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Everything posted by KRG

  1. done: cooked a most awesome breakfast for the boys need to do: laundry school library supper
  2. done: cooked a most awesome breakfast for the boys need to do: laundry school library supper
  3. everything done, even laundry 4H canceled due to weather now to cook supper
  4. January 1 ​I've only transferred money from checking to savings. I have no plans to buy anything today. January 2 Breakfast for little one and me $4.89 Grocery trip $110 included grocery and household goods January 3 Dh went to the grocery to get a few things that no one mentioned yesterday when I went ;) $16 Gas in his truck $88 January 4 dh and boys haircuts $40 pizza for lunch (pizza hut 50% off coupons) $14 Dh and I ended up going out last night dinner $17 Then we went to walmart...sigh... it was things that were needed so I can't complain $77 January 5 zero spent So far I resisted purchasing more legos, going out to dinner tonight and placing an amazon order. January 6 zero spent January 7 Uggg I knew this day was coming... Gas in my car $38 first time in 3 weeks Breakfast w/DS2 $5 Lunch w/DS1 $12 Cleaners(Dh clothes) $55 Groceries $45 Hopefully that is it for a few days
  5. Otis Spofford by Beverly Cleary, too. The Fudge books by Judy Blume are fun, too.
  6. Today's agenda: school laundry, maybe--still being asked to conserve by the electric co. ck to see if 4H is on for tonight decide on something for supper--I'm thinking soup take ds1 to lunch just to surprise him
  7. Got everything done except instead of making a polar bear craft we made an afternoon of playing legos and watching Toy Story 2. I cleaned the kitchen tonight so that should only leave laundry and school to do tomorrow.
  8. We're starting school today. DS1 does a lot independently so I'm waiting for him to say he's ready for Math Played outside with the little one...yeah it's freezing and we lasted about 10 minutes. We tried to do those bubble things that are on pinterest. Our bubbles did the exact same thing they do when it's warm outside. :( We're going to do a polar bear craft later on I've dusted I need to vacuum House still looks good so not a lot to do there Electric co is asking everyone to conserve today so I'm skipping laundry ;) Sandwiches for lunch Get something together for supper. I'm thinking spaghetti or goulash Read
  9. supper cooked, hopefully I will see my bed soon!
  10. I went in and copied everything from past posts so I can edit instead of multi-quoting everyday. January 1 ​I've only transferred money from checking to savings. I have no plans to buy anything today. January 2 Breakfast for little one and me $4.89 Grocery trip $110 included grocery and household goods January 3 Dh went to the grocery to get a few things that no one mentioned yesterday when I went ;) $16 Gas in his truck $88 January 4 dh and boys haircuts $40 pizza for lunch (pizza hut 50% off coupons) $14 Dh and I ended up going out last night dinner $17 Then we went to walmart...sigh... it was things that were needed so I can't complain $77 January 5 zero spent So far I resisted purchasing more legos, going out to dinner tonight and placing an amazon order. January 6 zero spent January 7
  11. The idea that we start school up tomorrow and I really need to go over some lesson plans. Oh I'm with you on the high school board, too. I rarely check in there anymore.
  12. We got the flu one year(6 or 7 years ago) and after that we started getting the shots and have not had the flu since. This year my kids got their flu shots late as in just a couple of weeks ago... I was going to skip them since it was 'late' but then there were 8 deaths due to H1N1 in the next county and every time I turn around someone else we know has a confirmed case of the flu.
  13. I feel like I've been tackled...going on just a couple hours of sleep here because of a certain 3 year old. I wish I could get by on as little sleep as he does! I plan on holding the recliner or couch to the floor for most of today. Food is available for lunch to anyone that gets hungry(dh cooked breakfast). I'll cook something for dinner.
  14. January 4 dh and boys haircuts $40 pizza for lunch (pizza hut 50% off coupons) $14 Dh and I ended up going out last night dinner $17 Then we went to walmart...sigh... it was things that were needed so I can't complain $77
  15. For a chain restaurant I probably wouldn't wait because there are imo better options in food quality and cost.
  16. Not so much a board game(which we love) but we have been hooked on Suspend most of Christmas vacation.
  17. laundry done. I checked online and walmart, target, dollar tree and dollar general do not carry the item in store that I was looking for. I'm going to read now. Dh and boys are at the barber and they are picking up pizza for lunch.
  18. I have one load of laundry to do and I may run to walmart. That's all I have to do today.
  19. January 3 Dh went to the grocery to get a few things that no one mentioned yesterday when I went ;) $16 Gas in his truck $88
  20. I may be vacuuming again...sigh... I think I vacuum more than anything these days.
  21. vacuumed cleaned bathrooms threw in a load of laundry I don't see the school stuff happening today... Dh took the boys to town. I'm going to get my kindle out and read some. I think I'll take it easy the rest of the day.
  22. Today: Dinner in crockpot--done Need to do: Vacuum Clean bathrooms I probably should look at school stuff since we will be starting back next week Ongoing: Read Enjoy Family
  23. Pantry organized and cupcakes in the oven per little one's request :) Still haven't sat down and started reading yet. The days not over with though!
  24. Breakfast for little one and me $4.89 Grocery trip $110 included grocery and household goods Dh said he needs to go to Home Depot so I may be adding to this later on...
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