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Everything posted by KRG

  1. It's snowing here again! Have I mentioned I live in SE Texas?!?! I have laundry to do but holding off to get all the wet clothes from the boys playing outside School--it's not snowing enough to call a snow day ;) Vacuuming that I didn't do last night Something for supper--I have some soup in the freezer that I will probably take out
  2. Jean will you share the artichoke and spinach gratin recipe?
  3. I would definitely go w/a pantry over a coat closet. We have a nice pantry--it's not walk-in but I can't imagine not having it. Even our coat closet in the entry has turned into storage--board games and holiday decorations. We have hooks on the other side of the entry for coats--of course I live in TX and other than this year we rarely have a need for coats!
  4. Amy, I'm so sorry. Today: School We met Dh for lunch today Took #1 to library #2 and I went to the dollar store Spent afternoon playing w/#2 Taking a break now I need to: maybe vacuum--it's not bad but either tonight or tomorrow maybe supper--late lunch usually means no supper
  5. We all went out to a late lunch today so that usually means no one wants supper. In case they do I'll make goulash or we also have leftover meatballs and broccoli rice cheese casserole from the last 2 nights.
  6. Yesterday was my big cleaning day. Today I've: made the bed breakfast took #2 to grandparents a couple of loads of laundry we are in the middle of school--lunch break now I need to get something together for supper Pick #2 up from grandparents Take #1 to 4H later today
  7. (((Hugs))) Amy. That is a beautiful picture. You are all still in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. Has anyone heard from Amy? Today I cooked breakfast, lunch and went to the grocery store. I was just going to do a quick shopping trip for lunch stuff but the weather here turned nasty and the store was empty so I took advantage of walking down the aisles by myself and did a 2-week grocery run. That's about it for today.
  9. I try to have all the housework, schoolwork, etc. done by Friday. My house gets a deep cleaning one day a week and of course we keep up daily cleaning of the house--vacuuming, dishes, laundry and putting it up, etc. On the weekends I cook 2 or 3 good meals and then I just want to veg. I feel like I put in a full week and I need some down time. Our 3 year old keeps us plenty busy so it's not like we are all just laying around lol Yard work is done on the weekend but dh and ds1 keep up with that and right now the yard is in it's non-growing season. They will probably have to start mowing again in the next few weeks. When we put the spring garden in we'll all be out working in that. I want the weekend to be as carefree as it possibly can be for all of us.
  10. I haven't watched a superbowl since I was a kid at home. My husband does not watch sports either so it's just a regular Sunday around here.
  11. I could have written that post almost word for word except mine will be 17 this year and he works at the library. I try not to think too hard about it and that it is part of life. But I can be in tears in just moments thinking that one day soon our dinner table will be 3 instead of 4...
  12. Last year we bought a Serta icomfort gel mattress and box spring or foundation--whichever it requires. I love this mattress! It is the only set we have ever bought that I have recommended to anyone. It is so comfortable and worth the money we spent on it.
  13. Praying for you and your family, Amy.
  14. This website is great! http://www.yaymath.org/
  15. Not too busy of a day here--house is still looking good School is done I've done a load of laundry and folded it 4H tonight something for supper
  16. 2nd Jeanne Robertson and Miss Congeniality. Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan both have funny stand up routines.
  17. Ice day here. House is still clean :) I canceled school Kids are playing Dh is working from home Not a whole lot to tackle. I've enjoyed catching up with friends on fb this morning :) Amy, praying for your family. How are you feeling today?
  18. In general, I may be alone in this but our local walmart is great about customer service. I've had employees go to the back to get things for me. Once I had a coupon for free wholly guacamole. The shelf was empty but the employee working in produce went back and got every flavor they had in stock so I could choose. I've had other encounters like this at our walmart, too. I don't have a problem with return there either. If I paid cash I am getting cash or store credit back. If I used a credit card the charges will be reversed. Amazon Rainbow Resource Jif Peanut Butter Starbucks These are companies that I have had to contact customer service in the last year.
  19. I use leftover beans to make bean and cheese burritos. They make a great breakfast. I mash the beans, add cheese and roll up in a flour tortilla. I freeze them and then heat up for easy breakfasts. Like a previous poster I put sausage links w/beans. A friend of mine used to cut up velveeta and add it to leftover beans and add a can of rotel, too. It was pretty good--very cheesy!
  20. Amy, I hope you are feeling better soon. Today I have: made bed cleaned kitchen swept and mopped swept out garage dusted entire house laundry--last load in dryer--all other loads folded and put away cleaned bathrooms paid bills school supper in crock pot To do: Vacuum--toys abound at the moment :)--and now that's done.
  21. The most I ever spent on a b-day was probably about $300--it was a magic show and pizza for 30 kids and parents when my oldest turned 9. We got a discount on the magician because we were on his route to somewhere else. Most b-days are family parties with lunch(usually fried chicken or pizza) homemade cake and ice cream. I probably spend less than $100 for those.
  22. Supper is in the crock pot--roast Got energetic and made muffins--I need to put the last batch in the oven I may run down to the convenience store and pick up a paper last night I swept and vacuumed so the only thing that needs cleaning is the bathroom and it can wait until tomorrow Relax the rest of the day
  23. cooked breakfast went to the grocery store had lunch out w/family I think I'm done for today :)
  24. We gave ours up, too. The only calls we ever received were telemarketers. All of us except the 3 year old ;) have a cell phone.
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