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Everything posted by KRG

  1. Done: school laundry vacuuming cleaning kitchen sweeping Supper is in the oven
  2. I saw the news yesterday. So very sad. He was one of our favorites.
  3. Definitely. I couldn't see the pic of your daughter--file not found.
  4. Prayers for you both, Lizzie and Amy. Amy my husband and I identify so much with this statement: 'We're pentecostal, but we don't feel that should be the emphasis of a church. We don't want to attend a church which teaches against it, but we feel we are very different in our focus and the purpose of the gifts of the Spirit. We approach the Bible much more intellectually and open minded than most pentecostals.' I was raised A/G. I miss a good church service. One day I hope we can find a good church home again. Today is: School Dishes are going Laundry is going I think that's about it. I am so ready for summer break!!
  5. I've had my dyson for 10 years now. I bought it as a refurb and I think I paid $260 for it. Definitely worth it to me. It is starting to age though and dh has started patching it up for me a couple of times this past year.
  6. As little as possible Done: Cooked breakfast Put together some snacky foods Dh is making a pizza now Bible stories w/#2 Watching lots of tv Need to do: ???
  7. Tammy the new pics of your grandbabies are adorable!! I can see you in the oldest little girl :)
  8. I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure I will be under-impressed. I never seem to have the same reaction to hyped up movies, books, etc that the majority of people do. Most of the time when everyone raves about something I tend to skip it because I know I will not have the same reaction.
  9. I guess my meal planning has turned into we eat what is on sale. I have a pretty well stocked freezer and pantry so that helps. I buy a lot of chicken and we eat chicken probably 3x/week but it's always cooked differently. Could you change the actual meal you are cooking but use the same ingredients? I hope you can find a solution that works for you.
  10. Lizzie thoughts and prayers for you and Rowan. I'm glad y'all made it back home safely. Today: I slept til 10. I felt horrible but I guess I needed the sleep. I got up, got going and took #2 to town to pick up a few things Dh and #1 mowed the yard Came home and cleaned out the garage Still to do: Make a run to the dump--cleaned out the garage Maybe out to lunch it's almost 2:00 and no one has eaten since breakfast.
  11. Check Woot. We got a refurbed Roku 3 for $60 a couple of months ago.
  12. Today we had school lite house is still in good shape #1 to library #2 and I went to walmart and the grocery store Need to: something for supper
  13. Somewhere I found some extra energy and did a whole house clean this afternoon--and I finally dusted lol. I guess it helps that the boys have been playing outside and entertaining themselves, too. It's been a wonderfully productive day here.
  14. Lizzie keeping you and your daughter in my thoughts and prayers Today we have: school laundry maybe 4H if it's not storming
  15. Got a couple loads of laundry done--folded and put away Supper is cooking Toys picked up Waiting for everyone to get home :)
  16. I don't look in my oldest's room. It's a battle I choose not to fight. He keeps it 'clean' to his standard and he does vacuum weekly. I do keep the youngest one's room clean.
  17. Oh no Tammy! Glad she is sending a new fridge! Today #1 is at the university. #2 and I ran errands w/my mom We've played inside and outside and I'm baking cookies now and he's watching cartoons.
  18. We are taking today off to relax at home. dh is home, too YAY! We had a great weekend out of town--visited museums, zoo, just a good family weekend. I had to run to the cleaners this morning and I also had to pick up some meds for #2. I plan on veggin' the rest of the day. I will probably cook something for supper--something easy :)
  19. Took #1 to the library #2 and I went to the dollar store for picnic supplies and then to the park for a little while Home again and the laundry is piling up--gotta get it folded and start packing! 1 load in the washer, 1 in dryer and 1 left to go. I'm doing all of my Monday laundry today because we are taking Monday off as well.
  20. Various magnets including a huge valentine monkey lol local emergency numbers a couple of pictures coupons for restaurants couple of recipes I've cut out a color block turkey that ds#1 colored when he was 5--after almost 12 years it's become a fridge staple lol
  21. Happy Friday everyone! Today School lite I have laundry going I've cleaned bathrooms and kitchen I've swept, mopped and vacuumed floors I've started folding laundry I think we'll be going out or ordering in supper tonight. We are going on a little road trip this weekend and I'd like to come home to a still clean house :) I still need to dust...I think that's my hated chore lol
  22. A basket of flowers and 2 lunch bags.
  23. Happy Birthday Mom in High Heels! Today I dropped #2 off at grandparents I went to walmart--it was crazy-busy Stopped and got lunch for #1. He did most of school last night. We finished up this afternoon. I've let my house kind of slide this week. I still haven't mopped or dusted...maybe tomorrow...
  24. I second the gel food coloring.
  25. Prayers for you Amy. I'm so sorry. and Jen, I don't know if you have tried this, but oldest niece has dsygraphia and uses blue-lined notebook paper and it helps her a lot. Just throwing that out there...
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