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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. I agree...such pressure of looming judgement.
  2. What works for me is to say "for every one book I get rid of I get to keep five or ten"...it depends how much I'm trying to purge! Eta: we take ours to half priced books or other used book store.
  3. I was going to post almost exactly the same thing...especially the bolded.
  4. When I put stuff in my jars I cut the instructions/ingredient list off the bag or box and either put it in the container or tape it to the outside. The times I forget it's like "I think this might be cream of wheat. I wonder how to make it?"
  5. We also use something similar for art and craft supplies. I have things sorted by their function. One drawer for anything that cuts, one drawer for watercolors, one drawer for all types of tape etc. If I had another I'd keep paper sorted by color.
  6. It's the weekend!!

  7. whiney adults...arrrggg...

  8. This is us...exactly. I answered no because it does really depend. We were going to take a trip for our 20th while our kids were at camp but alas this is the one year that camp was cancelled! Oh well!
  9. Volunteering to see that one has it good sort of misses the mark and can set up a "my life is better than theirs" situation. Comparing life situations is the original issue so...I don't know how to explain myself. I guess it just seems like it would just perpetuate that what you have is defining in some way. Just my (possibly incoherent) two cents...
  10. Would a magnet work? I think there are strong telescoping magnets for retrieving lost screws etc. If that's too straight maybe a strong doughnut shaped magnet securely tied to a long string? I'd be concerned about leaving it in there too. Good luck.
  11. If we do vitamix soup that has any water in it I heat the water in my kettle so it doesn't need to blend so long. For me that seems to help with the frothy thing.
  12. We have found odd little stops using the Roadside America website. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/location/
  13. I've seen nylon cord hold up well. I love the way yarn bombing looks but agree it needs to come down before it looks saggy and grungy!
  14. In public high school we read Deliverance. Ick.
  15. What a great game and series! :party: :party:
  16. Carbona Stain Devil #9 is for rust. http://www.carbona.com/sd_new_chart.pdf I've not used the one for rust but all the others I've used have worked perfectly.
  17. I'm stalling and wishing I didn't need to grocery shop but I need a dish to pass at noon tomorrow. **sigh**

  18. Ack! Just reading that made my skin crawl. When the kids were little I changed out pencils quite often so I never dealt with young kids using short or eraser-less pencils. If we went to a museum I'd buy new souvenir pencils and we'd switch to using those. If they received a pencil for a prize we'd use those etc. I would take the partly used pencils as my own and use them up.
  19. :iagree: :iagree: Also, won't there be bees and flies? I can't help picturing a bunch of sticky, sugary kids running madly away from bees. (I'm not a big fan of eating outdoors) My local grocery store's bakery section sells their cupcakes frozen. I've bought the mini size on the way to an event and they've been fine. I think anything but whipped cream could freeze well. If you really must add the frosting onsite, I would bring it in the cooler already in a piping bag (or ziploc with the corner cut off) and quickly pipe the frosting on myself. (While someone stands guard for bees of course. :D )
  20. :iagree: I prefer pencil to pen. I think I only use pen for checks and addressing envelopes. I like to use up pencils completely. Reading that some of you throw away eraser-less pencils made me gasp. :scared: The paper mate cap erasers really do work great and last.
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