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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I need to do a couple loads of laundry--I'm debating whether that will happen today or tomorrow
  2. done except folding laundry and I even managed to re-organize the pantry!
  3. Ok today is the day--I have to get this house back in order. Fold laundry got another load going sweep, mop, vacuum entice children to dust clean bathrooms Supper ideas--it's too hot to eat!
  4. I don't think it ever becomes appropriate to discuss with another child a spiritual decision in a social setting. If you are the child's sunday school teacher or the parent has asked you to(I find that hard to imagine though) then ok because I would assume the parents are on the same page. I'm a Christian and I would be more than aggravated if someone wanted to discuss spiritual decisions with my children in a social context.
  5. Nothing laundry is still on my couch no supper cooked boys went to the grandparents for the day--I did feed them breakfast before they left
  6. I am just not doing all that great with tackling things lately! I did about 5 loads of laundry this morning. While I usually have no problem keeping up with that, today all the loads are still sitting on the couch. I don't see myself folding them tonight either... I did vacuum twice, play in the pool w/the boys and cook supper :D
  7. After being home again for 7 years I applied for a couple of positions and ended up w/2 interviews in one day! YIKES!! I survived, got called back and now I'm at the wait and see point. It looks promising. I get it though. I hate the whole process!
  8. During the school year it's in the 6:00 hour. This summer my little one has managed to sleep anywhere from 7-9:30. I've really enjoyed the 9:30 days!
  9. Today we had: Grilled pork chops, mushroom ravioli from trader joe's(it was really gross and I love mushrooms!), green beans and blackberries I have no idea about the rest of the week. We need to have one of those eat out of the freezer/pantry weeks before I buy anything else. I have chicken legs, thighs, ground beef and milanesa in the freezer Lots of pasta in the pantry So looking at that we'll probably have spaghetti, stir fry, taco/tex-mex, oven fried chicken Nothing exciting lol
  10. If I don't eat breakfast I can count on being sick the rest of the day Breakfast is usually one of these bacon and eggs sausage and eggs waffle and bacon or sausage kolaches(pigs in blankets) egg muffins--eggs cooked in muffin tin w/bacon or sausage and cheese pancakes or french toast--not that often though oatmeal--I like to cook it overnight in the crock pot I lean more towards a breakfast heavy on the protein.
  11. Breakfast is my favorite meal. I don't drink coffee.
  12. Back to our regular routine Laundry going Supper in the crock Need to vacuum and all that jazz...
  13. We got in last night from a mini vacation. I drove the whole time and I was/still am wiped out! I'm so glad I cleaned the house before we left. We put everything away when we got home last night so there is nothing that has to be done today YAY!! I plan on holding this chair to the floor and maybe watching some tv.
  14. When so many churches(and especially in our area) have basically become entertainment venues I don't think we are the ones that are luke-warm or slipping in our beliefs. One of the last churches we visited the pastor was so excited to share with us that they would be installing a strobe light to use during the 'worship' service. We never went back.
  15. We are Christian and have not attended a regular church service in about 6 years. Occasionally I miss it. We have been accused of all sorts of 'sins' since we don't attend. My thoughts are those that do that sort of accusing are very legalistic and have no idea what is in our hearts.
  16. Laundry going Swept, mopped and vacuumed bathrooms cleaned I need to run to walmart to pick up a soft cooler I ordered Swimming later tonight Packing for our upcoming overnight trip
  17. We ended up making sandwiches
  18. My house has started remarkably clean with everyone home this week! watching Veggie Tales w/#2 hopefully have the pool all set up and swimming later today--dh and #1 started setting it up last night I may bake some cookies May make taquitos for supper Need to fold that load of towels that have been in the dryer for a couple of days
  19. #1 I threw up everyday for 7 months, all day and night sick #2 lots of nausea but I only threw up once, more tired than sick second time around
  20. Not a whole lot planned today I have supper in the crock The house still looks good
  21. I think we may officially be on vacation now Laundry done and put away Kitchen cleaned House has stayed relatively clean today Made a grocery trip Finished my coke and #2 and I went for a bike ride ;) Supper?? Debating sub sandwiches or hamburgers--I'm leaning towards subs
  22. We're supposed to be on vacation but dh got called into work... After today he should be on vacation! I've got laundry going #2 wants to go for a bike ride I want to finish my coke ;)
  23. I'm 43 years old and today I am wearing denim winnie the pooh shortalls :) I really don't care what people wear.
  24. Trying for that easy day again ;) So far pretty good day. I saw that Target has oreos on sale. I have really been wanting some frozen oreos! I may have to make a run to Target.
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