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Everything posted by rocassie

  1. I voted other, because I probably wouldn't as I don't like them and their permenance. However, there would be some circumstances that I may choose to give a tatoo as a gift. Not prior to them being legal though.
  2. I hear ya! A couple things that have helped (or at least minized the whining) now that my kiddos are older (6, 8,& 10) - one night a week, each gets to pick a meal (that hasn't already been made that week) and help me or DH prepare it. There are one or two meals that EVERYONE likes - I try to do one of these once a week if one of the kids doesn't pick it for their meal. Keep a few things around that the kids can help themselves if they don't like what's for dinner - fresh veggies, fresh fruit, yogurt, nuts, cheese. If dessert is made (which is maybe once a week,) it is part of dinner (and it's generally a dinner everyone likes but isn't necessarily a favorite). If you do not wish to eat the dinner that was made, you are choosing to forego dessert as well. In general I love cooking, but I do not like cooking for my children. Their food preferences are a pet peeve of mine. I'm thankful that I don't have to deal with any dietary restrictions and overall the kids eat pretty well, but I am NOT a short order cook. :)
  3. Many, many marriages fail - young and old alike. The common factor I see (IRL) in the majority that have been successful is having supportive friends and family that don't bail on them. Good marital counseling can also really benefit this young couple. If the marriage ends up failing, it won't be because you were supportive during the whole wedding/marriage process. However having support during their struggles because let's face it all marriages have struggles, may make the difference in this young couple succeeding. Good luck! You are in a tough spot. :grouphug:
  4. I generally try to have people over once or twice a month. My mom never allowed us to have friends over (control issues for her). Because of this (and other things) she was not aware of who are friends were or what we were doing with said friends. I want my children to feel comfortable having friends over, and I would like to know my kiddos' friends. Sometimes it is hard for me or I've noticed that I haven't extended an invitation in awhile, but it is important to me for my kids not to feel isolated. However, we are RARELY ever invited to anyone's home. I'm sure it is a mydriad of reasons. So I don't think it's that uncommon for families to choose not to entertain guests.
  5. My nephew was in town for Christmas. He is really great about balancing time with family vs. friends. Generally early afternoon through dinner he spends with family and post dinner is reserved for friends. He is really great about balancing his time. Granted his girlfriend lives where he lives which is a plane ride away so holidays at this point are all about family and friends. We make an effort to see him and make him aware that we do want to see him and spend time with him, but we remain flexible and don't act all put out if he also spends time with friends while we are visiting. I know he appreciates the desire his family has for wanting to see him and be with him, but not feeling pressured to spend all his time with us.
  6. Wallet, keys, "extra" wallet with store cards, change purse, pen (or 3), lotion, chapstick, kleenex pack, and knitting project. My knitting project generally comes out when I get home, but there is usually something in there in case I need to kill time. If I go somewhere specific, like the grocery store or bank, I will have those things, but otherwise I really try to keep my purse to a minimum. Now I do keep several things in my van just in case. Not a sewing kit though.
  7. Why the tears? Dramatics, overwhelmed, response to release "negative" emotions, etc. With one of my daughters, she ONLY breaks down into tears when she is overwhelmed. I try to have patience but I will admit that I sometimes overreact. I go back, apologize, and then we brainstorm together to better the issue. Bathrooms were giving us trouble. She didn't like having to go back and "correct" problems. I realized that she didn't quite understand all of my expectations. We worked together maybe 3 or 4 times, and then she was good to go. Basically I stood at the door and just instructed her. She was happy to do what I told, and I gave her hints to help her know whether she "cleaned" all the areas. By the last time I "supervised", I had her do one area, checked that area, gave encouragement on what she did well and gave helpful suggestions on what she missed or could do better. My other daughter, cries to release stress or overwhelming emotions. She just gets to cry and then get down to business. I try to determine whether I just need to let her cry or address a problem. Again, I am not perfect. She is 10 and is in the throes of pre-puberty. Sometimes she cries if you look at her wrong. Patience is a virtue for a reason. :001_rolleyes: Parenting is a learning process for sure.
