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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I have no idea if this picture will show up. My husband made our dining table Here's the pic https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/1483199_10201491142375207_24909960_n.jpg He then took a thin piece of wood (probably 2x2), sanded and stained it and put thin foam sheets on the back. We use that when anyone works at the table.
  2. Today is my birthday Dh is going to fire up the grill and we are going to have steak, baked potato and salads I'm going to make a brownie trifle I'm not sure what else we will do today--I just want a fun and relaxing day!
  3. My oldest started staying home alone around age 10. My youngest is 3 and has never stayed home alone. He seems to think he has that option though lol He will beg and plead to stay home so he can keep playing!
  4. Would it be completely rude to ask how old you are?
  5. It's already 10:00 here and I have so many errands to run today GAH! Father's day gift pick up Grocery store--not just a few things, major shopping trip Pharmacy Carpet cleaning I need to get off this computer lol
  6. No I would not ask or expect him to commute that long for anything. He can get to his job in less than 10 minutes. That makes all of our lives easier. A house is a house, time with family--sorry to be cliche but it's priceless!
  7. I finally did a deep clean of the whole house that I had been putting off--kids helped :) Took the kids out for pizza Picked up a few groceries
  8. I have a load of towels next to me that need to be folded... Today #2 and I played outside all morning We all met my mom in town for lunch Took #1 to the library #2 and I have been watching cartoons or playing games this afternoon
  9. It is summertime. I am enjoying my kids. My house is not it's normal tidy right now. At a certain point in the day I put my pajamas back on. If you come over unannounced I make no excuses for anything.
  10. folded a load of laundry took the boys out to lunch came home and made water balloons and spent the afternoon playing outside
  11. The Roku 3 does have the History Channel on it. We don't have any kind of cable tv and we like it. There are some educational channels on it. There are quite a few universities that have channels. There's pbs and pbs kids, also. You can go to their website and check out the channels that they have and which device supports them. We use ours mostly to stream Netflix, Amazon, Youtube.
  12. If it was just a phone call I would say someone just has the wrong number but the email is weird unless your office has that voice mail to email thing.
  13. I don't think you have streaming on AM--it's a 30 day free trial http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=2965621011
  14. Laundry is going It's pouring down rain here May see if I have any takers to watch a movie in a bit
  15. The Three Musketeers! I love that book!
  16. Today I have to do the last minute running around for my niece's graduation. I kept telling myself do not wait til the last minute and with a couple of things I have waited UGGGG Take #1 to library
  17. Laundry done Hanging out with the boys and just enjoying the day 4H later this evening
  18. Alabama Moon The Big Green Goonies John Wayne movies/old westerns Holes The Sandlot Rudy Old Yeller Superman(the first one 1978) Jumangi The Tale of Despereaux Heavyweights Documentaries How It's Made Men at Lunch Any of the Ken Burns history documentaries Mythbusters Dirty Jobs
  19. I watched Saving Mr. Banks the other day. I loved it! I haven't been so moved by a movie in a very long time. Today: I have baked brownies. I have no motivation. I *have* to go to a 4H meeting in a little bit. I'd rather not go but I have to... Supper--spaghetti maybe The house is still relatively clean--I need to mop but it's not like we're sticking to the floors or anything ;)
  20. We have lived in our house 10 years. A couple of years ago we started getting mail from someone that had never lived here and wasn't a neighbor. I kept putting return to sender, not at this address on the mail. It stopped for awhile but started up again this week. Weird.
  21. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to but laundry is done and put away errands in town done The house is relatively clean Supper is going right now--bbq chicken, corn on the cob and watermelon
  22. I don't know what our public pre-k offers here. I have seen a few fb posts where moms are freaking out that their 4 and 5 year olds can't read or do math and they are panicking. That has been puzzling to me.
  23. A lot of 8 year olds stink!! My son asked for it around 8 or 9.
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