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Everything posted by KRG

  1. Today: laundry going dinner in crock pot grocery store trip done I still haven't organized the pantry. Maybe I'll do that today. I downloaded several free books from Kindle. I want to start one of those. House is still clean so nothing to do there Enjoy my family
  2. Grocery and household goods is 20%. I am working on cutting that down.
  3. Mine is similar to one posted above roast 1 pkg au jus sauce 1/3 pkg dry ranch dressing chile peppers--I put about 8 1 stick butter Place roast in crock pot, add dry mixes, top w/peppers and butter. Cook on low 6-8 hours. It is a huge hit in our house!
  4. This morning the little one and I went to visit my mom and dad for a couple of hours(they live 5 minutes from us). I took mom's dishes back from Christmas. Dh and I cooked lunch together. I need to vacuum since the kids tracked sand in a little while ago. I may do a load of laundry this afternoon, too. Cook supper. Enjoy my family.
  5. I thought I signed up for a NT Bible Gateway plan for the new year but I didn't get the email today. I'm going to sign up again.
  6. I've only transferred money from checking to savings. I have no plans to buy anything today.
  7. Well I went to the kitchen to make myself lunch and ended up cleaning out and organizing 2 more kitchen cabinets. Then I made cookies and later ended up playing on the sewing machine for awhile. Not a bad day at all--just not the one I envisioned :)
  8. I hope you are well soon, Jean. I think I am taking today off. There's nothing that has to be done today. The house is clean, food is accessible, dh is home. It's cold outside. It's warm inside :)
  9. I want to use up what we have in the freezer before I buy anything else and I want to really cut back on going out to eat. Hopefully this will help. I have sides to go w/everything, too...just didn't type it all out. 12/31 Homemade Pizza 1/1 Gumbo 1/2 Leftover Gumbo 1/3 BBQ Chicken Thighs 1/4 Fried Chicken Legs 1/5 Roast 1/6 Teriyaki Chicken Legs 1/7 Breakfast 1/8 Spaghetti 1/9 OMGG Chicken 1/10 Pork Chops 1/11 Chicken 'n Dumplings 1/12 Meatloaf 1/13 Spinach/Chicken Enchiladas 1/14 Chicken Taco Soup 1/15 Pork Stir Fry
  10. So far: Breakfast made Laundry started--1 load folded and put away and one still going Floors Mopped Trip to drop off donations Trip to dump Yesterday I got the kitchen cabinet cleaned out and we took all of the Christmas decorations down. I think I vacuumed 4 times yesterday. No more vacuuming lol ;) Maybes for today: Trip to Hobby Lobby to look for some winter decorations. Our house looks empty! Straighten up the pantry. It's not bad but it wouldn't hurt to give it a little attention
  11. With my first I was bleeding heavily around 14 weeks. It was the weekend and he had me go to the ER. I had placenta previa and was on modified or complete bed rest the rest of the pregnancy. With my last I started bleeding around 8 or 9 weeks. It was before I had even been to the dr. My appt was scheduled for the next week. I went to the ER on my own. The bleeding was not bad but I was convinced I was miscarrying. I had lost one in between w/no bleeding. Turned out to be nothing but the bleeding did coincide with the same time my period would have been due. My dr. said sometimes there is some break through bleeding around the time a period would be due. He did an ultrasound but would have done one anyway because it was my first appt and I was AMA.
  12. The little one and I went to walmart this morning so he could use his gc from his aunt and uncle. I picked up a few things as well as material to make more dinner napkins. I've done this before but I really want to get back into using cloth napkins. I went through my clothes and 2 boxes of 'what in the world is in here' boxes that dh set on my side of the closet I really want to work on the one kitchen cabinet that gives me grief but that may have to wait until tomorrow I need to make the bed. I found a couple of sheet sets that I had forgotten about in above mentioned boxes :) I need to think of something for dinner or maybe treat the kiddos to pizza tonight
  13. I'm not but dh cleaned out the bedroom closet today. He said he's going to tackle the bathroom cabinet tomorrow. I wonder if I can inspire him to clean out the kitchen cabinets...
  14. My 3 year old loves these: Train table Nerf gun Remote control car Legos Candy Land
  15. Let's see...I'm late getting to this but so far today I have: vacuumed cleaned bathrooms cleaned kitchen laundry I need to: do another load of laundry maybe a quick trip to the grocery store I kind of want to go to Hobby Lobby
  16. My mom was insistent that once little ones were here that everyone be in in their own homes for Christmas day. I am so thankful that she felt that way and it has never been an issue. My mother in law doesn't speak to us and we haven't seen her in over 10 years but not because of holiday stuff so that works out as well... We just have Christmas either right before or right after with my family. This year we had it the Saturday before Christmas. I would just tell them that the kids are growing up and you would like to be home for Christmas day from now on and you will make arrangements to visit them at other times before or after the holiday. It's not worth being so stressed out that you can't enjoy the day. ((hugs))
  17. I think everything was a hit here. I found a 2 car rc set at CVS and I think it was the biggest hit! My boys are 16 and 3 and they played together with those all day long! Legos of course were another big hit for the 3 year old, Spiderman, Judge Dredd comic books and t-shirts were big with the 16 year old. Dh built us a new dining table--I love it!! Major hit with me :)
  18. I need to do a load of laundry but after that movies games enjoy my family
  19. cereal or oatmeal for breakfast or eggs and toast sandwiches and leftovers for lunch rotisserie chickens and a bag 'o salad for dinner, spaghetti is inexpensive, soup, chili, meatloaf, anything you can put in a crock pot
  20. I will remember why I haven't made fudge the past few years...Sugar overload uggg
  21. Merry Christmas! Get up--done Breakfast-done Lunch started--done--it's just us so I put a roast in the crock w/hot peppers. It's one of our favorite meals Enjoy my family Watch movies
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