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Everything posted by KRG

  1. ((hugs)) Lizzie It SNOWED last night!! SNOW day! I live in Southeast TX--snow is a big deal!! All I've done is cook breakfast and wash wet clothes :)
  2. Snow day! We got 2 inches last night! I think that's the most snow I've ever seen at once.
  3. What kind of identification documents did your child have to have to get their driving permit?
  4. Dove, Mitchum, Lady Speed Stick any of them really. Well Degree makes me itch so I don't use that one.
  5. Praying for your family, Jean Not a lot to do here today: Wiped down kitchen this morning Cooked breakfast Turned on the dishwasher Finished school--Wednesdays are usually half days because oldest works at the library Dropped oldest off at the library Took dh his lunch--he forgot it today Ran into the Goodwill store and Hobby Lobby Going to pick little man up from grandparent's in awhile--I have about an hour of free time left. he usually doesn't go on Wednesdays so I always have 1 or both boys with me...maybe a nap is in order I have to cook supper sometime this evening...
  6. I live in Southeast TX so if it snows we stop school lol
  7. All I have left to do is fold towels. We made it through another day!
  8. Today so far: stripped all the beds and washed those--in dryer now towels in the washer made a sheet fort :) school is almost done--oldest wanted to stay up late to watch a movie and sleep in so he did all but Math yesterday afternoon I have chicken in the crock pot for chicken spaghetti that I didn't cook last night and enough for taquitos later this week Later: I need to go to the store to pick up a few things that I forgot to get yesterday--like spaghetti for chicken spaghetti ;) Take ds1 to 4H this evening Fold laundry and make all the beds
  9. We haven't had cable or satellite in over 3 years. We have netflix streaming and Amazon prime. We sometimes stream shows on Hulu. We canceled HuluPlus last year because we can wait a week and watch it for free online on the channel's website or regular hulu. We have a roku but we don't really watch any of those channels--we just use it to stream netflix and amazon. We haven't missed tv. We never watched sports. We are fine to find something online to watch or rent a movie. Dh did purchase the last 2 seasons of Breaking Bad so he wouldn't have to wait. We occasionally buy an episode of something but it's rare that we do that. Oh we have ATT dsl and we got rid of our landline a year ago. We haven't missed that at all. No one but telemarketers ever called anyway!
  10. We took a school holiday since Dh is off work today. Last night I vacuumed and dusted. A book shelf we had in our bedroom cratered, so once we got everything off of it and put away it just made sense to go ahead and vacuum and dust. Today: Dh picked up breakfast and brought it home Made bed Rearranged things again in our closet Laundry We made a trip to the dump to get rid of cratered bookshelf and a few other things that had piled up in the garage Took ds1 to the video store Little one and I went to Goodwill and had a major score on legos YAY! Then we went to the grocery store so I could pick up spaghetti. I bought everything but spaghetti lol I'm making chicken spaghetti tonight. I have some spaghetti and radiatorre that will work. Put groceries up Ate lunch The rest of the afternoon is free time. I'll cook dinner tonight.
  11. Another vote for Pampered Chef. I've had mine for over 15 years and I love it! I also have a scar on my arm from a lid cut that happened when I was about 6 years old.
  12. My lab work for my last baby showed 1:7 for Spina bifida. I was almost 40. We did genetic counseling which was not that big a deal. We just gave a basic medical history of both sides of our family. I saw a perinatologist every month and had ultrasounds that showed he was fine. I declined the amnio. He was born without any problems. (((hugs))) to you!
  13. I'm reading the New Testament. I have it emailed to me so it's easy to keep up with right now.
  14. I actually got grocery shopping done! It was touch and go there for awhile and I almost decided against it. I even cooked supper and my house is still clean. I'm going to relax and read for a little bit and then head to bed.
  15. Finish school Errands in town Grocery shopping I feel like this day is in slow motion though and we'll never get out of the house!
  16. Happy Monday! Today I have: almost finished w/school played w/little one laundry cleaned kitchen wiped down all cabinets in the house cleaned/wiped down doors dusted swept and mopped--ds1 vacuumed last night made bed Still need to do: Take boys to a park or something outside. It's so nice out Have boys write and mail thank you card Mail netflix movie back Supper Pick a new book to read
  17. Everything is kind of done...taking wet clothes to my mom's to dry I think we may have to have take out for supper tonight!
  18. I'm in Texas--north of Houston and it seems every day we hear from someone who has a confirmed case of it. 8 people died in the next county. Thankfully, we have remained well. I hope we continue to stay well, too! There's lots of other stuff going around too that seems to mimic flu symptoms. According to our pediatrician they were confirming flu as early as the first week of September. I've also had a couple of medical friends say that the ones in the our hospital with the flu did not get the shot this year.
  19. Today I have: made breakfast went to get a new bank card--my bank sent a letter saying that those affected by the target should replace their cards--this was after they said they were monitoring and then advised changing PINs and then finally you need a new card. I'm just glad my account was never compromised started laundry and found out that my dryer has died :( It's raining here so hanging them out is not even an option Find a new dryer uggg I have a load of laundry to fold that I did yesterday Lunch Supper
  20. everything is done Supper is cooking Cranky child is playing legos and watching cartoons on my bed I'm ready for bed!
  21. Something in the air I guess. I'm sorry yours is cranky, too. Tomorrow is a new day!
  22. Jan 1-7 non-essential: spent $54 essentials: grocery& household $248, gas $126, clothes $55, haircuts $40 January 8 zero spent January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14
  23. add dealing with a cranky 3 year old talking to and dealing with the insanity of a hospital billing department waiting for plumbers who are actually here now--that will probably be the easiest thing I have to do all day.
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