  8. At my house it's usually 1 day onset, 2-3 days of full symptom, and then 1-4 days of diminishing symptoms depending on how well the sufferer can sleep. As long as the symptoms peak at a short duration and then diminish, we don't go to the doctor. As of yet, I haven't ever needed to take my kiddos in for a cold but we are in general good health.
  9. We have played tickle monster; chased by a dinosaur, lion, bear, monster, etc.; hide and surprise; and octopus. My kiddos like to "get caught", tickled, and be surprised as well as doing the surprising. As long as everyone is having fun, it will continue. It is always light hearted and playful, and never meant to make the kids ever feel unsafe or afraid.
  10. Our Toys R Us has them, but I prefer the choices on Amazon. I will say they are very sturdy and well made, and they pay attention to detail.
  11. Yes. I met most of the requirements, probably about 90%. I didn't lie, but was very upfront about willing to learn. I did get the job, but only months after applying. The company actually had a really difficult time filling the position because what they were requiring did not align with current market salaries. In addition, they were a small company so no growth in terms of career advancement. Several people declined the job offer for these very reasons. Six months after I submitted my application, they called and asked for an interview. I went and they offered the job to me directly following the interview. I really enjoyed working there and the company culture was a great fit for me. That 10% of the requirements that I didn't have experience didn't greatly affect my job performance. It was quite easy to learn, and by the time I left 7 years later, those programs and regulations were obsolete.
  12. As long as all requirements are met I know many seniors that have a light spring semester or even graduate in December. I do know some that have had their college acceptance revoked due to poor grades or not obtaining certain credts that spring semester because the acceptance was contigengent on the acceptee fulfilling these obligation the last semester.
  13. A few ideas: ornament or small decoration small plant slipper socks flowers wine tea Christmas cocktail napkins A card with a bookmark tucked in
  14. It depends on our relationship and whether they have stayed with me prior. New overnight house guests, yes! At least once or twice a year, we have family and close family friends as overnight guests. I've learned habits over the years. DH or I always set the automatic coffee maker for 7am, set out cups, sugar, dry creamer, and a note to help themselves to half&half from the fridge the night before. Next to that I place a bowl of bananas, oranges and apples, and a plate of covered muffins. A new guest, I still do the above, but I also get up about 6:45am. The night before I let guest know that coffee and such will be ready at 7am and to please help themselves. They are more than welcome to turn on the TV, take a morning shower, etc. I make sure to show them before sleep. On the fly guests have been very appreciative and respectful, and I try to make them feel comfortable in an otherwise awkward situation. Thankfully I have never had obnoxious, rude, or demanding guests. At worst it is awkward and tiring, but usually I am glad to have the visit or be of help to someone.
  15. My preference is ski pants as they are more flexible to me, and I like them with room to wear layers underneath. Here the snow is fairly light and dry so water resistent is fine for me. I wear mine while walking, ice skating,or sledding. I have them as an added layer of warmth as it gets pretty cold here. I like the pants as a layering piece because when I'm not at home, I want to be able to take the ski pants off like when I am driving. Hope this helps.
  16. My DH is a light sleeper and morning person so we have the opposite here in my house. Maybe trade off based on what is causing the resentment - DH takes Saturday mornings to do whatever (sleeping in) while you get Saturday early afternoon (evening, whatever works) to do what you want. Another thing that has worked for us is DH does breakfast- cooking and cleaning up on Sat morning and I do dinner and cleaning up Sat evening. Sorry you are feeling resentful. I've been there - the million wake ups my babies did to nurse during the evening/night hours while DH got to relax and sleep. It was for a season, but I also talked to DH about needing some concentrated "down time" not just an hour here or there. I did have to broach the subject though because he was oblivious. He knew I was up a lot, but didn't "know" how it was affecting me.
