder than others. I think it's all what you make of it and how you handle it. There are days that I jump for joy because it was such a good day. There are other days that I count down 'til dh gets home and I go hide in the bedroom for awhile. I chose to stay home and to homeschool. Given that choice again I would still stay home and homeschool. My worst days at home have never even come close to my worst days at a job.
  7. I believe that the use of technology is ok and beneficial for learning. I worked with a teacher that was horrified that students had to use the card catalog that had been automated...
  8. Don't just single out the Europeans (lol) this statement is valid for Americans, too. Deodorant and PLEASE bathe your children! They stink rather you realize it or not. Hot or cold weather and level of activity it doesn't matter you and they both stink! Please bathe, please use deodorant!!
  9. My oldest was Disney's Tarzan movie. He was 3 and loved it! The next week I took him to see The Tigger Movie and he enjoyed that as well and has loved going to the movies ever since. My youngest is just 3 and I took him to see Planes when it came out. We almost made it to the end. It went as well as I expected it would. He is not one to sit and watch a whole movie. We are debating going to see Frozen sometime this week.
  10. My oldest reminded me that today is supposed to be a day of rest, so in that vein my intentions for today are: 1) Hold couch to the floor--so far so good! 2) Cook lunch or dinner. It's noon and everyone has been snacking most of the day so no immediate need for this 3) Think of idea for EotS 4) Drink water 5) Enjoy my family
  11. Deli meat--ham, turkey, roast beef and some cheddar and swiss cheese on bakery buns. Our local grocery stores also make sub sandwiches for parties if you want to just pick something up Roll ups or pinwheels--mix cream cheese, chopped green onion, chopped black olives and spread on a tortilla, add thinly sliced ham, roll up and slice Chicken salad sandwiches on croissants Meatballs in a crockpot, sub buns, parmesan cheese Make your own wrap--take an assortment of wraps, meats, raw veggies, cheeses, condiments, sauces, etc French Dip Crescents http://www.plainchicken.com/2012/02/french-dip-crescents.html
  12. My 3 year old is getting: Underwear A helicopter lollipop Rory's story cubes--he is all about dice games and the little bags that they come with hot wheels TOOB toys Binoculars Santa Claus fling toy
  13. I think what you did at Sears was fine. They did not hold up to their end of the bargain. Radio Shack if only 1 person is working, only 1 person is working and had I been in line behind you and going from what you said, yes, I would have found what you did to be rude. If the RS employee was goofing around and not doing his job then something should have been said. Sorry, I didn't realize this was an old post...
  14. The hurry of everything The pretentious Christmas letters The clamoring of everybody/organization asking for money
  15. walmart also has minecraft action figures
  16. Prepared slides: http://www.hometrainingtools.com/search.asp?ss=prepared+slides&x=-1082&y=-34
  17. A ping pong table--we have nowhere to put one but I've wanted one since I was a kid.
  18. Baking cookies I know a lot of people have busier schedules but our schedule really slows down in December Watching my boys on Christmas morning Christmas movies--all of them! Christmas Carols Jingle Bell Rock
  19. KRG

    A Christmas Carol

    George C Scott is my favorite but I haven't come across a version that I did not like.
  20. I agree with a lot you said but these both ring true with me! I posted on fb this morning about how no one says they ate oatmeal for breakfast--it's all about organic and steel cut and flax--when they could have just as easily have said oatmeal!
  21. I love junk food too! I'd bet money this is not an unpopular opinion :)
  22. Ha I'm obviously not a Starbucks connoisseur because dh and I went there the other night and it was awful. My coffee tasted burnt and like someone had thrown their cigarette butts in it. I wrote and complained and they are sending me 2 free drink coupons... So this is what it's supposed to taste like??
  23. I don't understand the sentiment. Where I live there is no public transportation. A lot of the United States is still rural and a mass public transit system or neighborhood markets are just not something that we have here. A rise of fuel costs to that degree would cripple many towns and families.
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