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Everything posted by KRG

  1. Yes, and I have a little over $5 in my account with 6 receipts.
  2. I thought I read somewhere that they are getting married in Nov. I haven't watched the show in years... but if their name is in the news it catches my attention for various reasons...
  3. I'm still wondering why everyone thinks that everyone else should know that a 2 year old is going to grab(food off a plate). Yes, we all do because we are all parents but someone that does not have small children or is not around kids all day,every day just may not realize how fast they are. Also TX Roadhouse seems to be a pretty fast placed restaurant. I don't expect a whole lot of personal attention from the wait staff there.
  4. I spent the better part of the afternoon in town so we had ham and cheese sandwiches tonight.
  5. No ideas on saving $$ but Brookshires is a TX grocery store based out of Lufkin(East TX--about 150 miles from Sulphur Springs). It is very expensive but sometimes has decent sales. They have their own butcher shop so if you're inclined you can get really nice cuts of meat. Best wishes on moving and getting settled!
  6. I've never limited time in showers. I am done in about 10 mins with water running the whole time. Dh takes at least a 45 minute shower if not longer. #1 probably 20-30 minutes and #2 takes a bath--enough water to play and splash in. And we all bathe everyday.
  7. Oh boy here we go again... Why do we post something like this every year and proclaim our superiority as mothers because we homeschool? Good grief. My oldest went to school for 5 years. I danced down the hall after dropping him off at Kindergarten. 5 years later I danced down the hall because we were homeschooling. I was still the same mom and I still loved him all the same. Just because any of us do something different in the way of raising our kids it doesn't make us better than another mom. Whispers--I kind of wish a public school mom would post a picture of a doting homeschool mother and make mean comments about it--how would that make those of you so inflamed by this picture feel?
  8. If I never hear from someone and I don't find myself talking to them I will take them off my fb friend's list. A couple of times I have taken people off for rude and outrageous posts.
  9. Let's see... I didn't get the bathrooms cleaned yesterday so I did that first thing this morning Washing bathroom rugs Cleaned out the dishwasher--I think it was trying to create a new life form uggg never had that before! I'm going to run a vinegar rinse later today Take #1 to work in a bit Could really use some prayers today for a potentially serious fallout--thank you
  10. I was glad when #2 showed up 13 years later that I had kept all the Thomas the Train stuff, lincoln logs, legos and a couple of other toys. Getting rid of books has never been an option ;) So I imagine I will be keeping those same things for grandchildren. The only outfits I have kept are the ones they wore home from the hospital. I do have several baby blankets that were made by friends that I have kept, too.
  11. I was disappointed with my grocery shopping expenditure today. This is what I got before #2 child had almost reached his limit and it was time to go home--this means I will have to go back because I'm sure we can't live on just this next week... For $58 Watermelon 4lbs bananas 8 cups of muller yogurt--I choose convenience over price for dh's lunch $6 bacon 40 oz pkg 2 bottles of apple juice 2 gallons milk yes, it was $2.68/gallon ;) rice pkg of tortillas 1 lb tillamook cheese--manager special $2.99 paper towels bottle of tylenol--generic
  12. laundry going--hopefully it's the last load for this week! Need to clean bathrooms Errands in town Something for supper
  13. I'm so sorry. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.
  14. Went swimming with the family Supper--breakfast for supper Ordered the last bit of curriculum Ordered #2's bday present Another load of laundry going--swim stuff Going to get that vacuum out of the closet and do that I believe it's been a pretty productive day today :)
  15. I tackled the lego/train table. It feels so good to have that done!!
  16. Feel better Creekland DH is home today and miracle of miracles #2 slept in! We did not get up until almost 10 WOW!! It's thrown the whole day off but it was nice! I've got laundry going Dh and #1 had things to do in town so they did that and brought lunch home I need to make final decisions on the last of the curriculum purchases. I'm never this far behind but up until a few weeks ago we were still deciding if we would continue homeschooling this year. Supper I probably need to vacuum again ;)
  17. This! Just this weekend a man in his 40s drove into a parked/broken down vehicle on the side of the road--drove his car right underneath it and was killed. The news is filled with these kinds of stories ALL THE TIME! This happened a few miles from my house on a road I drive almost everyday--A couple of years ago a woman was texting and drove under a dump truck because she didn't realize he had stopped. Killed her, too. A couple of weeks ago I had a woman weave in and around the parking lot on the phone and come within inches of hitting me. Never noticed and kept weaving and driving like a lunatic in the parking lot. PEOPLE PUT DOWN THE DAMN PHONE there is no reason for driving and texting and imo no reason to be driving and talking on the phone either. Pull over and take care of all that if it is that important!! Can you tell you hit a hot button issue of mine??
  18. I ended up purging and cleaning #2's room. I was going to tackle the lego table but I've decided to do that another day. Dh is bringing home pizza for supper YAY!
  19. I will be cleaning out some 'friends' as well. A human being died and because he was famous people feel they can tear to shreds the details of his life and death. I just want to say everyone struggles with something, be kind!
  20. I guess we are taking it easy today I've made the bed and have some laundry going The boys went on bike rides and played outside until it got too hot We've played legos and watched a lot of TV today, too
  21. It would be nice. I doubt that it will happen. My fb feed/trending is already filling up with 'he was a coward' and 'this x,y,z group should be given as much suicide coverage as RW was'.
  22. We save our loose change. Our bank has a machine to deposit it in, you get a receipt and then turn it in for cash. We average about $100 or so dollars every year. Back to the ot, I like Heather's idea of Maya Angelou. I'll add Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan and I think it would be fun--Shirley Temple :)
  23. The year my oldest turned 12 I did a whole Hogwart's Letter for him. That was a lot of fun!
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