  17. What about Jameson - Caskmates or 18yr? I too like Jameson, and I appreciate a "finer" or "special" edition, especially as a gift because it isn't my "everyday". I find the two I mentioned to have a bit more depth than regular Jameson with a more mellow, smooth feel in the mouth.
  18. With my 10yo, we went to Target and bought the soft, cozy bralette-I can't remember the brand. I believe it came in a pack of 3. I bought one pack so she could try them out. She really liked them so we went back and bought a few more packs because she wanted to wear them at night too. My DD is just at the beginning stages, but she came to me and said she was really sensitive and just wearing a shirt or having her blankets hurt. Off to the store we went the next day.
  19. Oh, I agree no bubbles needed, but I got some clean (way over clean) dishes by letting them "play" in the soapy water. :)
  20. 1. Caribbean cruise 2. Mountain location for hiking 3. Wine tour 4. Rome, Italy 5. London 6. Hawaii Whatever we planned; it would need good food, time to relax and rejuvenate, and then some fun experiences. We would try and pick one or two experiences we would both enjoy, and then we would each pick out an activity/experience that may not be high on the others to do.
  21. Pipe cleaners and pony beads pattern activities - we have unifix cubes. I made about 10 different patterns and then asked my three year old to copy them. Magnets and metal ring bingo chips-I made many different actitivities with these. Many times my son wanted to sort them by color into different containers and then pick them all up with magnets scissors, paper, and glue. sinkful of soapy water washing all the plastic wear- I generally laid towels down on the floor and the counter top, set a chair on top of the towels, and let the kid enjoy themselves. Following the fun in the water (I swear my son would be content for at least an hour), we would use the wet towels to "mop" the floor.
  22. My two rules when it comes to stockings - 1. It must fit inside (which my DH bemoans because he overbuys due to forgetting all the things we've already gotten.) 2. We have a $20 limit on stocksings stuffers not counting any handmade things I make throughout the year. Some of my go to items to put into them: Handknit socks and/or hat Lip Balm Notepad Fun Pencils or Gel Pens Stencils Stickers Toothbrush Small Craft Project Small Lego set or Lego Figures Hot Chocolate packet Christmas Candy - one or two things
  23. I didn't notice any, but it was dark. There were several houses that handed out non-candy items - pencils, toothbrush, stickers, temporary tatoos, popcorn, chips, quarters, and bubbles. I don't know if they were allergy concious, but it's definitely nice for the kids to get some things other than candy. I do know the house that hands out toothbrushes is a dental hygenist because she works at my dentist's office, and the house that hands out chips works for Frito-Lay. We used to have someone in the neighborhood that worked at Pepsi, and he would hand out mini bottles of pop.
  24. I do both. Crochet came easier to me, but I have a bigger passion for knitting. I think choosing the one you WANT to learn the most may be helpful. Although if you learned to crochet a long time ago, it may surprise you how fast it comes back. When I taught my DD to knit, I had her learn by knitting a washcloth, kind of sampler style. The project was manageable, and she was able to get really comfortable with the variety of ways to combine knit and purl stitches. Good luck and I hope you find a great social outlet. :)
  25. For me, physical attrativeness is directly related to my emotional/mental attractiveness towards a person. There have been people I meet, who I would say are very beautiful/handsome/attractive according to cultural standards today. However, the more I got to know them, the more I started to notice little flaws/imperfections/unattractive facial expressions. On the other hand, I have several friends who upon meeting them, I thought they were pleasant, unremarkable even plain, but then as I got to know them better I started to see their twinkling, bright eyes or full welcoming smile. Aging is a reality. Men and women both change physically, women more dramatically as a result of pregnancy/birth and menopause. There is no way I could go back to my pre-pregnancy body - I would have to starve myself and my hips and ribcage would still not be pre-pregnancy. I went from being fairly thin and straight to a whole lot of curves. It makes me sad when people put physical appearance as the top attractor. For me, I know the physical attractiveness towards my spouse has waxed and waned over the years, but the root of that is not the physical changes but how emotionally healthy our marriage is during that time.
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