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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I got everything put back in the pantry! I'm debating tackling the freezer--might save that for next weekend though!
  2. Julie I hope everything is going to be ok with your fil. I got the bright idea to reorganize my pantry...I am overwhelmed--1 shelf down, food all over the kitchen counters...I will get it done!
  3. Krissi I hope your evening got better! Sorry you had such a stressful day! Supper done--I made chicken nachos Kitchen cleaned again The house is quiet #2 is almost asleep. #1 has wandered off to his room. I think I'm going to call it a night.
  4. Jean have you looked into YAY Math? #1 has struggled so much with math but these recorded classroom lessons are really helping and giving him a boost in Math. He's done AlgI and has just started AlgII and loves it. My child has never put math and love together in the same sentence!
  5. Happy Birthday Tammy! Amy congrats to your daughter on the ACT score! I finally gave in as I couldn't stand it anymore and cleaned this house. I'm feeling about 75% I grocery shopped this morning swept mopped vacuumed dusted bathrooms cleaned kitchen cleaned There's a load of laundry in the dryer but until I need something from it or need the dryer I'm leaving it there. I need to get something going for supper. We've had variations of breakfast the last 2 nights. I bought some chicken today so I'm thinking either stir fry chicken and lo mein, chicken nachos, chicken and pasta or omg chicken...decisions, decisions!
  6. laundry took #2 to grandparents #1 sick came home and took a nap I need to go pick up #2 supper--may have dh bring something home My house is in serious need of vacuuming...everything else is good though if I don't look too closely :)
  7. I've been sick since Sunday afternoon--sinus infection. Not a lot going on around here I've done a couple loads of laundry Everybody is fed School is done--#1 did half of school last night and finished up this morning Taking #1 to the library I hope #2 will agree to a quiet afternoon and cartoons I'm thinking bacon and eggs for supper.
  8. green beans and/or carrots and apple pie for dessert :)
  9. I took my little one to my parent's house. I ran errands in town--bank, walmart, grocery. Dh took #1 to work the library this afternoon so I've had a pretty quiet afternoon. Put a roast in the crock pot for supper House is still looking good :) Ready for the weekend!
  10. Jen, I'm sorry for your loss. My little perked up around noon. I'm not sure what was going on but I'm glad he got up and started playing. He is never quiet and still . He sat in the recliner or in my lap for about 4 hours this morning. My oldest did most of his school work last night because we were going to do things in town this morning but that didn't happen. We'll try and again tomorrow. We did get the house cleaned and laundry folded and put up. If the little one is still his happy self we're going to the Lego movie this afternoon.
  11. snuggling a somewhat puny and very quiet 3 year old. I'll clean next week.
  12. Lots of cramping akin to labor but lessened throughout the day. I was feeling ok by evening but definitely not wanting to go out to dinner.
  13. I call my parents mama and daddy #1 calls us Mom and Daddy #2 calls us Mommy and Daddy
  14. I'm not feeling very motivated in the house cleaning department today... I have started laundry made the bed cooked breakfast #1 is working on school #2 is playing I need to: sweep mop vacuum dust clean bathrooms supper--tacos tonight take #1 to 4H if it's not canceled due to weather
  15. Praying. I think maybe a trip to the ER is in order.
  16. Bozeman Science YAY Math Whatever else I can find that fits in with #1's courses. We like TedTalks a lot, too.
  17. I'm going to cook lunch at some point. Other than that I plan to hold the couch or recliner to the floor today.
  18. I'm never *dressed up* unless I have to be. Most days when dh gets home I am in jeans and a shirt. Somedays though when he gets home I am back in my pjs. He gets into his comfy clothes as soon as he walks in the door. Dressing up or down is just not an issue in our home. Comfort however, is big around here.
  19. Everything is in dollar store baskets. I also have one of those toy bins. I thought I would like it but I'm over having it in the way. I've asked Dh to start working on something like this: http://iheartorganizing.blogspot.com/2012/05/playroom-progress-bunch-of-baskets.html
  20. Saturday: I vacuumed and cleaned the vent fan in one bathroom Milled around the Goodwill store for a bit Ran into the grocery to get stuff to make cookies and lunch tomorrow Left to do: Make cookies Enjoy the day
  21. Prayers for you Jean Fridays are our 'easy' day. We had school lite--which today meant listening to Huck Finn I cooked breakfast I took the boys out for lunch Dropped #1 off at the library #2 and I have been making Valentine crafts most of the afternoon Quiet time now Still to do Fold a load of laundry Supper
  22. I don't know--we are lucky if we even get mail delivery 2 or 3 days out of the week. This has been going on for almost a year now. I've put something in the mail around 7 in the morning and not have it picked up til the next day.
  23. I was 40 and dh was 42 when our last one came along. It's not so much that being pregnant at 40 was a big deal--it's the growing older and still raising a child that is a concern for us. We both plan to be around for the long haul but there are no guarantees. No one has a guarantee but it is something that we have talked about in more detail than previously.
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