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Everything posted by KRG

  1. School #1 to work supper--I set some chicken in the fridge to start thawing Cleaned the kitchen tonight I need to dust and mop
  2. Just under $9. I don't remember the exact amount.
  3. In a little bit I'm taking #2 to the grandparents. #1 will be gone all day to the local university and then 4H. I'm going to watch last night's Blacklist, maybe bake some cookies and I may even take a nap. Ahhhh free time! This will happen again next Tuesday, too!! I'm kind of excited about free time--it so rarely happens!
  4. I found some motivation somewhere School, laundry and supper all done. YAY!
  5. Yes, you are expecting too much if you know this is how they are around children. My rule has always been what happens at grandma's stays at grandma's. I know they eat more junk and watch junk tv but it's just for a day or so and then they are back home. If your parents are interested in and letting your children come over I say that's a win. So unless they pulling out R rated movies to watch and giving them matches to play with I'd let it go.
  6. I'm having a hard time getting motivated today. Last night we cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed. I need to do a load of laundry and get school started. I'd rather take the day off. Spaghetti or some kind of pasta dish for supper. I don't have to run any errands today YAY!
  7. #2 and I got up early and went to the grocery. I wanted to pick up a few things that were on sale. Now we are all just hanging out and doing our own thing. The house looks pretty clean YAY! I'll cook lunch in a bit and we may watch a movie. The weather has turned cooler again and it's raining so whatever we do will most likely be indoors. Have a great Sunday everyone!
  8. It doesn't happen often but today it did! I went to lunch by myself :) Then I stopped in the Goodwill store and then went grocery shopping. It's not very exciting but being able to grocery shop alone is a luxury for me these days.
  9. laundry and school going dealing with a very demanding 3 year old I'm taking a little sanity break atm
  10. Not too much going on here today Followed Dh in because he was having some work done his truck We went out for breakfast Dropped dh off at work Went to walmart Supper in the crock School #1 to the library New library books for #2 Just lounging around this afternoon and waiting for everyone to get back home
  11. Good morning! I've cleaned the kitchen, have laundry going and cooked breakfast To do: #2 to grandparents School Clean bathrooms 4H Supper
  12. We had school lite today to ease back in from Spring Break Made St Patrick's day goodies Took the boys to lunch Done a couple loads of laundry Need to vacuum and decide on something for supper
  13. Laundry done Re-installed car seat--done vacuum--done Take boys to grandparents--done I need to turn on the dishwasher but that can wait. The boys are gone for a couple of days and I'm sure dh and I will be going out to dinner tonight.
  14. We will be keeping our Prime account, too.
  15. Don't give your mil a say in your choice of family size. It's not her business. End of discussion. My boys are 13 years apart and adore one another. I was 40 and dh was 42 when our last was born.
  16. Took the kids to sonic for happy hour cooking supper now--spaghetti I will *not* get the vacuum cleaner out(again) for the dirt and leaves that have been tracked in the house this afternoon! ;)
  17. Played outside with kids Laundry going Swept and vacuumed I intend to take it easy this week because I want to enjoy a (spring) break from the everyday, too.
  18. No, I can barely stay awake til 10 when not paying attention to anything in particular.
  19. I did way more housework today than I care to do on a Saturday! My house was clean when I went to bed last night but throughout the day it was looking like a pig sty. I'm happy to say it is good shape again :) Sweeping, vacuuming, dishes, laundry--all done AGAIN!
  20. We tried to watch an episode of The Middle the other day. It showed up on the computer but not on the tv.
  21. Oh that entry way that was mopped yesterday and swept this morning... I just got home and poured coke all over it...
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